Wednesday, September 27, 2023

~ Your unique map for abundant money is already in your Soul ~

Your unique map for abundant money is already in your Soul

You come into physicality with your life all mapped out in your Soul. 

The energy of money is a part of that map.

The worlds money enslavement, poverty, lack and scarcity models INHIBIT the true abundance of your Soul from manifesting.

Stop functioning with money in the way that the world wants you to.

Get free with God on the inside.

With God, of God, through ARE abundance. 

It is your right. It is WHO you are.

Money is a river flow of Abundance.

Just as your Creative energy is endless and abundant.

In Christ Money Portal you come into spiritual alignment with your Soul's map for money.

You then receive guidance from God internally in how to implement financial moves, investments, buisness plans, career moves... in your life.

This will also be your next level of global impact purpose work.

Read more and join Christ Money Portal here.  


Spiritual Healer, Abundance Guide and Sacred Marriage Mentor through the Peace of God

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