Sunday, September 24, 2023

I think being your natural self should be normal

 I really think it should just be normal for everyone to be able to be their natural self.

If this resonates for you, it means you want to be MORE of who you NATURALLY are

What confiscated your ability to be your natural self?

Who or what PULLED you away from being sound in your body?

These levels can be hard to tune into, because these pulls, drags, stealings, confiscations of the natural self... occur in the SUBTLE energy realms.

Everything can LOOK just peachy perfect to the outside world.. but YOU KNOW how you feel inside you.

And that is a very, very good thing!!

If you feel like you are missing from yourself, if you feel like certain people (most often a parent, a sibling, a partner, a religious leader, or other authority figure) took your power away from you when you were small and usually its STILL HAPPENING as an adult, it doesn't even matter if they are dead now! You 100% CAN with a capital C reclaim your SELF back to your SELF now!

By God, you CAN.

If you like, I can help you do this. I can help you LIVE as your fun, bright, happy, safe and FREE self now.

Christ Money Portal is indeed a magical container where you open your heart to Christed Abundance Flow.

It is NOT religious. Though, if you connect with Christ THROUGH Christianity or any other religion, that is wonderful too!

I know Christ directly spiritually. He works through me. Along with my other incredible guides and Masters.

I work only through the Peace and Light of the Most High. This is my path.

All mischievious entities who attempt to thwart humanity's ascension journey STOP and go away from the light of God.

This is EXACTLY why I am able to help people retrieve, heal and recover their lost self...the holy self ! I live as light in the subtle realms. I identify as a Peace of God.

I write this feeling fear that I'll be perceived as arrogant, and I'm absolutely SURE that some will. But write I must :) It's my job.

So...back to Christ Money Portal !

This is a year long membership with me to open your heart as basically a portal of love, a portal of peace, a portal of abundance.

You will graduate out of relating with money...or people...or your spouse...or children...or work....through a lens of lack, fear, doubt, scarcity, survival, escapism...etc.

And you will find yourself relating with life, people, work, money...THROUGH the lens of Christ Consciousness.

These are literal and real Christ Money Abundance Codes.

I feel a completion now with this transmission :)

If you want to keep reading more about the Christ Money Membership and all of the incredible, life-changing results you will have, you can read and join at my website here.

If you would love a free chat with me to ask more questions, there is also a link on my website to book a zoom call.

In so much joy,
Katie Awake
Peace of God Healing

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