Friday, September 29, 2023

sales results go boom ❤️❤️❤️

It took me a while to actually have real belief that my creative Soul business coaching could get my clients sales results !

It felt SO different creating business structure & offerings by allowing God to work through me.. 

Rather than following business molds on the outside 

My confidence in my clients results keeps growing because they have them! Lol 

I literally cry tears of joy when my clients have..

❤️Started selling $2000 healing transformation programs (rather than hourly)

❤️Attracted healthy, stable, kind men as their now boyfriends & husband's 

❤️Taken their first leap into offering their intuitive healing services for money 

❤️Created healthy boundaries with their parents & siblings, and launched their own Soul led businesses (see how inner boundaries allows the self space to flourish creatively & financially?)

I LLOOVVEE helping sensitive, intuitive women establish space & trust in themselves !

So that they can actually hear, listen to, & follow their own inner voice to sculpt their life!! 💙🧡❤️💜🩷💚🙏

In Christ Money Portal you get to know the real energy of Money that you were born with in your Soul. Along with your Soul's blueprint for your life & specific ways that you are here to share your Soul's creative gifts. 

Message me on facebook or reply to this email for more details about joining Christ Money Portal today! You can be on your first call with us as soon as Wednesday 

Healer through the Peace of God 

#love #Soul #healing 

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