Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Money is a symbol of your inner Spiritual Wealth ✨️

Christ Money Portal. Women remembering their wombs & hearts as their Source of Wealth from within. 

Women, you are the Christ. 
Men, you are too.
The second coming is all of us realizing who we actually are. 

Money is your womb; your portal of creation. 

We are living, endless portals of prosperity! 

You were BORN with a blueprint of success from Godess. 

In Christ Money Portal with me for a year, you birth your own Wealthy Goddess self into the world. 

Shame, insecurity, inadequacy, lack, feeling voiceless, money scarcity, powerlessness, helplessness are incorrect. 


I have 2 spaces open to join by Friday this week. 

Allow the release of all that you are not; allow the unfolding of your heart's love, desires & riches into your physical life. The physical realm mirrors how much of your innate love, holy & rich consciousness you allow to be free. 

Detailed directions of what to do & how to do it come from your innate masculine God aspect. This is also within you & you need to practice trusting it! 

In Christ Money Portal I help you birth your feminine goddess self, re-establish trust between your inner feminine/masculine aspects, and allow yourself to be led by your masculine God energy inside. He's the one that puts your work out into the world & makes you gobs of money. By doing what you're GREAT at as a Woman. 

Allowing your Spirit to move within & abundantly in the world helps entrepreneurs, corporate leaders, stay at home moms & their partners income... God & abundance are infinite & magical. Abundance is meant to overflow. 

It hurts if you are unconsciously stopping the flow!! Know what I mean?? 

You don't have to hide or withhold your genius anymore. Time for engines on, all systems go, Christ Money River flowwwwwww ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ™

Read more & join Christ Money Portal here before Friday 10/20 ๐Ÿ’™๐ŸŒŠ๐Ÿ™

Film photography by my dear husband Ross Perry ✨️

Spiritual Wealth Midwife ๐Ÿ’š

#love #prospers #now #iloveyou

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