Sunday, October 29, 2023

Women are multi-focus, creative wizards !

I don’t like seeing women make fun of themselves for being multi-focus, creative wizards.

Women, this is our natural feminine energy flow.

We actually thrive when we have 7 projects in process simultaneously.

Men complete one task at a time all the way through to completion, and that is perfect for men.

Women will have multiple folders open that they are working on spirally. 

Making 10% progress on one creative endeavor, 20% progress on another ... and so on.. day after day, each one an endless expression of creative inspiration!

Your creative energy flow knows the bigger grand vision that is being made through you.

Trust that each step you are guided to take on each one of the 7 projects you are working on is perfectly bringing into form your Soul’s grander vision... all of the time.

You are an endless flow of energy ✨️๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿงก❤️๐Ÿฉท๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’™✨️ with no beginning or end

Enrollment is open for Christ Money Portal ๐ŸŒŠ๐ŸŒŠ๐ŸŒŠ

Christ= your Christed self
Money= your inner Spiritual wealth
Portal= your heart chakra

In this portal with me, men & women reclaim their own bodies as holy, their energy as their own source of wealth & their natural gifts as the creative content of their businesses.

Read more and join here lovely Soul! I am PUMPED to help you be in an abundant river flow with your work and money. As of today, I have 7 spots open. You can be on your first live call with us as soon as Wednesday!

In love & abundance,

#love #money #flow #endlessstream

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