For SO MANY YEARS I made things harder than they needed to be.
Friday, November 26, 2021
Saturday, October 2, 2021
On becoming resilient & unf*ckwithable inside.
On the process of becoming resilient & unf*ckwithable inside.
It is actually a choice. Though it won't feel like one at first, or for a while. Depending on our early life self-value programming.. how we were or weren't listened we were or weren't we were or weren't TRULY SEEN... what patterns of self-value we mimicked from the adults around us ALSO... we bring in patterns of self-value from past lifetimes that will also need clearing. So, when we can look at our patterns of HOW WE SEE OURSELF, without judgement, without condemnation, without wishing it was different, without blame... just allowing our self concept to BE AS IT IS. Well, then, we have something to work with! What I suggest is GETTING TO KNOW the energetic experience within yourself. Pay attention WITHIN to feel, see & know HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT YOURSELF. Without judgment. Just let the energies BE AS THEY ARE. The more neutral self-observation the better. This process of observing your inner terrain of how you interpret EVERYTHING! This will show you the inner valleys, mountains, rivers and dark nooks of how your inner self functions. Before you can upgrade, you have to be with how things are. Notice what little life experiences, conversations, comments from others, triggers... effect your sense of self inside. Remember all energy is just energy: neutral. The reactions you may feel inside increasing or decreasing your sense of self worth are ALL OK AND NEUTRAL. The interpretations you give inner reactions are also neutral. There is no good or bad inner state. Even that pesky reaction many of us have of dipping into feeling we're no good. So...have I made my point? All energy states inside, all reactions, all interpretations of SELF are ok and neutral. Now comes the fun part. As you bring the light of your own consciousness to these energetics within THEY NEUTRALIZE, ALCHEMIZE aka HEAL. Sunflowers naturally turn towards the sun and so do you. Remove the shackles of your own judment of YOURSELF, quit copying how any bullies or meanies or abusers treated you and RISE. They were wrong about you. Let your Soul naturally turn towards the SUN, the way you naturally do. Allow the effortless sunrise of your Soul. Into freedom, into free expression, into dance, into song, into rest, into steps of caring for yourself, into being you in your relationships, into creation of soul led business...into IT ALL. It gets easier and easier to CHOOSE to not let self-worth dip into the dark inside, choose to keep it high. CHOOSE to not let outer influences, especially negative ones who actually do want to pull you down, affect you anymore. After a while those old tethers just aren't there anymore. If you resonate with my energy, I do currently have 3 spaces open for SOUL SUNRISE :) This is a 6 month 1:1 quantum healing & coaching container with me. For your true healing & your rise. The way you are destined to :) pm me to chat about this! All the love in the universe, Katie Awake Somatic Shamanic Healer & Soul CoachFriday, September 10, 2021
On sharing your Soul Genius.
Sometimes our hearts feel afraid to share.. because we’ve been hurt, rejected or worse .. when we were seen in our authenticity.
Wednesday, September 1, 2021
I'm here for the real ones...
I’m here for the real ones ✨
Tuesday, August 3, 2021
Don't let your money wounds sabotage your Soul Mission Success!
I had many fears associated with spending money on myself. Deep, dark hidden fears - buried in my dna and cells of my body. This is where this stuff lives people!
There was selfishness & terror triggered if I wanted to spend on, guilty, wrong, bad etc. I was a people pleaser & a rescuer.... I had so much fear to prioritize spending on me (anything beyond an absolute necesity) that my body would start shaking and shutting down.
I've recently made my largest investment in myself and my business EVER! And it's anihilated all those fears I used to carry in my cells. Quite amazing to be experiencing and witnessing in myself, since they had been there my whole life. I could never bring in more than JUST ENOUGH.
It's become part of the fabric of my backbone now that healers, yoga teachers, spiritually gifted & intuitives... deserve to have scalable business models so they can absolutely THRIVE financially and live in overflow. So they can have ease, freedom & overflow financially to contribute to positive community & global healing. It takes money to create powerful systemic change in this world and I believe we need our brightest, oldest-soul & genius healers of the world to be leading the way.
That means.. if you feel this is for you, money wounds need healing.
If you are a powerful, old-soul healer shaking reading this....that's good!!
We have to establish that money is a good, helpful resource to create big positive change so that our inner visions of the new earth can be birthed in.
We have to become comfortable with practical strategy that creates long term success with Soul-led business.
If my story resonates with you, that is fantastic and I appreciate you supporting my posts.
If you feel called to deeper work with me so that you can be embodied as the leader that you were born to on.
Inner Soul Mastery is a 3 day quantum bootcamp with me to S T R E T C H you.
Into MORE of your Soul in body
Uncover your spiritual healing gifts and inner genius - and put her in motion!
Expand your ability, safety and comfort with EARNING AND HAVING wealth
Activation of your Soul Misison, Business Plan and Wealth Codes
(Yes, that is all within you already!!!)
Practical integration into your daily life, relationships and especially your Soul-led business
You might be already experiencing some success or be at the beginning
This also comes with 2 weeks of voice/text follow up with me to help your nervous system integrate the healings and upgrades
Through the month of August, this program is half off and comes with 6 months of my Soul Birth membership, Women Remember. A stellar deal.
If you feel this could be for you, just click here to set up a free 30 min Soul Connection call. I'd love to hear all about you & your visions. I'll share more about my programs and you can decide if it's a yes or not.
In massive love,
Wednesday, July 28, 2021
You know how annoying it is when you KNOW that you have BIG, BIG dreams inside you but you get scrambled when you try to get them out?
Your Soul and Spirt are big and confident but your body/mind starts to shut down every time you try to create or be seen?
You have a KNOWING inside of what you're meant to do while you're here on this planet...but EVERY TIME you try to create...something goes wrong...or it fails...or just never seems to come out right..or in any kind of way that ACTUALLY reflects your inner vision!?!
Frustrating as heck.
I spent years on that hamster wheel. Trying, trying, trying to get my visions out into some semblance of what they felt like iside me. I had some successes, I had some fails, I had some embarassments...and as much as it pains me to admit.. I mostly had times where I would bring my creations to 80% and then stop.
Ugh. It hurst just typing that.
The way to stop stopping just before you actually create something brilliant & successful is to FIND the inner roadblocks that pop up every single time. You have to face them, accept them, dissolve them and KEEP GOING ANYWAY! Against your minds resistances!!!!! Bring it past 100%!!!!
Any inner self-sabotaging pattern... conscious or unconscious can be overcome when you DECIDE that's what is happening - once you decide - that's when the way to healing opens up.
Your creative force within is actually unlimited, it doesn't stop at 100%, it never really was 'failing' at 80% delivery either...that's all progress. Every speaking event you have done, every client you have worked with, every paper you've written, every painting you've made, every time you've envisioned your dreams...ALL ADD UP.
And they will keep adding up!
They will add up and then with consistant inspired action they will OVERFLOW into physical manifestation. Again and again until that becomes your life.
You see, the inner progress, the intangible daily learnings, the tangible outer creations...THEY ARE ALL CREATING YOUR LEGACY. Every. Last. Piece.
Nothing is wasted.
So.. let's let er' rip to 1000% shall we?
I mean, why not?
Show me what you got.
Our live Soul Birth session within Women Remember is tomorrow. Thursday 7/29 at 4pm CST.
Within this ongoing sacred container we meet twice monthly on zoom for multidimensional healing to clear the inner terrain so that you can FIERCELY let loose your SOUL. And have TONS of fun doing it!! The way you were born to. Every last inner road block to success dissolves as you get born. It's scary, it's awesome, it's's ACTUALLY LIVING!
I call this SOUL BIRTH.
You also get an evergrowing library of content from me that I add to every month for you. Plus, absolutely DIVINE sisterhood! We do this work together.
Your investment is $55/month with no contract, so you can stay within the membership until you feel you graduate out of it!
To the birth of you living your Soul's calling!!! To your total success, most brilliant soul expression timeline and most high happiness!!!
Register at
I'm here for any questions, see you tomorrow :)
Tuesday, July 27, 2021
As of late, my awareness of who I am, is expanding. More than ever. Beyond a concept of who I think of myself to be. I can FEEL that I am a galactic being. My energy field is actually 10000 times bigger than I realized. I had some of this on a concept level, sure, yes..the universe is within me...yes, yes that's true and true for everyone. But this... is different.
I've collapsed so much of my ego that my identity no longer rests there. It's no longer just one box in the corner of my energy field. Oh yes.. that box over there, that's me! That's it. That's Katie. She's who I am.
I can integrate those parts of me. I can integrate the child within me, yes.. of course I can.
But I'm interested in BEING the whole SHIP of consciousness that I came from, that I am, that I'll go back to when I leave this body. I LOVE her.
I'm not even entirely sure what I'm talking about, because what I'm writing about is feelings/intuitions/visions that I'm getting. I most profoundly FELT this...this remembering of being galactic...a week ago. I had an emotional feeling of overwhelm flowing through my heart..triggered by opening up 2 new social media platforms..funnily enough! lol But what's key here.. is that rather than shutting myself down due to the overwhelm, I decided I was safe to feeling overwhelm and I just went outside to sit on our porch swing to feel the overwhelm FULLY.. to let it process and talk to me. I was also guided to bring a little journal out with me.
So I sat there, on our porch swing, feeling hella overwhelmed. And I just felt it. Now this is the style of overwhelm that someone else could experience as 'bad', or they could pop an anti-anxiety med.. neither of which are right/wrong.. it's just that.. can we instead be curious about what our emotions are trying to reveal to us?
Here's what happened: it appears I had stored the overwhelm emotion as a protective mechanism, or veil of sorts, so as to NOT be aware of being galactic. I was using the overwhelm as a repelant to realizing my own greatness. I may have learned it was not ok to be as great as I am. I may have learned that was bad or too much or not safe etc.
I felt the overwhelm fully, transmuted it and THEN my awareness opened up MONUMENTALLY to being a much bigger being, way more powerful, COMPLETELY 100% capable of being the CEO of my company, and totally capable of running multiple healing programs at once.
And so this new chapter begins :)
As you transmute the dark into light. As you integrate your inner child aspects. As you REMEMBER WHO YOU REALLY ARE. Your subtle bodies become free to move & create in THIS reality. You maintain some mind (just enough!) to have a human identity here...while REALLY being a brilliant, infinite, creative, wildly happy...GALACTIC BEING!!
eeeeeeeeeee I'm so excited!!!!!! just .. for it all!
It's a big week here!
Tomorrow, Wednesday 7/28 is our FREE monthly group quantum healing. I do these LIVE in my facebook group. I'll be giving away one free 60 min session to one live participant, yay!! Can't wait to see who that's for!!!!
1:1, 3 day Inner Soul Mastery is my current favorite!!! It's so powerful. For old soul spiritual entrepreneurs to embody safety, freedom and to THRIVE! Reply to me directly to learn more about Inner Soul Mastery.
Let's do this. Rock your life.
In massive love,
**I also feel vulnerable sharing this...afraid people will think I'm yeah, oh well. Everyone's amazing and can share whatever they want to and some people will always judge**
Monday, July 26, 2021
Live from Soul/God
It's especially important to choose your point of reference immediately when you wake up!
Choose what kind of day you're going to have.
Choose your inner focus and what you want to create outwardly.
I believe, what's most important is to choose to connect with God and Soul FIRST THING!!
You know how you can be led astray? If you scroll your social media... if you let your mind wander for an hour into that thing from 10 years ago that you feel guilty about... if you let your random thoughts be strewn about through your mind....
What happens to your day?
So...what IF ... you chose to orient yourself to your God connection inside when you wake up. When you go to sleep your attention drops into your sub-conscious, and as we all know, you go unconscious and you're traveling through dream worlds. Processing, healing, learning, integrating...all those good things. But when we wake up, it can fart the day away if you remain in the unconscious. Your mind is made up of past programming & survival based protective mechanisms. MOST PEOPLE LIVE THEIR WHOLE LIVES from this stuff...past programming and fear based survivial mechanisms. Isn't that horrifying to consider??
What will life be like for you in 5 or 10 years if you (if you do) follow those mind maps?
How would life change if you chose your Soul instead?
How different does it feel to tune into God/Soul and orient your life choices from there?
How much lighter does that feel?
What becomes possible?
It's ok (brilliantly fun actually) to become a whole new person! I practice it every day :)
This is choosing to be quantum you. The you that you KNOW inside you are capable of being. That huge entrepreneurial Soul that you are. The one who was so sparkly as a kid and that you still are. Who enacts her visions. Who shows up every day because she LOVES TO! Who LOVES being seen, who loves being celebrated, who has it all, who creates a massive positive impact. Who creates a legacy!
All about uplifing her own heart, her clients, setting the tone for future generations, creating wealth from soul, being madly in love & LOVING her life :)
Let's free her :)
It's a BIG week at Katie Awake Online. I'll list it out for you.
Wednesday 7/28 1pm CST FREE monthly group quantum healing
Thursday LIVE Soul Birth session inside Women Remember, my entry level membership for women to heal trauma multidimensionally to remember and birth their Soul work. To get free from the inside!!! We align with God, Soul, Mission & we do it through joy.
I'm currently enrolling for new August & September 1:1 clients. I have 6 month, 3 week or 3 day programs.
You can sign up for all of these at or message me directly with any questions! I'm here for you.
Love ya,
Saturday, July 24, 2021
Buck the old money matrix π²
Friday, July 23, 2021
Do you KNOW that you are actually light?
The pains that you've been running from for the longest will feel the most familiar, as if they are just part of your personality..that has been true because you've been carrying them for SO long...but it is not an ultimate truth, because in actuality you are just light. God's light in form.
The more you process, heal, clear or integrate your human personality (ego) the lighter you become and the more you experience yourself as a Soul in a body.
The physical body isn't actually as dense as it seems. It's all vibrating energy!
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
The key to releasing pain for good.
The keys to moving pain out of the physical & subtle bodies are in the EMOTIONS that get triggered by the pain ✨✨✨
These will often be powerlessness, rage or grief ... the feelings we don’t like to feel!!
They need to move!!!!
Release judgement about the feelings, surrender fully, give it to God. Ask for the perfect healing frequencies that you need!!
THIS process is the alchemy of your energy field .... from dark to light... back into Union, the remembering of your true state of abundance, back into truth!!
I have limited space open for new 1:1 clients to begin August, the sunrise of your Soul. You can read more & fill out a brief application here:
Be well!!
Wednesday, July 14, 2021
Look, plan and move FORWARD
What is your mind focused on most of the time?
What energy state are you in most of the time?
I think often we are focused on our problems, our worries, our concerns...we're looking at what's not working....rather than being kind to ourselves and putting our energy into who we want to be.
Try being kind to yourself about your past and put your energy into who you want to be today. What habits support you to feel good? What sets you on a positive track?
A bath?
A run?
Spiritual reading?
Screaming into a pillow?
All of the above?
This is subtle inner work. To get to know how we spend our energy during the day. What is the resting state of your mind. And what if you implemented a couple habits during the day that supported you to be in a self-loving, positive state of mind more?
The truth is, you are a brilliant, wildly creative, full-of-dreams, spiritual human being.
Why let that go to waste?
Who are you REALLY underneath the cloaks you hide behind?
What if you took them off & put your creative energy into BEING the real you.
Hiding used to be safe, but now it is restricting your JOY LOVE EXPRESSION AND ABUNDANCE.
((And I get it!! I have released eons worth of fear over the years..from my inner child and from past life stuff :) It's not easy but it's worth it....and it's so much easier WITH support. I'll share my maps with you so it won't take you as long as it did for me, that's a big reason why I'm on the take women through maps of healing that I've been through))
In 6 months of SOUL SUNRISE with me, you will finally step into feeling safe to let go of hiding.
You'll release all that fear. You'll finally be able to embody sensual pleasure, hold more wealth from your Soul work and be able to RECEIVE love. This starts with receiving your own divinity on the inside :)
Your next step is to contact me through email or private message. I'd love to hear more about you and how you want to feel in your life and what you wish to be experiencing. I'll share more about the Soul Sunrise program, pricing and how I foresee your transformation happening. From there it is up to you what your Soul decides if you think I'm the right healer for you.
With love,
Monday, July 12, 2021
Invisible Blocks to wealth & love
The gap between who you know you are on the inside & your unidentifiable inner road blocks to be that person... in business... in love...
They’re not your fault, there is nothing wrong with you.... and YES YOU CAN BIRTH HER π₯
I get it. How the pull of sadness or not-good-enough-ness can feel like a sinking ship
I lived that way for years!! And it sucks! π«
But it is not the end.
Those drags inside do not define you, there just left over stamps from past experiences
From times you weren’t seen or treated as the divine queen that you are
Your light CAN NEVER go away
In fact the voice of your Soul & the life you’re meant to have will just become a louder force.. pushing you through your contractions of getting born
What if you redefined your pain instead to be a forward moving push?
What if you put your energy into your light?
What if you trusted the voice of your Soul more than the fear?
While still receiving the multidimensional energy healing you need to unwind from trauma?
What if you let yourself be supported?
During 6 months of your Soul Sunrise with me, we unwind you from the past stories in your body & energy field, and it then becomes possible to BE the sacred, happy, in love & successful wealthy Woman that you are!
Carrying around your past isn’t protecting you anymore, it’s holding you back π¦
Imagine how life would feel without the heaviness of your burdens? If you dropped the old suitcases?
Your Soul blossoms!!! It feels like taking off an old heavy heavy coat so that you can just fly with your angel wings OUT! You’re SO much bigger than you have ever let yourself be!!
After working with me.. women become HAPPY! They attract healthy relationships, they make more money & they experience their god given sovereignty π¦
Resonating? Start with booking a free call with me, after hearing more about you, I’ll share what I foresee through Soul Sunrise with me, and you can decide if it’s a big Soul yes for you or not ππ¦π
Reply directly to me in this email to book in.
I see the invisible stuff & assist you in your quantum healing.
To your TOTAL healing & birth of your happy life!! π
Wednesday, July 7, 2021
Daily Energy Clearing guide
Reminder: you don’t have to participate in all the mind control games that are afoot to divide & control us
Love, kindness & compassion go way way farther!!
Also, I recommend energy clearing of negative entities & following your intuition above ALL else πππΌ
Here’s an easy & powerful energy clearing you can do if you want to:
God, angels, masters, soul,
Clear & remove anything inorganic, anything not of the light, anything attempting to sabotage me in any way from my body & energy field. (Add in family members etc.) Bring me into deeper Union with you God. Protect me in your light & love. Shift me into my truth in Union with you God. Amen. Thank you.
Then just sit in your heart & energy field, notice shifts, allow healing, notice what it feels like to be in Union with God. Enjoy.
Katie Awake
Quantum Healer & Spiritual Midwife
The dishes can wait.
Sister, The dishes can wait. You embodying, feeling, being, creating, acting upon, creating… singing… dancing…creating… It matters more! Y...

What is your mind focused on most of the time? What energy state are you in most of the time? I think often we are focused on our problems, ...
I took my first yoga classes in 2008 after Graduating from college at yogafresh in Woodbury. These first heated yoga classes blew me away. ...
Day 7/10 master cleanse today! πππ I love love love the spiritual sight clarity I get when I'm cleansing. It's truly why I do it!...