Monday, May 30, 2022

Personal power retrieval

I had to retrieve, heal & re-birth my personal power. It took me 11 years. Will never let her go again.

It’s actually not possible to lose yourself. But you can be temporarily snuffed out.

That light is always there on the inside though.. sometimes it takes shamanic journey work to re-find yourself, put glitter all over the inner walls of your solar plexus, hang up a few nice paintings, add a comfy lounge chair ... and THEN ...

L i s t e n 💫💫💫

What do you hear from God here? What gets said? What are you MOST aligned to do? What would make you feel happy? What do you WANT to create?

This is the inner retrieval process of your personal power. It might surprise you that your power feels soft. She’s taking her time. Unrushed. Unfeathered. The concept of being influenced by another’s thoughts does not even exist here. It is just you & the original flow of creation. The river flow from before time that you exist in & from, that you’ll dissolve back into when you go.

What wants to be made through you while you’re here?

You ancient star, you.

You bubbling over, joyful creatrix, you!

Let it all out.

Breathe it out into a book. A song. A piece of writing. Tell it to someone you care about.

The magic is inherent, it shouldn’t be rushed or looked at as though its flawed. Best to let creations express slightly tilted if they are, there are unseen reasons for these things. Like puzzle pieces that mend the souls of your audience in just that perfect, can’t be replicated way.

Unclench your throat & jaw. You don’t need to control this.

Ease, flow & surrender through your heart now.

Quantum Gold Mastermind is open for application. For old soul, angel queens who desire my support to birth your sacred selves & sacred businesses. Every relationship in your life - with partner, business, money - will mirror your inner sacred Union with God. ♾ link below to read more & apply here.


Sunday, May 29, 2022

Spiritual communication with passed on loved ones

One of the most holy services that I get to provide is channeling information to my clients about their passed on loved ones. It's not something that I frequently promote, because I don't see myself as a medium. It's just something that happens, fairly regularly, in my client sessions. It can't not. I help my clients connect with themselves and with God deeper... so naturally these soul connections...with significant people they have known who have died....come up for processing. That might sound scientifi-cy but it's truly some of the more beautiful, profound, emotionally moving experiences I get to have with my clients. It's in the 5 stages of grief texts isn't it? That there's actually a 6th step? Where there is spiritual understanding of why the person died and this gives GREAT relief to my clients' hearts. I have experience with tuning into the reason from the soul about deaths from pregnancy experiences and any kind of death. 

Sometimes for client's who are carrying an ancestral lineage stored death. Like the memory of a parents' parent passing, for example. We can carry up to 7 generations back of memory. I often help clients move through traumas that they had no idea were stored in their cells but were severely limiting them in their lives. The soul and God always has a glorious plan for the life - sometimes it helps to have someone like me assist for some of the more strenous soul energy clearings...the ones people are scared to look at...or if there is self-blame around the loss... to be able to process, integrate and free the heart space into peaceful understanding.

There is usually a beautiful revealing of the heart of the karma between my client and their loved one's soul. THIS is where the next level release, spiritual understanding and peace comes out the next level of relationship can happen. It's often peace that my client did not know was even possible. 

Feel free to private message me for 1 complimentary energy reading I will do through voice messenger on facebook. From there, we can chat about potential work together if you like. 


Saturday, May 28, 2022

Tally hoooo on being YOU !

I can't seem to get my words out right now. I honestly feel this typhoon of raging going on in my belly. I'm sick of a lot of sh*t right now. Tired of this whole rat race. DONE trying to compete with anyone, anything, the idea of making money, doing things in ANY certain way. I am ONLY interested in being myself. DEEPER now. Like I'm going to scour out my Soul deeper, crawl inside and nap for 40 hours..I also want snacks. I want to see what I find here. I know there are layers I don't know about yet. I know that I don't need to prove anything to anyone. I am so sick of THAT path over there that I have gotten OFF of, of trying to prove myself in any way to anyone. There is this other golden path HERE in my own solar plexus...the gold of in Christ..where I feel home. 

The only 'title' that really resonates with me is 'Healer'. I see people. I see souls. I see energy. I see the origin of things. I see where a pain, discomfort, confusion, self-doubt, tangled up unexpressed soul purpose, supressed soul gifts....I see where/why/how all these things and more are tangled up and unknown...or why they feel like a mysterious unknown. I have the joy of helping people get unlocked to themselves...and then to the world. You see, we are here to BE ourselves. No more, no less. Nothing needs to be added or taken away. No one is broken. You just need to unravel into being you. And then shine. Which you can't not. Maybe it wasn't ok for you to shine at some point, or maybe for lifetimes, but give yourself the permission now to be your FULL self! It's safe, it's ok, it's time. 

Hearts are often locked up, dulled, reversed to the back, a way to self-protect. Like this 'I'll shut myself down so that no one can hurt me again' or 'I'll just tuck my own love away here so I never have to feel pain when I lose someone again'...things like that. Often times these are past life wounds too, harder to find! 

That's where I come find, heal, retrieve and escort you back into your God union. So you can fly higher in your Spritual ascension/sacred union/soul business etc. 

If you are vibing with me, you're welcome to message me for a complimentary energy reading.

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Living with a pure heart

Sometimes I misjudge a person and hope that it will be a wholesome exchange; then it turns out they are a scoundrel. lol. Just recently I got a text from a random number that said she was waiting on her flower delivery...asking when it was going to show up at her business. First I replied that it was the wrong number. Then she said she was sorry and thanked me for being kind. She then went on to try move the convo to telegram and sell me on crypto...*face palm. Can you believe that? They're literally looking for people who are kind enough to say 'wrong number' because they know people with pure hearts will always be hoping the person on the other end of the line is also possibly pure hearted! I think this is a lot of my life pain..being pure hearted, hopelessly optimistic, and just never ceasing to believe in the goodness of humanity! It also is why I'm at peace within that's worth it.

It's never necesary to close your heart. Not that it's wrong if you find that you have, from time to time, but do remember to open it again. 

I feel the desire to create an energy healing program for couples. If you want to find your way back to your heart again...and into more pure union together. If you want to heal at the core of past wounds, so you can fully open to him...any genders of course. If you are seeking a partner, and want your inner unwinding work supported...accelerated...all into union with God....which is what makes you magnetic to your perfect match. 

This is a 6 month spiritual container with me. I'm in process of creating the details. Private message me here if this calls to you. 

with love,


Friday, May 20, 2022

Sell from your heart!

 Being the force of nature that you are as a soul, means BEING her or him. It means this is WHO you've always been on this inside. It means turning up the dial FULL FORCE.

Force not in they way of 'making something happen', or from rebelling, or from feeling you 'don't have' something therefore needing to go outside yourself to 'get' something. No. Force of Nature as the POWER that you just are. Force in the way of how God's love shapes this planet. Force in the way of, surrender to what is most holy and divine about you and BE that. 

Sometimes the voice of love cuts through lies. Sometimes she is a sword slicing through what is un-true, with the truth. 

Sometimes this is what people NEED to hear to say YES to themself. 

It is a good force. 

You are a good force. An angelic force of nature. Here to sculpt new ways. Here to dance in new dawns. Here to BELIEVE in the best of people. Here to be the BEST of yourself! Here to let God work through you. 

Did you ever think it could be any other way?

You've always been this spark of the divine..glowing brightly...leading the way. You have your plans on paper but have you acted on them yet? Are you REALLY letting the world see you? What are you letting stop you? Even if these places of pain or hiding were never your fault, not things you would have chosen for yourself...NO...because you would NEVER choose to be a 'less' version of yourself. It's just that over years, lifetimes, of contorting yourself to fit in, to hide, to survive, to turned your light down! If you are here to be a world leader in change, then f'ing be a world leader in change! If you are here to show us the new loving way...then show us the new loving way! 

Use your voice. 

Tell people who you are and what you do. Create those throngs and throngs of offerings, sacred containers and programs that are just bubbling over in glee in your soul! Create them, launch them, sell them, let your people buy from you and CHOOSE these life changing containers for themself! 

Turn the dial of your light all the way up! So what if it makes you afraid or nauseaus to do so? It's worth it! 

You'll come out the other side happy :) And you'll be making that green in the way you truly desire to.

God supports the worthy :) 

Soul led sales...a low cost $44 hour long healing experience with me is next week Wednesday, join at this link.

with love,


Wednesday, May 18, 2022

The unwinding of your nervous system into true wealth

 You can stop running now, there's actually nothing scary coming for you, anymore.

When your body has been through trauma, it will project that scary memory of who hurt you onto....well....just about anyone or anything....including what your Soul actually does want. Including onto healthy loving people, onto people who really truly DO love you, and onto the money that you want.

So I'd like to tell you that the people in your life who really DO love you, are SAFE. Also, money is SAFE.

It is safe to unwind now lovely.

SEE in your energy, GO WITHIN, and LOOK into the fear that you feel. It is safe to feel it, safe to go into it, safe to see that at the are trying to keep yourself SAFE by keeping EVERYTHING AWAY! Including truth, light, healing, love and abundance.

So what parts of you need to let go now?
What parts of you used to protect you but are now a hindrance?
What parts of your scared little child inside can FINALLY let go of the grip and come out into the light now with God? There is SO MUCH SUPPORT/LIGHT/TRUTH/ABUNDACE/FRIENDS/LOVE here for you to embrace now!! Give me your hand and I'll show you the way :)

Your Soul Sunrise

This is a magical 3 month container with me to bring all your soul parts/inner child parts into Divine union within you and with God.

This is deep trauma/abuse healing...whether from this lifetime childhood/inherited ancestrally/past life times

This is the unwinding in your nervous system and heart into true wealth

This is your freedom

I have 3 spaces open for this program

Click this link to read more and to find out if this is for you. At the bottom of the page you'll find a link to book a complimentary 30 min phone chat with me. I'll want to hear about your inner healing journey, what you are looking for and what your true soul visions are for yourself and for your life. If I feel I can help you, we will begin your 3 month Soul Sunrise 🙂

Look forward to talking with you beautiful!

xo Katie Awake

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Sales being fun again :)

We bridge the gap between the survial instincts of the past and the true abundance of your heart, through the frequency of soul led sales.

The soul led sales frequency contains no deceit, no icky vibes & no fear. She is your real voice. She is just you being you...just like you the little girl having lemonade stands. 

You know how confidence in children gets misunderstood as back-talk to some adults? You know how a kid being sure of herself charging a dollar for a cup of lemonade gets misperceived as arrogance that should be trained out of the child?

We're gonna go past that. 

It is ok to be sure of yourself. That does not mean you are being over-bearing on another. There is actually way more than enough room for every single one of us to speak in our clear, sure voice. 

Pricing, money, sales...these all get to be a no brainer, easy breather part of of you BEING you, just like when you were that little kid salesman! Just the same!

It gets to be easy again :)

Soul led sales will be an hour long energy healing experience with me Wednesday 5/25 at 7pm CST, on zoom.

Grab your $44 ticket at the link the comments. 

If you are already knowing you are ready for 1:1 work with me to grow your Soul led business, just dm me here to have a chat now. 

Thursday, May 12, 2022

What it means to be truly seen :)

It may feel like you're letting yourself be seen, and to some extent you are! But there is SO much more you get to receive :) SO much more!

The more you realize you are good on the inside, the more you'll be able to let in how much we all really love you :) If there were early life experiences, the original template type, that gave you the false idea that you are 'bad', 'ugly', 'wrong'...that's really the worst kind of damange. I'm so sorry that you experienced that was never true. I pinky swear! I see you in there, you're safe with me. I don't want you to have to stay all cramped up, sad and by yourself anymore. I will tell you the truth now. You are light illumined. You actually ARE light! Just like the son/sun. It's you! With that rock rolled aside...your blocking point....the rays of the sun hit you...and I now it is so bright that it might scare you a might even hurt your eyes a little! But please, let yourself receive the nourishing sunlight now. We love you. That was me writing to your soul. Now I'm going to shift gears into talking on a more cognitive/info type level :) with me? This level of retrieving the lost parts of our soul, are the real visibility wounds and blocks. Getting the light back into the parts of us that have been hurt the worst....THIS is the business/money/ 'being seen' blocks.....that need to be opened up. That need to be re-parented, re-loved, re-acquainted WITH love :) The truth is we are all divine children of God and parts of our Soul that have experienced the worst atrocities need very, very gentle nurturing love to feel safe. So if you are wanting to grow a Soul led business successfully, it starts within your Soul :) It starts with tilling the soil, learning to let love in, learning to let sunshine in, watering yourself, letting others water you with their love....and soon....with patience grow...and your business grows too! The health of your business will reflect the health of you! Like a mirror :) As you heal and experience more safety with being loved, nourished, seen, supported...your relationship to your business and your money also blossoms. AND....I think this part is really also heal yourself by growing your Soul business! AND through creating a healthy, stable, reliable, safe relationship with money. Your business and money are completely safe! They will not hurt you. They NOURISH you :) Your business offers are an extension of your energy. Nourished by you and by God. Money is a safe, neutral currency that is here to support YOU! See how it all can flourish as you establish, realize and embody safety with these things? I'd love to help you dear heart. With your growth on all levels :) If you are feeling that I may be the healer and success coach for you, just send me a private message here on facebook messenger to start a conversation. With love, Katie Awake

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

What happened to the radiant girl child inside you?

 What happened to the little girl (or boy) inside? Let's go in there and get her! I know you had to learn to 'not' be yourself. You learned that life was a quest, to 'get' love' to 'attain' something', and THEN you would finally matter! Finally ACHIEVE! Finally get that gold....

I'm here to tell you that the quest is over.

Because it never needed to be a quest.

You were always enough, worthy, deserving. YOU actually, truthfully, ARE the gold. 

And you always have been. 

This is what Quantum Gold is about. It's about you slinking off patterns that should have never been in the first place. You should have never learned that you have to claw your way to love. You never needed to write a good enough paper to be good enough...or to finally 'make it' finally 'matter'. What even is that concept honestly?

Why would a divine child of God, which you just are, have to prove herself somehow worthy of.....what?

It is not logical. 

Come out of there. Come out of your hiding place. 

Your heart matters. You get to have what you want (with love & adoration & being cherished & being seen & having FUN & earning money how your Soul wants to earn money) simply because you WANT to.

Desiring something from your Soul is a full and complete reason to have that thing. Desiring the life that you desire is not just a good enough reason to have is the only required reason to have it! Do you see how powerful, how positive, how GOOD your Soul desires are?? This is magical, holy stuff! 

ENOUGH ignoring your inner voice. ENOUGH pretending your satisfied with your circumstances. ENOUGH dying on the inside. ENOUGH putting your actually happy life into the future that never comes. 


The one you've always actually been on the inside.

The lit up, little God child girl that you are! I like you!!! Let's be friends :) 

I'm sorry that you've hurt for so long...perhaps you haven't even realized that you are in this much's ok, I've been there too and I get it. Shut down on the inside because you were shut down. Maybe even shut down emotionally when you were a baby before you could have any idea what was going on?!? I get it. My expertise as a Healer is actually being able to see your inner child/soul parts and then walking with you as you merge back into oneness with God in your heart. 

Let's bring you home! Oh, and birth your epic successful soul busines too! Just for a fun cherry-on-top thing...

You know..just to birth the legacy of your DREAMS that ACTUALLY makes you really f'ing proud and happy...because it's what you're here on the planet to do!!!

Do you know that if you are doing less than your Soul's real brililance you'll kind of die inside spiritually?? Spiritual constipation. 

Let's get her out :) 

The Quantum Gold Mastermind

This is a safe haven, a 9 month spiritual gestation, the birth of your Soul.

Safety on all levels. You being seen, loved and paid well.

The re-integration of that holy girl child that is you! 

Let's go! 

You can read all of the details/cost/results at To get one of the last remaining spots just message me directly on facebook here today

Love you!


Wednesday, May 4, 2022

You've always known who you are on the inside.

I am one who's here to break out of all boxes. Do things in my own way. And my way is to do it all from my Soul...deeper than that from my God union. 

This is the realm of the inifinite. This is where people will just keep scrolling or maybe not even see me. But the ones who do see me, SEE me, we actually understand each other.

I know you're like me too. You've always felt different... a bit off to the side, a wallflower. But that's no fault of yours, certainly not because you 'lack' You're on the side of everyone else observing because you are smart. Because you are attuned to energy. Because you can feel the pain in everyone else's hearts and it drains you to constantly be around unaware people. 

You feel best when you are with other people like you! Do you know this is even possible? Do you know that there are actually millions of us? We're the ones they put in the 'introverted' category..I bet you smile at that word too....I've always felt like 'introvert' is just a code word for those of us who are super senstive souls who don't care to be around bs conversations that have no purpose. We're much more comfortable at home, alone, or with our family, reading. Thank you very much! :)

I feel like I need to tell you this, there's actually nothing 'wrong' with you and you aren't 'different'. Maybe your parents or close people to you never understood you...maybe they just didn't have the capacity to. You not being seen or understood was not actually about you. It says nothing about you. 

You don't have to keep 'going it alone' in life. You don't have to keep being unsupported or unseen, or un-paid!! for that matter. 

Sometimes it takes purposefully taking some uncomfortable steps into the unknown of being seen, supported, celebrated, creating from your heart, doing soul business differently and creating healtheir inner boundaries so that you can make *actually good* money too!! none of this $50-150 an hour bullsh*t anymore! phew...glad that can end I bet?

So love, how would you like it all to be?

How would you *actually LOVE to feel? How would you *truly LOVE to be seen, loved and well paid?

What does this newly birthed version of you say about all this? A screaming longing YES coming from the deep?

Thought so....... :) Read on. 

If you are vibing with me, I do have 6 spaces open for new 1:1 private clients. This would be a full year container with me to unwind on the inside, then to birth what is actually true for you. We do multidimensional healing work for you to self-differentiate from family of origin energetically and emotionally, so that you are embodied as your own person. This is healthy, normal energy boundaries. This is also the beginning of a healthier, soul-aligned relationship to business and money. 

If you feel this might be the program for you, simply contact me directly here on facebook messenger to start a conversation. 



The dishes can wait.

  Sister, The dishes can wait. You embodying, feeling, being, creating, acting upon, creating… singing… dancing…creating… It matters more! Y...