Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Expression is the best form of protection

Hey beautiful,

Might as well let our hearts open wide and let the truth out..right?

Be free and prosper!

Through heart ache and trauma many of us have built up walls around our hearts. These walls keep up from being able to receive and give love. These walls keep people out. There is pain when you are loved but unable to return the love. There is pain when you have thoughts about loving someone but are unable to express your feelings because you've built up so many walls around your heart. With intention and a lot of courage you can begin to peel away layers. We're here to learn about love, I just read in "Wisdom of the body moving" that 'Expression of the feelings of the heart is the essence of humanity' how about that??? woah. I just had to race over to my computer and type this. ok, so, 'Expression is the best form of protection' (another quote from the same book).. I feel that expressing our truest truths keeps us safe. Keeping our actual truths, our ability to love and be loved, locked up actually hurts us! I mean in the emotional sad way in in a real physical way like heart attacks. Letting the layers fall away, receiving love all the way in, expressing our hearts outwardly, we are safe in that purity. Anything impure or dark will move out of the way. Do you feel the protection in expressing your most heartfelt truths? I think the scariest way to live is to stay locked up and closed up. 

Begin the grand peeling away of fear from around your heart!


Katie Awake Online 

I midwife my clients through soul birth of their infinite potential; through and beyond childhood and past life trauma.  The result for them is more happiness now, more pleasure in their bodies, soul mate relationships, more money & the birth of their sacred work further into the world

Ways to work with me: 

Full year or 90 days of unlimited quantum healing & soul coaching.

Individual sessions of 3 hours or 1 hour. 

Women Remember ♥️🌹 a monthly membership that is an all access pass to my best trauma healing and soul birth work. Plus a continuously growing library of audio healings & trainings that I add to every month. $55/ month. No contract; stay as long as you feel called to. 

Free group quantum healing in my Facebook group + more intimate live videos with me: 

Facebook @Katie Awake

Instagram @katie_awake 

In massive & indestructible love, 


Monday, November 18, 2013

take a step back and breathe

I've been pondering lately why we 'freak out' (for lack of a better term) when we're encountered by an opinion that is different from our own. Speaking for myself, when I'm met with a voice saying things that conflict with my own views my heart rate elevates, I might start sweating...on and on. I breath, I calm down, I observe these reactions and then choose how to react or not to react. I think as we grow up we create an identity based on how our parents thought, based on our friends, our schools, our teachers, any authority figures, the media...any voices we hear or are exposed to. If I was born somewhere else I would have a totally different identitiy then the one I have now. I really love who I am, but I realize a lot of my identity is based on all the beautiful influcenes I've had through out life. We identify with our beliefs about reality and when they are questioned we feel our sense of self is being questioned. All of us humans are like mirrors for each other reflecting back ourselves at ourselves. We are all a lot more than our beliefs too, beliefs and percpetions come and go. If something someone says makes you angry/sad/joyful its because it's reflecting a part of you that wants to be heard and seen. I propose letting go of the idea that we all need to match somehow, that if your beliefs are different from mine I need to get upset and make you think the way I do. Lets all be different colors of the same rainbow.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Our emotions are our GPS system

Most of us are cut off from our emotions. We were taught not to feel them, to avoid 'negative' emotions. The reasons and explanations for this don't matter as much as deciding now to tune back into our internal guidance systems. If you feel lost or stuck a quick way to get un-stuck is to stop numbing yourself long enough to let your emotions flow. The other day I was feeling uncomfortable, nauseous actually, I laid down and let myself be nauseous, I let it come over me, and then I started to cry. What I had stuffed down began to move and I felt immediate relief! Relief is a good sign of healing and growth!! An emotion is a reaction to a thought. Here's how it works: you have a thought, then your body reacts with an emotion, if the emotion 'feels good' that means the thought is in alignment with your true desire and it would serve your highest good to follow the thought and put it into appropriate action. If you have an emotional reaction that 'feels bad' (tight, constricted, sick) this thought is not in alignment with your desire or highest good. It's likely rooted in fear. If we live in fear we'll never fulfill our soul's purpose!! Probably best then to explore the thought, the belief, dance, draw, cry, or just release into stillness and follow the emotion. Follow your thoughts and emotions that make you feel good!!! This is your true path. I love exploring thoughts, emotions and beliefs. If you're craving some guidance on this twisty, turny life experience feel free to reach out to me.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Free Will

I'm going to write a book. I want to write a book on all the topics, maybe a series... all the topics I think are important to clarify and understand. All the topics I think are worth research. I think there are a lot of things people do without thought, without listening to themselves, they do what they've been told is right and good. It's time to love ourselves enough to care what we put in our bodies and why, it's time to question the sources from which we get information. So far I plan to write more on pregnancy/birthing options,health care and disease treatment options, Food options - what we eat and why and how. The thought of a 'one size fits all' anything is ridiculous. All humans on the planet are made up of the same ingredients - earth, air, fire and water - although we all come from the same source we've each been through an infinite amount of life experience and we've all overcome different trauma, a lot of trauma is held in our bodies. Each of our bodies, our cells, our DNA, long for a unique blend of care and attention.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

me and food

I had a good conversation with my dad yesterday about eating for our blood types, we're both type A pos. Recently I was feeling annoyed that the foods I crave and want sometimes don't line up with the foods my body actually needs. And I also will eat a chipotle or a burger and it tastes good, but that's about it. Then I go through 1 or 2 days of feeling bloated from the salt/gluten/cheese and my digestive tube gets all discombobulated. While talking with my dad yesterday I realized that I don't feel limited by choosing to eat a spinach and tofu salad over a burger, I actually feel more free when I eat the way my body truly wants to eat. I sleep better, I have more consistent energy all day long, my yoga practice feels stronger, I'm happier, I'm more loving...My body wants a lot of greens, light proteins, nuts...etc. It's amazing how intense the emotional attachment to food can be, this is serious self-work. I believe, when we sit down to a meal, or eat something quick, we infuse the food with our energy, whatever our emotions are, whether it's joy and excitement or pain and guilt, and then we eat it up and it goes back in us! One fun practice to play around with is conscious eating. When you sit down to eat, bless your food, express gratitude for all the hands it took to get it to your plate. You can ask the food to nourish you and give you what you need, anything that doesn't serve you may pass through. Now, while you eat know that you are eating earth, sky, fire and water, let it be a pure experience. Explore!

Monday, October 28, 2013

An infected wisdom tooth socket

My wisdom teeth, all 4, were pulled out in 2003. I remember sitting there on that big chair thinking, 'what? you're going to take my teeth out so that I don't get cavities?' that doesn't seem like a good enough reason, I didn't feel powerful enough then to speak up, so the surgery happened. It went smoothly, a few days of liquid diet, no bad reactions, no dry sockets... everything seemed peachy. After about a year is when I first felt depressed. I remember vividly sinking down onto my desk chair at college with this deep feeling of dread and despair...asking myself, whats the point of all this? I began to question my relationships, my schooling, I just felt sort of dead inside. I cried hard to my roomates out of confusion and a deep inner conflict that I didn't understand. I must have just gotten used to this, I believed it was who I was. Inside I felt always town between wanting to act happy but also wanting to just curl up and be alone. I think I did a good job of being myself most of the time. The summer of 2006 my parents introduced me to Eckart Tolle 'The Power of Now' this book, just thinking about it brings tears of gratitude to my eyes. I had the first sparks of presence and aliveness. I began to remember who I really was and would get seconds or sometimes minutes of feeling pure joy! I started to remember that anxiety/depression wasn't me, I was joy and hapiness. This inner battle/ self realization continued through college and after. 2012 I was completely sick and tired of constantly battling fear. I met my soulmate, the fear got in the way of my ability to love, and THAT WAS IT. I was ready for BIG change. My family and friends guided me to Dr. Su in Hudson, WI. During my appointment she told me that one of my wisdom tooth sockets had a piece of rotten dead bone that had been left inside. My body, over those 10 years was trying so hard to fight it off, but I coudln't do it on my own. She said to me 'That's why you didn't win the war'. Something inside clicked, and I knew she was telling me the truth. Her machine she uses confirmed the infection. We tried at first to beat the infection from the inside out for 2 months, but my body said we needed help. She sent me to Dr. Keane in Edina and he surgically opened my gum and removed the cavitation, it was the size of a pencil eraser. Waves of sadness, grief and joy rolled off my chest while he performed the surgery. That day, my birthday 8/2/12 (best birthday ever), I felt IMMEDIATELY more like my authentic self, I felt my body shift into alignment, aspects of my external life followed. I cried deep tears of gratitude while my mom held me, I am be forever grateful to Dr. Su, Dr. Keane, my mom and all my family and friends who helped me. Trust your intuition and speak up for yourself! And if you feel like you need help, ask.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Yoga in my life

I took my first yoga classes in 2008 after Graduating from college at yogafresh in Woodbury. These first heated yoga classes blew me away. Never before had I felt so fresh (pun intended), so blissful, so joyful... what was that? My body felt wrung out, born again, yes...that...good. There was no going back to a lower vibration, I wanted more! Soon I was invited to try a 90 min hot class at Bikram Woodbury. Holy moly, this was a whole new ball game! 90 minutes, 26 postures, 105 degrees and humid. I literally felt I got turned inside out, I felt renewed again and again after each class. My roomates and I (hey gurls hey) in 2009 would get ourselves all revved up and march into the hot yoga rooms at Corepoweryoga in Minneapolis. Not really sure of what crazy motive brought us to that hot box, we got on those sacred rectangles and killed it. A good class was one where I would get that 'I'm gonna die' panic to run out of the room screaming... and consciously CHOOSE to breath through the panic and stay commited to my practice. The anxiety had less and less control over me, I controlled IT. My breath was more important. My body had started changing. More fit, more tone, I started making different choices on food and drink so that I would feel better at yoga. I started going to bed earlier and sleeping better. All of these small changes in lifestyle led to even bigger ones. That fall of 2010 I decided to take the plunge and signed up for hot yoga teacher training at Uptown, Mpls. Clicking the enter button to put down my deposit my heart pounded like a jack hammer, I was terrified. I knew then and I know more now that the scariest choices lead to the most growth. Through that 8 week, 200 hr teacher training, I became more disciplined in taking care of myself and continued to find more depth in my yoga postures. I cut way back on unhealthy habits (drinking especially, and TV, I used to use alchohol and TV to numb my anxiety) and allowed yoga to be the center of my life. Upon completing all the components of CPY training I was welcomed in to CPY woodbury with wide open arms. I was lucky to get some hot classes on the schedule straight away! I remember catching myself in the mirror while I was teaching sometimes and thinking 'oh my god I'm doing this!' I've been teaching for 3 years and tonight I embarked on coaching my first hot yoga teacher training. I believe my external world is a reflection of my internal world. Over the years, as I've consciously chosen to work through fear, my external world has reflected it. I've learned more about the connection between quantum physics and spirituality lately and I do believe we create our realities through our beliefs, thoughts and emotions etc. Both our conscious minds and our subconscious minds. Earlier in my life my reality included fairly heavy bits of judgement, fear, insecurity.. because that's what I had on the inside. As I've worked through and processed a lot of that stuff my reality has become much more fun! More joyful and peaceful. My insides and outsides! This healing journey won't be over for a while, and afterwards I imagine something new starts. There is a lot of work to do on this planet!! love and light to you. I share this because...yes I am proud of myself. And even more so because I think a lot of people stay stuck in fear their whole lives never doing what they really want to do. There is fear there because the potential for growth and joy is so great! That's the way it works! Go for it, let go, loose control, do it, press the enter button, now is the time. The right energies are here now on the planet to support you. Onward!!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

What is saying 'I'm sorry'?

I feel this question on a couple levels. First, I people throw this phrase around and it troubles me (I noticed this in myself first and changed my pattern). I often hear people say 'I'm sorry' when someone else walks closely by them, like the person who apologizes must feel they are somehow in the way. What troubles me is it seems they apologize for simply being there. I really want this hypothetical person (speaking to myself too) to feel a right to exist, to take up space and breathe. I encourage everyone to start noticing how frequently this little 'I'm sorry' phrase pops out.. and why are you saying it? Do you need to? Instead how about 'Hello, great to see you person!' (The following is learned from my GS teacher) When we apologize when its not necessary or explain away our choices we give our power away. When someone apologizes simply for existing and breathing and taking up space they are saying 'Ignore me, I'm just in the way, I don't matter'. I say to you, you DO matter, because you are matter, you are love and you have important work to do. Why do you feel you don't matter? What is that? Explore. Second, What does it mean to say 'I'm sorry'? I'm wrong and you are right? mmm maybe. I think it's more to apologize for having said or done something out of alignment with who I am. An apology is appropriate when I feel I've been wrong, when I've acted out of fear or let my own stuff be projected onto someone else. And IMPORTANTLY I keep myself accountable for this. I explore my own triggors and emotional reactions so I can learn and grow from the experience. And same goes for when I feel someone has 'hurt me', an apology is nice to hear, but truly it's a chance to look at my own emotional reactions and choose to either keep that energy or send it back into the universe as love.

Monday, September 23, 2013

'being perfect' is a made up illusion

I've realized that I keep certain parts of myself hidden or covered up out of fear that others would see that I'm not perfect. It's the same fear that keeps me from letting my emotions show, and the same one that makes me put on deoderant sometimes. Heck, I even wondered if I should write the word deoderant because I'm not sure how to spell it! And someone might think I'm stupid, sheesh! As I've been working to unravel more and more hidden beliefs (I just read Mandy Evans 'Emotional Options'- good book!) I question what in the world it could it mean to be 'perfect' anyway? I guess perfect to me meant skinny, dressed fashionably, clear skin, nice shoes, nice car, always cheery, always calm, a 'good' little lady. bahumbug, I'm over it. So if the idea of 'perfect' is a bunch of balogna that I learned from TV commercials... perhaps it is ok, or better yet, awesome, to dress how I want, speak thoughts worth speaking, take opportunities based on how happy they make me, dance when I hear music........check and check. This also makes it A LOT easier to hear critisism, to be question myself, because I can be more ok with being unfinished, in progress, always learning, willing to apologize and accept myself the way I am.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Audacious Alchemy

I am humbled and in awe of how events have come to pass. Trusting my intuition, making changes I've been craving, following the path I feel out in front of me, has led me to this garden more beautiful then anything I could have dreamed up consciously. I've read that all it takes to start fulfilling one's life purpose is to 'merge with soul', I do this in meditation, it's impossible to conceptualize something like this, it's beyond mind. Merge with your soul. The soul, the higher self, is orchestrating life in ways larger then the mind allows us to think. How would your body and your life change if you merged with your soul? I would love to guide you on this journey fusing the varied healing modalities that I am trained in; Reiki, yoga, meditation and the Global Somatics Process. The body, the heart, the soul knows what it needs. The trick is to listen! I meet clients at Audacious Alchemy in St. Paul. 612-916-0325

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Awakening

This is shared from another blog, author unknown.... enjoy!

Monday, August 26, 2013

drop the label, what's really going on?

Helloooooo there,

I'm not a fan of labels. Today I'm thinking of disease or illness labels. I think they're too vague and once a person identifies with their label they believe it to be them and it becomes their reality. We have all been through a lot, many of us have been incarnating on Earth for a LONG time. The whole universe, everything that's ever happened on the planet, is stored in each of our DNA strands. And more strands are being activated now! yipee! This means there is a lot of emotional clearing to do. The more you resist emotion or experience the louder it gets, the body breaks out in rashes, there is constipation, coughing, cancer cell growth. The body is screaming out to be listened to! Get quiet, drink water, un plug and tune in to your self. The soul knows what it needs. Aplogize, forgive your self, forgive those who have hurt you, take a laughter yoga class, find some joy!! What is the lesson, what is the message? Follow it, begin to trust that inner knowing. I am so happy that we're moving into a new age, where healing modalities from all over the world are become more accepted and talked about.

Katie Awake Online 

I midwife my clients through soul birth of their infinite potential; through and beyond childhood and past life trauma.  The result for them is more happiness now, more pleasure in their bodies, soul mate relationships, more money & the birth of their sacred work further into the world

Ways to work with me: 

Full year or 90 days of unlimited quantum healing & soul coaching.

Individual sessions of 3 hours or 1 hour. 

Women Remember ♥️🌹 a monthly membership that is an all access pass to my best trauma healing and soul birth work. Plus a continuously growing library of audio healings & trainings that I add to every month. $55/ month. No contract; stay as long as you feel called to. 

Free group quantum healing in my Facebook group + more intimate live videos with me: 

Facebook @Katie Awake

Instagram @katie_awake 

In massive & indestructible love, 


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

What does your heart say?

The flame in my heart ignites when I hear, read or see Truth. With a capital T. Universal law, real human history, stories of miraculous healings, sunrises... we've all had these experiences when we exit time-space, our eyes open wide and tears well up from within. We've been conditioned for a while now to believe that God is outside of us, away somewhere, seperate, on a cloud. This is not true. The veil is coming down. The veil between our retinas and our brains. The subconscious is becoming conscious. The conditioning comes from the TV mostly (it's called PROGRAMMING, we've been programmed) funny thing is we all agreed to this game, so ok, but it's ending now.... mainstream media, commercials, pharmaceutical companies and their ads, hollywood, the newspaper.. one notices after having the TV programming on for extended periods of time one enters a trance-like state, willing to watch lower and lower quality. The programming tells us what to wear, how to think, what to strive towards...always reaching for something more, something outside of us to make us happy. The news keeps us believing that we are all seperate from God and in fear of one another. That is the perfect equation for unhapiness and dissapointment. un plug. demand better. Hapiness, Joy, Love these vibrations exist within you! You are divine! Remember! There was a time when we were all connected to Mother Earth, craddled, held, in gratitude we loved her and she loved us. She is waking up now, we are remembering now, we're on the upswing!! Seperateness doesn't fly anymore. Walk with your barefeet on the grass and remember your connection to Mother Earth. She graciously embraces our fears, anxieties, dreads... and fills us with her loving energy. Walk barefoot on the earth and remember who you are. You are the Divine. Ignite the flame within your heart. What is more beautiful than a human who's light is ON and walks with the humble knowing that THE UNIVERSE exists within them??? Deep within we all long for this.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

this is my dream

I want to work with pre-teens.  I want to guide them to feel their power.  To understand, feel, sense, honor and love their natural cycles.  With pictures, readings, explorations, yoga, breath, meditation, conversation, active listening, exploring ancestry, motivational interviewing, Global Somatics, Reiki.. I want to help them love who they are.  Love their bodies, their minds and their souls.  I want them to feel worthy of loving, supportive, interdependent relationships.  I want to help youth feel their potential and light the fires in their hearts and make their lives into what they want!

What is this feeling of dread?

That is a question I had started to ask myself hmmm.. about a year ago..  I had become aware that I was always slightly dreading everything I did.  I could feel this heaviness come up energetically before social events, grocery shopping, in relationships and yes, even teaching a yoga class... ah, darn, I'm not perfect.

This is something I've been trying to figure out for a while.  Today while I was teaching my second morning class at CPY Woodbury, IT HIT ME!  Hallelujah.  I realized that the old-belief/thought pattern went something like this:  "What's the point of giving fully if I know it's going to end someday?"  There have been a few milestones in getting me to this realization.  I recognized the strong clinging I had/have to 'positive' experiences, I cling tighter to 'good' then I do to 'bad'.   

This morning I was cueing my class to breath 'all the way in' and 'all the way out', the words hadn't ever come that that way before, and they were doing it, for an hour!  and it was AMAZING.  What a power group of yogis.  I feeling them give love all the way out and breath it all the way in.

I want to be engaged fully with my students, with the people I love in my life, with my schooling, the the butterflies, with the cricket I found on the studio floor this morning, with people I encounter at coffee shops and stores... I want to CELEBRATE this life.  Each person or experience like a bright, rainbow firework shooting across the sky of my life.  I celebrate fully and am grateful BECAUSE I recognize they won't always be here, even if it's through death, eventually all experiences cease, and then something new is born of the ashes.  The source of all life is always expanding, condensing, transforming, transmuting... enjoy these forms while they are here!  To stay partway closed up, fearing the loss of the relationship/yoga class/ice cream cone/job/experience is a life partway enjoyed.

Thank you amazing yogis for guiding me to this truth.  Namaste.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Which thought am I?

I joined in on the open meditation session last night at Common Grounds in Mpls.  It had been a while... I knew going there that I was mostly identified with thought and the 30 minute sit would be challenging.  And it was.

My foot fell asleep quickly, my upper back was felt sore, my attention went to my thoughts most of the time, I observed it all as neutrally as possible, I confess I adjusted my posture twice (that was a yogi joke, laugh now).  After guiding us (60 or 70 fellow meditators) through the sit, the intrustor gave a very helpful darma talk on what it is to practice mindfullness.  He quoted the Buddha in saying that 50 or 70 percent of the 'work' is becoming aware that we are identified with thought.  'Letting Go' of the attachement happens naturally as soon as the light of awareness shines.  When we are identified with our thoughts we believe we are our thoughts.  I was kindly reminded of what a silly concept this is ?!?!

Which thought am I?  Consider all of the ridculous, innaproriate, fantasy, rude, generous, kind, joyful thoughts a human has in...oh... 10 mintues.  Do any of these thoughts define who am I am?  No.

To identify with each passing thought leads to suffering and frustration, feeling unsettled and never grounded.  The mind is never grounded, moving from one attachement to the next to the next to the next.  In one beautiful breath of awareness we see the silly ramblings of the mind and become the observer. I am the observer.  The one watching, noticing...  and through exercising this mindfullness muscle the heart learns not to cling to every thought.  Hold the thought, honor it, watch it pass.  Life gets easier, we see situations exactly as they are.  This moment overflows with Acceptance, Joy, Peace, Love.

This morning I woke up and wove my field (my new morning ritual I learned at school) and did a 15 minute sit.

love to all.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Beginners Mind

Recently I came across this concept of "beginners mind".  It popped up in 3 different situations simultaneously.  To my knowledge it originates within Buddhist teachings.

I can think a situation or idea to death, trying so hard to figure it out, search forever for the perfect answer.  Stop.  Trust.  Let go.  In acquiring a "beginners mind" I surrender needing to know everything, needing to be perfect.  I admit deeply to myself that I know just a teeny-tiny fraction of the infinite, ever-expanding universe.  I am naive to many subjects.  It's a conscious choice to approach life with a sense of wonder and curiosity, available right now.  Trusting that nothing is coincedence and in even the darkest hour there is great opportunity for soul growth.

Join me!  Throw up your sails and ride the wind.


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Katie to Kate

I love pondering the transformation of the butterfly.  The caterpiller dissolves and a butterfly is born of its remains.  A yoga teacher of mine said during class once "In order to become someone new you have to be willing to give up who you have been".  Woah.  Feel the depth of that?  To become a fuller, more happy, healthy, free version of myself, I have to be willing to give up who I was before.

As many of you have noticed and so graciously adapted is that I've decided to start being called Kate more often now then Katie.  Katie feels younger, innocent, dependent on others, tended to blend in, put the needs of others in front of her own...   Kate is more bold, has traveled more, is more independent, can stand for her truth, feels the divine within... I could go on...

I went through a period of feeling an uncomfortable duality within.  Teetering back and forth between Katie and Kate.  A freaky feeling.  Fear of change!  oh no! I fear change just like everyone else!  crap. 

In the past I was trapped within myself.  Covered by veils of insecurities, self-doubt, worry, fear (more details at a later date of the AMAZING healings I've experienced over the last couple years, thank you teachers near and far).  Through my healing journey I reclaim parts of my soul that were misplaced during traumatic times, in this lifetime and past.  The more whole I am in myself the healthier I am.

love and light.

Monday, July 1, 2013

A declaration of Intention!

Hi you!

Earlier I made a strong and powerful declaration of intentions!  Setting an intention OUT LOUD carries the energy, I ask my angels to hold me to it also.  I said them out loud and emailed them to my Global Somatics compadres.  And now I ask you to hold them for me.  They are (in order that I realized them):

1)       From this moment forward I take full responsibility for my thoughts, words and actions.  Understanding that each of those are made of energy and affect me and the world in every way.  This includes beliefs I took on from others, energy that was projected on me and self-created agreements, past present and future, subconscious and conscious.  Huzaa.

2)      I release my habit of codependency!  I no longer need the approval of others to be happy.  I understand more than ever that needing the approval or appreciation of others for happiness very directly leads to dissapointment.  No more.  I make myself happy.

3)      I release my fear of offending others.  My heart flame burns brightly.  I am seen, heard and understood by most.  Some will not understand my message and may mock me. So be it.  I will not internalize the mocking.

What intentions are you setting?
Would you like some support on your healing and Soul Rebirth journey?

Katie Awake Online 

I midwife my clients through soul birth of their infinite potential; through and beyond childhood and past life trauma.  The result for them is more happiness now, more pleasure in their bodies, soul mate relationships, more money & the birth of their sacred work further into the world

Ways to work with me: 

Full year or 90 days of unlimited quantum healing & soul coaching.

Individual sessions of 3 hours or 1 hour. 

Women Remember ♥️🌹 a monthly membership that is an all access pass to my best trauma healing and soul birth work. Plus a continuously growing library of audio healings & trainings that I add to every month. $55/ month. No contract; stay as long as you feel called to. 

Free group quantum healing in my Facebook group + more intimate live videos with me: 

Facebook @Katie Awake

Instagram @katie_awake 

In massive & indestructible love, 


The dishes can wait.

  Sister, The dishes can wait. You embodying, feeling, being, creating, acting upon, creating… singing… dancing…creating… It matters more! Y...