Thursday, October 31, 2013

me and food

I had a good conversation with my dad yesterday about eating for our blood types, we're both type A pos. Recently I was feeling annoyed that the foods I crave and want sometimes don't line up with the foods my body actually needs. And I also will eat a chipotle or a burger and it tastes good, but that's about it. Then I go through 1 or 2 days of feeling bloated from the salt/gluten/cheese and my digestive tube gets all discombobulated. While talking with my dad yesterday I realized that I don't feel limited by choosing to eat a spinach and tofu salad over a burger, I actually feel more free when I eat the way my body truly wants to eat. I sleep better, I have more consistent energy all day long, my yoga practice feels stronger, I'm happier, I'm more loving...My body wants a lot of greens, light proteins, nuts...etc. It's amazing how intense the emotional attachment to food can be, this is serious self-work. I believe, when we sit down to a meal, or eat something quick, we infuse the food with our energy, whatever our emotions are, whether it's joy and excitement or pain and guilt, and then we eat it up and it goes back in us! One fun practice to play around with is conscious eating. When you sit down to eat, bless your food, express gratitude for all the hands it took to get it to your plate. You can ask the food to nourish you and give you what you need, anything that doesn't serve you may pass through. Now, while you eat know that you are eating earth, sky, fire and water, let it be a pure experience. Explore!

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  Sister, The dishes can wait. You embodying, feeling, being, creating, acting upon, creating… singing… dancing…creating… It matters more! Y...