Monday, October 28, 2013

An infected wisdom tooth socket

My wisdom teeth, all 4, were pulled out in 2003. I remember sitting there on that big chair thinking, 'what? you're going to take my teeth out so that I don't get cavities?' that doesn't seem like a good enough reason, I didn't feel powerful enough then to speak up, so the surgery happened. It went smoothly, a few days of liquid diet, no bad reactions, no dry sockets... everything seemed peachy. After about a year is when I first felt depressed. I remember vividly sinking down onto my desk chair at college with this deep feeling of dread and despair...asking myself, whats the point of all this? I began to question my relationships, my schooling, I just felt sort of dead inside. I cried hard to my roomates out of confusion and a deep inner conflict that I didn't understand. I must have just gotten used to this, I believed it was who I was. Inside I felt always town between wanting to act happy but also wanting to just curl up and be alone. I think I did a good job of being myself most of the time. The summer of 2006 my parents introduced me to Eckart Tolle 'The Power of Now' this book, just thinking about it brings tears of gratitude to my eyes. I had the first sparks of presence and aliveness. I began to remember who I really was and would get seconds or sometimes minutes of feeling pure joy! I started to remember that anxiety/depression wasn't me, I was joy and hapiness. This inner battle/ self realization continued through college and after. 2012 I was completely sick and tired of constantly battling fear. I met my soulmate, the fear got in the way of my ability to love, and THAT WAS IT. I was ready for BIG change. My family and friends guided me to Dr. Su in Hudson, WI. During my appointment she told me that one of my wisdom tooth sockets had a piece of rotten dead bone that had been left inside. My body, over those 10 years was trying so hard to fight it off, but I coudln't do it on my own. She said to me 'That's why you didn't win the war'. Something inside clicked, and I knew she was telling me the truth. Her machine she uses confirmed the infection. We tried at first to beat the infection from the inside out for 2 months, but my body said we needed help. She sent me to Dr. Keane in Edina and he surgically opened my gum and removed the cavitation, it was the size of a pencil eraser. Waves of sadness, grief and joy rolled off my chest while he performed the surgery. That day, my birthday 8/2/12 (best birthday ever), I felt IMMEDIATELY more like my authentic self, I felt my body shift into alignment, aspects of my external life followed. I cried deep tears of gratitude while my mom held me, I am be forever grateful to Dr. Su, Dr. Keane, my mom and all my family and friends who helped me. Trust your intuition and speak up for yourself! And if you feel like you need help, ask.

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