Thursday, April 1, 2021

Heal your Soul.


Um...what are you waiting for?
What painful relationship patterns have you noticed before?

Between your parents when you were growing up...

Of people at Target..

On TV...

What painful patterns do you notice in how you relate with yourself?

Are you kind to yourself?

Do you open your heart to yourself? To  your partner? To your kids?

Is this something you observe?

I feel FIERY tonight! Enjoy! 

It upsets me that SO many people aren't really living as their genuine deep, loving, amazing, worthy-of-everything-they-want self.... and the world is set up to keep us from it! 

A lot of people were out of body during their childhoods...because the emotional environments were SCARY or PAINFUL. It was somewhere along the lines of "you can't exist fully...your full expression is dangerous or annoying somehow...or made the adults around uncomfortable" That's very common, and a lot of my clients don't realize how their parents and childhood hurt them, until I help them peel back their layers of denial and of shrouding themselves from the truth.

Why does this inner child healing work matter?


Because you are IMPORTANT, because you have IMPORTANT work to do, because you ARE BRILLIANT, because it would be sad to waste your life due to being stuck inside in your childhood coping strategies. That are brilliant by the way...dissasociation is a very SMART way to not feel pain that was too overwhelming at the time, but now...darling, you are deserving and worthy and CAN absolutely heal and thrive and go places! 

Childhood coping strategies that are boxes you are keeping yourself inside of...and you can come out now 

It's safe.

You can REALIZE safety within yourself now. You can choose to give your time and energy to safe people.
People who are ALSO on genuine healing paths and doing life right. 

Let's go baby cakes. 

This world is NOT set up for people to really access their Soul, Heal and if you want absolutely have to CHOOSE TO. Get into partnership with God inside and let him show you the way. Follow the promptings from your Soul into your freedom. Be brave. 

When you step into your true healing path, when you heal from your childhood, you FREE yourself to be in relationship with yourself, your partner, and everyone in your the Soul that you are, rather than the hurt inner child. It's incredibly liberating! In Holy Love, we do all of that. 

I currently have 2 programs that I'm enrolling for.

HOLY LOVE is on pre-sale for $444 until 4/10. Then it goes up to $611

This is a download I got a couple weeks ago to bring through as a live course. I’ll be sharing my maps with you, that I followed to sacred marriage. Which means escorting you on a heart opening process... into deeper Union with the divine. It will be 3 days with me to surrender to the blueprint in your heart for divine Union. With God in your heart, then with your beloved in life! We’ll do ancestral healing, inner child healing and A LOT of heart healing 💓🙌🏼 PM me to join in at the pre-sale price 4/15-4/17

This is a 3 day group course that is for you IF:
💙You feel a yearning in your heart for sacred marriage, for a holy partner
💙You want deeper Union with God
💙You don’t really resonate with ‘dating’ but are ready for ‘the one’
💙You’re a full on old soul, spiritual weirdo who wants a partner who is too
💙You resonate with having a divine feminine/masculine partnership
💙You’re ready for core level inner child, ancestral & soul level healing
💙You understand the value of investing in yourself

Results that can happen:
  • Meeting 'the one'
  • Upgrading yourself and your current partnership to deeper, more fulfilling intimacy
  • Being lighter and freer from dropping TONS of weighted old patterns from your soul
  • Greater access to inner and outer abundance
  • More genuine happiness
  • Intuitive guidance from God and your own Soul about every area of your life; life, love, business etc. 
  • Greater access to your creativity
  • JOY from liberating your inner child/Soul

You're welcome to read more & join here:

ALSO Women Remember ♥️🌹

A monthly membership that is an all access pass to my best trauma healing and soul birth work. Plus a continuously growing library of audio healings & trainings that I add to every month. $55/ month. No contract; stay as long as you feel called to.

Join now so you can hop into the existing recordings, trainings and audio healings .. and be ready to receive your first Soul Birth session with me 4/8 ♥️🌹

What is Soul Birth?

I see in the core of each of us, an unlimited nebulus of potential. Unlimited potential for...union with God, JOY, abundance, love etc. I midwife you through birthing yourself AS this. As the real you, the you that you were born to be. The YOU that you've wanted to be, fully expressed, for lifetimes. In Women Remember, we are focused specifically in birthing ourselves as Women. We do this through deep inner child healing and getting comfortable with the infinite depth of our feminine hearts. It's a returning to you. We do Quantum Healing, Womb Healing, Inner Child healing, Past Life healing...everything that I do! It's fun and liberating work. You can always try for a month and if you hate it...leave! No biggie :) But...  think you'll love it and stay for a while. xoxo

✨If you are in Women Remember you can receive 50% off Holy Love. So.. that’s a stellar deal✨

That means BOTH Holy Love and Women Remember for $277! Rather than $499. 

If you want to join both to get that awesome deal, join Women Remember here, and then message me directly to get a discount link for Holy Love. 

Or ... just do one! or none! Follow your Soul. 


I'm here for any questions. 

To your total freedom,

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