Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Gaslighting is dark magic + FREE quantum healing


Hello there unlimited Soul, 

Lately, I'm healing levels in me about how I see myself, that are SO exciting, SO groundbreaking, that I just HAVE to tell you about it.

I also think it's funny that the more real I get in these emails... there have been 1-2 people unsubscribing each time... that's how this works!

A real, authentic voice is polarizing!

Anyway, back to my point today...which is about self-concept and worthiness.

As of late, the cells of my body are RELEASING lies from the devil! (Thanks, Amanda Frances for that line, and it's true) Releasing lies from the devil...about me being at fault for other people's pain. Especially in instances where people have maliciously manipulated me into believing that I am the cause of their internal issue. Nope! It's them.

Has this ever happened to you? It's unfortunately quite common in childhood too. This is called gaslighting. I've gone live talking about this lately on facebook.

Gaslighting is a form of dark magic. It is when a person twists around their victims mind so that the victim will believe they are actually the manipulative one. The gas lighter manipulates their victim THROUGH THEIR EXISTING WOUNDS to believe they have the negative state that the gaslighter actually has. You see? That's dark magic.

For example, a person with deep trust issues, can convince a maleable, gullible, pure hearted person that THEY are actually the one with the trust issues. When it's not true. And unfortunately, the victim may then spend months or years trying to heal their trust issues, when it was really all about the gaslighter projecting THEIR issues onto them. 

(If you've experienced this type of abuse, you will have been left feeling extremely depleted energetically, your self-worth will have plumeted and in your mind you will feel very confused. You may also become addicted to being gaslit, like a drug. And go back to the source of it for more, not understanding that it's abuse and not healthy intimacy. Unfortunately, A LOT of people were conditioned by their first relationships in childhood to believe that relationships are about one person depleting the other. That's not required. You are worthy of mutually expansive relationships.)

In my own body, and in my client work. the way we recover from gaslighting abuse is deep, deep gut healing. The gut is the store house for our self-worth. It is where we uncover the healthy sense of self again, a back bone, where we find our confidence again, the beginning of the healing of our voice,and so much more!

The gut is an ancient center of wisdom! Of what is RIGHT for us and what is WRONG for us. 

Gaslighting, narcissistic abuse and emotional manipulation will all be affecting digestion too.

When you heal multidimensionally, recover your healthy sense of self, your digestion smooths out too.

It's all connected.

Real healing addresses every layer of you. Physical, etheric, emotional, mental, soulful, spiritual and creative. All interwoven into one. If you change one layer, they all change. 

If you want some deep real healing to recover once and for all from gaslighting abuse, keep reading! 

Join today if you want to participate in our monthly FREE live group healing that is tomorrow, Wednesday at 2pm CST.

I facilitate these based on the energy of the group who shows up 💓

What I see so far, is this lifting up of everyone's awareness. So you will be shown more of who you are...specifically in relation to your own worthiness, intelligence, creativity and how to enact your vision for your work. I see that we will receive soul wisdom for the projects we are working on. 


Our main intention is ALWAYS your freedom to live a life of happiness, ease, deeply fulfilling relationship & prosperity. 

At the very least you’ll feel SUPER relaxed.. and it’s likely you’ll have a profound healing experience, but that’s up to you showing up, trusting God and the depth that you drop into!

If you’re curious about quantum healing, this is the perfect way to dip a toe in the water.

Join my facebook group here to enjoy the FREE group quantum healing

Doors are also open for Women Remember ♥️🌹 my monthly membership for DEEP trauma healing + Soul Rebirth for women to unfurl into a life of ease & enjoyment in being themself. I guide 2 live Soul Birth sessions every month, add a new training for you monthly, online sisterhood support, and you get an all access pass to my best courses & healing meditations. $55/ monthly. No contract.. stay as long as you like.

Read more about Women Remember here, and if you feel called to, join us for Apil xoxo

Why not do both? 

Happy Healing,

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