Friday, March 26, 2021

God, make my business a ministry of your love. Amen.


I have an arduous relationship with coffee. 

It is not easy. Me and coffee getting along. I'm half joking, but seriously. I LOVE it. It tastes so good, especially with the right coconut/almond creamer...but it dries the fuck out of my body! And if I don't eat just the right breakfast, at just the right time, then I'm shaky for hours. FUCK. 

Le sigh...

So as I sit here and am enjoying my coffee, whilst also feeling it pulsing through my veins. I'm also re-devoting myself to God. And doing my morning things of setting my intentions for the day. And what I am experiencing today is quite profound. I'm on day 29 of an intention setting challenge. My intention every morning has been for Soul aligned, pay in full, clients. I have booked a couple new clients this month, they are extraordinary! And I'm very grateful! Though this next level shift happening inside me is perhaps even more interesting and deep. I'm discovering a level of releasing my attachment to outcomes at a WHOLE NEW LEVEL. The last piece of this 30 day challenge that I have been to release my attachment to outcomes and leave the details up to the universe. So every morning, I set my intentions, I feel them as though they are real, I adjust my energy accordingly, then I release my intentions, I release my attachment to outcomes, and I leave the details up to the universe. As of yesterday, or maybe the day before, I was shown that I was REALLY REALLY actually still holding onto outcomes. I thought I had let that go and left it up to the universe, but truly, I had not. I was actually still holding onto maybe a 1000 ton weight of attachment to outcome. I thought this was just normal!!! Because, as this belief was in me, I HAVE to be attached to an outcome that I want (like tons of soul aligned clients, wealth, money for rent etc) or else  IT WON'T HAPPEN! Right?? Apparently not. 

So, I invite you on this journey with me. As I am REALLY FOR REAL ACTUALLY releasing ANY AND ALL attachment to outcome. As a replacement for where that 1000 ton weight of attachment was in my energy field (and I feel it was in my root chakra) I am fully 1000% devoting myself to my Mission. My mission to remind thousands and thousands of people how fucking brilliant they are. To midwife thousands and thousands of people through THEIR Soul's rebirth. My prayer to God is to make Katie Awake Online a ministry of HIS love. Use me God. Make me a conduit of your love every day, in every way.

This is the same way that I met my husband. I literally was on my knees crying, in the shower, as vulneralbe as can be, so so tired of living with the longing for my beloved, but being physically without him....and just fully surrendered to Jesus. I actually don't remember more details then that right now...maybe I'm not supposed to share...but around that time I also was doing a lot of dancing and invoking my beloveds energy right beside me. It was within a couple months that we met physically and pretty much were married as soon as we met. 

Here we go. Fully devoted, open and ready.

Our next live FREE group quantum healing is COMING UP SOON.

Wednesday 3/31 at 2pm CST.

I channel the healing in a way that is cleansing, healing and uplifting for EVERYONE present. Even if you are on the replay. Our main goal is your Soul level liberation. For more money, more love, more freedom, more autonomy, more union with God inside, more naturally radiant happiness. We will be in my facebook group. You can join here:

WOMEN REMEMBER xoxo is my monthly membership. I lead 2 Soul Birth sessions on Zoom for you every month. This is an all access pass to a secret website within my website, where you get all my best trauma healing work + Soul Birth work. Right now through April 1st, you can join for $55, and that will be your monthly rate forever. There's no contract, you're welcome to stay in sisterhood with us as long as you like. 

What is Soul Birth? You are a nucleus of unlimited potential at your core, with a few shrouds of coverings that we remove to reveal and free the real you. 

Read more and join Women Remember here:

Have a beautiful day.

In massive and indestructible love,

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