Monday, April 5, 2021

We’re all born one with God, abundance, in truth, majestic, joyful - in our true nature 

We’re born with the belief, knowing & expectation of all our needs being met. Of all of our Soul desires being fulfilled. And they can be! They are meant to be! 

We go through disappointment, despair, heart break and develop emotional wounds inside - when these Truths that we know are the way it’s ‘meant to be’ are denied, unfulfilled, shamed or punished by the world. 

So many of us live in a state of deep sadness that what we want hasn’t happened, can’t happen or we believe it’s being withheld by God. This is not true. 

We need to come home to God in our hearts, and remember these truths, return to knowing & believing that abundance, soulmate love, prosperity and happiness are ours - through remembering we are a perfect image of God. That is WHO we are. We are his divine children. Worthy upon arrival. 

Holy Love focuses specifically on divine union. On activating this blueprint of oneness with God within our hearts - a returning home - thus allowing a physical Union with a beloved in the 3D. But the internal spiritual work must first be done, to some extent, in the subtle planes. 

In our Free class, we will do this work. It will be an introduction. 

Join the FREE quantum healing class on 4/9/21 here. I’ll be live in my Facebook group πŸ™ŒπŸΌ

I’m honored to guide! 

All my love, 


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