Thursday, April 28, 2022

You are not the energy that's around you, you are YOU!

The years before I started getting more conscious of myself I was full of a lot of fear and anxiety ...panic attacks too. What I know now that I didn't know then, was that I was carrying a lot of emotional energy that wasn't even mine to begin with!

When I was a yoga teacher, which I did full time for about 10 years (loved it!) was this message:

It is essential for old soul empaths to learn to differentiate their own energy, or soul frequency, from that of other people! Most importantly from family of origin. It's no judgement, thats just where there will be the most emotional enmeshing and where energy boundaries matter the most, for the highest benefit of all.

A fun way to tune into this, is to say this to yourself:

Show me my own Soul's frequency

And then just...feel...

I often see it like a light up of white light through the spine. Would love to hear what you feel/see/experience in the comments!

Energetic self-differentiation is so so important for psychological & physical health. If you are carrying around lots of emotions of others...well it can throw off your life path! You won't be living a life authentic to YOU if you are constantly subconsciously responding to other's projected thoughts at you, or if you are carrying around the emotional pain of others.

It's of course good to care about other people, listen to people, really see people..but dont' try to take on their stuff FOR them. That doesn't actually help them or you.

It's just this weird painful thing that a lot of us learned to do as kids because we thought we were responsible for the adults pain or wellbeing.

So what to do instead?

Try the above exercise and learn to be able to distinguish your unique energy from the people around you.

I also believe it's key to do that at subtle energy levels with the inner child....for the people I work with, the inner child will be in multiple pieces from trauma. Not necesarily true for everyone, but true for most!

If you are wanting to identify inner child parts...the easiest way to do this is to notice yourself when you're triggered. When there is super charged emotion that seems out of proportion with present day reality. Also within these inner child/soul parts will be fragmented emotions from childhood enmeshments....the literal memories of when you took on pain that wasn't yours to take on!

Freedom and healing is always possible.

A bit part of healing is re-membering our soul parts into oneness inside.

The more you practice feeling and recognizing your own Soul's frequency, than you can use this as your home base.

Return all parts of yourself (your inner child aka soul) INTO your Soul's true song.

This is the process of sacred union.

I hope this is helpful! Would love to hear your thoughts below!

Also, I do happen to guide people in this work. Into union with God, themself, their partner, friends, business and money. Don't hesitate to private message me anything that wants to be shared, asked about or to inquire about working with me. You can find me on facebook: Katie Awake and message me there. 

I currently have 2 levels of private mentorship available or a group quantum gold business mastermind for spiritual entrepreneurs 🙂


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