Saturday, April 16, 2022

Does money feel scary?

I've noticed in my inner energetics, and in my client work with women, that the fear of investing in themselves is the same place of fear that comes up for women in allowing their prospective clients to buy from them. It seems that a lot of women associate money as a very scary, unsafe thing. 

I don't mean on a conscious level, because pretty much everyone consciously will claim that they want more money. I am speaking on a body level. The physical body is the subconscious mind actually! So I'm speaking of fear stored in the cells, in the nervous system and the kind that gets passed down inter generationally.

This is why people fear sales, cringe, hate them...

It is because of so much stored fear in hearts..

So much unprocessed, gut wrenching, nauseating fear of abuse...

Unprocessed generational trauma. 

In the subtle energetics of cellular memory, money is associated with the people who controlled you or your money, or both.. hence having these horrendous, scared feelings come up when you think of investing in you, or of thinking of receving high amounts of cash. You see?

I have surfed these waters myself...and I can tell is safe!!

It is safe to let the nervous system do her unwinding dance...through all the terrains that need healing...and to realize (now this one changed my life) that money is just money. 

I spent 10 years unwinding money from all of the gross, scary associations my subconscious had with her...and I will continue to do so. Because I have done all of this inner work, it is very easy for my to see the real inner workings of why others run scared from money or full self-expression. To be fully expressed usually means being wealthy financially too, if that's your path. This means an inner energetic betrayal of your past controllers. An inner energetic betrayal of whoever told you not to be big/happy/joyful/magnetic etc.

It is ok to take wild action from soul in the direction of your dreams and to do so VERY, VERY SCARED!

I want to see millions of women thriving in their soul led businesses...or multiple businesses...THROUGH any and all discomforts that arise! Even if their guts twist up when they walk on stages to speak and receive awards.

Even if they are naseous to earn their first 5K, 10K..100K 

Even if no on in their family understands what they're doing.

In spite of all the mountains they moved to get there. And will continue to move.

That fire in you is real. It will not go out. Ignoring your calling only hurts you and others. Stop dampening the flame! 

Surrender to the magic.

I have created a place for spiritual women entrepreneurs to say yes to all that is inside them. 

I know what it's like to be a MASSIVE soul and to not know how to birth it all into the 3D. The good news is, you don't have to 'figure out' the how. You just have to say YES to being her now. The plans, the ways, the maps, the daily practices...are actually FUN! Do you know that this all gets to feel good? Your creations, your sales, your marketing, your business success...all can be an extension of YOUR energy! It doesn't have to fit the 'rules'! It gets to be an extension of YOU.

2 current options:
Soul Success Membership - The place for spiritual women entrepreneurs to say yes to all that's inside them. I share all of my secrets. I literally made this for my past self of 3 years ago sitting at her desk with all these big dreams, super gifted soul, who just KNOWS she's meant to be wildly successful and happy! I made this space for you! Come join me. I also created a pricing structure for this membership that past me had the confidence to invest is very affordable with a 6 month or monthly option. You might think that prices are the barrier to you investing in the support you need to grow...but it's actually on a deeper level the decision to be all of you. It's the way THROUGH the fear of expanding :) pm me to join and ask questions. 

If you're ready for full on soul business success, a totally healed/safe/healthy/sustainable relationship with money, deeper union in all relationships, to have harmony restored on all levels of your being, master level multidimensional energy healing....and want 1:1 private mentorship with me...I have 2 levels available. Private mentorship levels with me include access to all of my other live programs, courses and memberships as your choosing. pm me to start a conversation. 

In great love, 

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