Wednesday, April 6, 2022

The truths revealed....

Some days it is easier than others to just drop into myself and write. Some days, like today, I just needed to sit on my couch under a blanket with my tea and breakfast..and do...nothing. Doing nothing can be very hard for me to do. Not really physically, because I know how to just check out, tune out, veg out, or just take a nap! But honestly, just doing nothing, sitting there, being...and not beating myself up for not doing 1000 things...can be painful! I think the self-harming thoughts of ..I should be doing this..I should be making money...I should be reading uplifting material.. I should be creating and posting content...can easily spiral negatively into judgements about me as a human! Into the agony of ..oh I'm just no good as a person!


I know now not to believe in those self-downward thoughts. And I now they can come out of nowhere! Notice when you feel like sh*t about yourself *who* you have been around lately. Because if someone you're close with has energies like this in their energy field..or ESPECIALLY if they project thoughts like that at will feel it and it will affect your can ruin years of a person's life!

The inner journey to sovereignty can be done. I have done it, and will continue to forever. This means, valuing yourself, first. That is not the same thing as putting yourself above others...there is actually plenty of space, care & love for everyone. It is a better world when everyone is making sure that they are following the hum of their own Soul first. When people are living from the inside out, rather than the inside in, everyone benefits. When parents value their own inner sovereignty, meaning they are living from the tune of their own Soul, it sets the example and the energetic environment for their kids to do this from their own Soul's too. It creates harmonized & happy relationships. A relationship where both are experiencing themselves as whole, means the purpose of the relationship the highest expression of both souls. Full expression. 

This is the highest purpose of a marriage too! 

When an individual decides they are going to live as the soul that they are, it is joyous for everyone who gets to be in relationship with them! 

My work is showing me this is true for money!

Once an individual knows *KNOWS* that they are sacred. Everything that comes into relationship with them reveals it's own sacredness too. It is natural law. When money comes into relationship with someone who knows they are sacred, money too is sacred. 

I actually believe that money is always sacred, but this re-frame of money is sacred because you are sacred, is a way to digest the information. Money has been so abused and corrupted on this planet, it usually takes a lot of unlearning and re-coding of true beliefs about be in relationship with her differently. 

One level of unlearning that has to be done, is doing a big review of all the crappy money experiences you've ever had. Particularly the ones that stand out! What was scary, what was harsh, what feels 'off', what didn't work, what failed, what was the energetic environment in relationship with money growing up? What were your main caregivers relationships with money like? And just write all this stuff out, stream of consciousness, without thinking...get it all out! 

This is the level of unlearning unhelpful beliefs, feelings, even traumas..associated with money. I have also found at this stage that past experiences...that perhaps don't have anything to do with money..will also arise! These can be situations or experiences whose emotional qualities are affecting your present day financial reality. 

It doesn't have to make sense. Just trust that God and your Soul are showing you what needs to be seen, so that it can be cleared. And so that your Soul's true relationship with money can be lived. 

Just like cleaning off a windshield reveals the clear glass underneath. It is this way with revealing the Soul's truth about money. When you get enough of the dirt off, the light cracks open from within. 

Feel free to message me here if you would like my support in your process. 


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