Saturday, April 30, 2022

Money wounds are abuse wounds! You can heal!


Lately I keep seeing this visual of a massive ship. And we're all on it. You and me .. my soul mate tribe friends 🙂

Ages old of trauma and abuse...stored on the why people don't feel safe to be themselves. This is why you don't feel safe to express yourself. This is why it's hard to get to the words out. This is why you haven't taken action yet on your soul led enterprise.

It's all there sitting within you. Those golden clouds of ideas just floating around in your energy field waiting for you to take action upon them.

I'm interested in helping thousands of women (or men!) heal their traum and abuse that their hearts are no longer clouded up to just fricken' SING whats inside them!

These are *actually what money wounds are.

Being afraid to be yourself
Being afraid to speak
Avoiding upsetting others
Avoiding making partners or family angry you avoid being you, you stuff your feelings, you turn your own light down...

And I GET it! None of this is bad or wrong!!! That's actually the mf'ing problem..the origin of the first place...that whoever hurt you...or hurt your ancestors...made you...the whole line of you...believe that YOU are bad!!! That them abusing you was YOUR FAULT! That you deserved it and it was for your own good.


Cracked open from the inside.
You get free.
You shine brighter than ever before
Your sweet inner child self plays and dances again in your wild heart

oh...and as a fun bonus? your soul business blueprint can freakin' breeeeath because you have space again to be you. Hallelujah. This is the 2nd coming. It's you.

The holy, hallelujah rise of you.

After the holy eclipse of your heart?
The tears?
The release?
The rise of your real voice?

You'll feel safe to let men close to you
You'll feel safe to rise in light
You'll feel safe to let money close to you
You'll feel safe to have lots of rich relationships in your life
You'll feel safe to let your audience and community grow

Thank God it's time!

I believe in you.
I see your inherent worth.
I see your brilliance.
I see you in your true wealth.
I know you can do this.

Ways to work with me:

I currently have 6 places open for 1:1 private mentorship. This is for you if you are ready to invest in your quantum uplevel. If you want to heal at the core of the core of trauma/abuse wounds. Retrieve and re-integrate your inner child into your heart. Bring her home. Go next level in your soul business and wealth creation. All from Soul. Private message me to have a chat and then we can see if we're a match for a complimentary phone chat about what a year of mentorship with me would involve and what results you would achieve. I'm here for the deep ones! Old souls with massive missions...ready for deep, fast transformation.

Also....this super special one...

Quantum Gold Mastermind...!
Honestly my socks keep getting knocked off at how powerful this space is and at the magnificent Soul's within already!! This is a 9 month sacred portal for your soul's true birth! Into quantum success, deep nervous system/soul healing, and the unleashing of the Soul business you just KNOW you are here to create!!! It all gets to come through you!

*For those who join me for a full year of 1:1 private mentorship Quantum Gold is included. Pricing for private mentorship will be discussed on phone call.

If my work is calling to you, send me a message here on facebook messenger to start a conversation.

I love you,

Thursday, April 28, 2022

You are not the energy that's around you, you are YOU!

The years before I started getting more conscious of myself I was full of a lot of fear and anxiety ...panic attacks too. What I know now that I didn't know then, was that I was carrying a lot of emotional energy that wasn't even mine to begin with!

When I was a yoga teacher, which I did full time for about 10 years (loved it!) was this message:

It is essential for old soul empaths to learn to differentiate their own energy, or soul frequency, from that of other people! Most importantly from family of origin. It's no judgement, thats just where there will be the most emotional enmeshing and where energy boundaries matter the most, for the highest benefit of all.

A fun way to tune into this, is to say this to yourself:

Show me my own Soul's frequency

And then just...feel...

I often see it like a light up of white light through the spine. Would love to hear what you feel/see/experience in the comments!

Energetic self-differentiation is so so important for psychological & physical health. If you are carrying around lots of emotions of others...well it can throw off your life path! You won't be living a life authentic to YOU if you are constantly subconsciously responding to other's projected thoughts at you, or if you are carrying around the emotional pain of others.

It's of course good to care about other people, listen to people, really see people..but dont' try to take on their stuff FOR them. That doesn't actually help them or you.

It's just this weird painful thing that a lot of us learned to do as kids because we thought we were responsible for the adults pain or wellbeing.

So what to do instead?

Try the above exercise and learn to be able to distinguish your unique energy from the people around you.

I also believe it's key to do that at subtle energy levels with the inner child....for the people I work with, the inner child will be in multiple pieces from trauma. Not necesarily true for everyone, but true for most!

If you are wanting to identify inner child parts...the easiest way to do this is to notice yourself when you're triggered. When there is super charged emotion that seems out of proportion with present day reality. Also within these inner child/soul parts will be fragmented emotions from childhood enmeshments....the literal memories of when you took on pain that wasn't yours to take on!

Freedom and healing is always possible.

A bit part of healing is re-membering our soul parts into oneness inside.

The more you practice feeling and recognizing your own Soul's frequency, than you can use this as your home base.

Return all parts of yourself (your inner child aka soul) INTO your Soul's true song.

This is the process of sacred union.

I hope this is helpful! Would love to hear your thoughts below!

Also, I do happen to guide people in this work. Into union with God, themself, their partner, friends, business and money. Don't hesitate to private message me anything that wants to be shared, asked about or to inquire about working with me. You can find me on facebook: Katie Awake and message me there. 

I currently have 2 levels of private mentorship available or a group quantum gold business mastermind for spiritual entrepreneurs 🙂


Thursday, April 21, 2022

Your needs matter.

If a parent didn't meet their childs nourishment needs, love needs, care needs, positive attention, like actually listening, needs...

The adult child will continue on living this pattern. As though life doesn't support them, the universe isn't there for them, they will feel 'all on their own'.

They won't be able to let goodness, love, money, resources, positive regard, praises....come to them. They will struggle with positivity. They will have a hard time receiving...but deep inside they'll be longing for that parent they didn't have! Because those core needs of love, attention, being seen, being heard, being given to freely....are of course innate and still screaming.

So what to do?

It is absolutely key to get in touch with the screaming un-met needs of the inner child inside. She matters. He matters. Those needs really f*ing matter! There has to be a deep, deep understanding that your needs matter. Let the emotions out that come. 

Decide that your needs matter. Decide that all of your core, essentail needs being met, is now the new law of your life. It is this way now. Draw a line in the sand, declare it!!! (here in the comments if you like!) I will see you and validate you!! 

I'm just sick and tired of seeing so many people suffering. It doesn't have to be this way. 

Needs get to be seen, appreciated and met. Even beyond that, you get to live your life how your Soul wants to!!! Let's do this inner healing work so that you can thrive. 

Enrollment is OPEN for Heal & shift into safety

This is easily the most powerful work I've ever created.

This is a brand new launch for 10 souls who want to shift into safety within themselves. To know that it is now safe to be you. Safe to have fun! Safe to be fully expressed! Safe to be seen! Safe receive what you want! Safe to have! Safe to earn! Safe to succeed :)

Come out of your cute little hiding places and RISE

Read all about it & enroll here. These 6 weeks with me will change your life. Guaranteed. 

psst....  I've extended the pre-sale price through today at 11:59pm...that's $1000 off :)

Time to fly out of your cocoons butterflys. 

Message me any questions! We start next week. I'm so so excited. I love this work :)


Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Core woundings are not the core

There is so much more to you than your wounds! Let's go there.

It is good to move through a time where you are getting in touch with your core woundings. The most painful ones, the ones where you believed the lies that you're not enough, not good enough, can't...wherever you need to open up, bleed, cry, get it all out....this is beautiful sacred work.

Though, please also know that these core woundings are not who you are. They are energetic terrains that need to be met, but you can go still deeper. There is way, way more to you. This you know.
Under the rubble, under the pain, you are light illumined.
You are not defined by the places that hurt. You are deeper still. If you would just open the door within, gold light pours out.
Once you remember that the light is all that you are, everything is safe.
We have launched a BRAND NEW ROUND of heal & shift into safety. The place where your deepest wounds open up to your inner rebel queen. The queen inside who's only ever been planted in God, who abides in natural abundance, who knows the whole red carpet and which way to walk, knows exactly the steps to take.
There has never been anything wrong with you.
The hurt and lasting wounds that was done to you was not your fault.
Same goes for your entire ancestry.
Let's clear the way for the future little ones.
These 6 weeks with me will mean DECIDING to be HER. Deciding to be all of you. Deciding to be dropped into your Queeness. Giving a big f off to any forces around your heart who you've let stop you until now.
You get to be free. You get to write. You get to be fully expressed. It all happens when you decide.
I would love to chat with you about your inner healing journey, shine more light on the places within you that need to come to life now, and share all the details of Heal & shift into safety. You're welcome to email me at to chat or if you *know this is for you, simply click the this link for the details/enrollment.
Seeing you in your highest/deepest brilliance.
(I also currently have 3 places open for 1:1 private clients, for a full year or 3 months, email me directly at if you are curious about that.)
Quantum Success Coach
Multidimensional energy healer

Monday, April 18, 2022

Your genius zone is where your deepest wound meets your inner rebel

I feel like I’m a patched together mess of soul parts. This really is an accurate description. This feels light & liberating to my heart. That idea of a person who ‘has it all together’ is fake. Really we are all fragmented. Human energy fields are full of trauma. Everybody’s scared. Anyone who tries to state that they are ‘all good’ is lying. 

I passionately adore this part of me who f*cking loves being a rebel. She’s my saving grace. She’s the one who knows. She’s the wild in me. She’s the reason I do everything just from a place of ‘I want to, so I am’. She’s my friend. She is me. 

The places in us that have been hurt, neglected, raped, ignored…. the worst wounds… there is a wormhole through to the other side of God from here… my friends… I’d love to show you the way. 

Just like flipping a coin over.. you’ll find the abundant garden of Eden just on the other side. She sees you here. Looking at her. Maybe you forgot you are her. 

Look at all she has. The fruits, the garden, the abundance. 

The lost feminine. 

Retrieve her. 

Sing for her. 

Call to her. 

Let yourself become her. 

As her now, as you, one. 

What does she know?

What does she choose? 

I was not planning on doing this… but I feel called to today. For the woman who’s not let herself express, not let herself receive, not let herself be abundantly nourished… by love, by food, by money, by friendships, by connection… maybe even by God… this for you. 

Not necessarily to the entirety of you as a soul, because Soul’s are always whole, divine, complete…. but to the parts of you who just have never felt safe to receive, because receiving always meant abuse. 

For the next 7 days I’m holding a special doorway open to Heal & shift into safety. 

This is a 6 week 1:1 & group container with me. For women to heal multidimensionally into safety with money. 

So you can *have*... 

Have yourself 

Have your body as yours 

Have your earnings as yours 

Melt into love inside your pelvis 

Once and for all 

So you can be her. The one in the garden. 

Read on below ⬇️

These 6 weeks include healing money patterns at the level of ancestry, trauma healing & uncovering your Souls real way of being in Union with money (rather than family, cultural or societally prescribed notions). 

Perhaps the most breathtaking component of this work, I’ve never seen anything like this anywhere else, is the union between the abused parts of you & the rebel parts. The two are actually one, and here you are also a f*cking genius creator & soul business woman. 🐲


Soul level JOY from the pit of your stomach 

Hearts cracked open wide 

Remembering who you really are 

Business & money, your way, next level 

Let’s do this. 

If this feels like a YES to you, read all the details and join here. There is $1000 off pre-sale discount for those who sign up before 4/20. 💛👑

xo Katie

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Does money feel scary?

I've noticed in my inner energetics, and in my client work with women, that the fear of investing in themselves is the same place of fear that comes up for women in allowing their prospective clients to buy from them. It seems that a lot of women associate money as a very scary, unsafe thing. 

I don't mean on a conscious level, because pretty much everyone consciously will claim that they want more money. I am speaking on a body level. The physical body is the subconscious mind actually! So I'm speaking of fear stored in the cells, in the nervous system and the kind that gets passed down inter generationally.

This is why people fear sales, cringe, hate them...

It is because of so much stored fear in hearts..

So much unprocessed, gut wrenching, nauseating fear of abuse...

Unprocessed generational trauma. 

In the subtle energetics of cellular memory, money is associated with the people who controlled you or your money, or both.. hence having these horrendous, scared feelings come up when you think of investing in you, or of thinking of receving high amounts of cash. You see?

I have surfed these waters myself...and I can tell is safe!!

It is safe to let the nervous system do her unwinding dance...through all the terrains that need healing...and to realize (now this one changed my life) that money is just money. 

I spent 10 years unwinding money from all of the gross, scary associations my subconscious had with her...and I will continue to do so. Because I have done all of this inner work, it is very easy for my to see the real inner workings of why others run scared from money or full self-expression. To be fully expressed usually means being wealthy financially too, if that's your path. This means an inner energetic betrayal of your past controllers. An inner energetic betrayal of whoever told you not to be big/happy/joyful/magnetic etc.

It is ok to take wild action from soul in the direction of your dreams and to do so VERY, VERY SCARED!

I want to see millions of women thriving in their soul led businesses...or multiple businesses...THROUGH any and all discomforts that arise! Even if their guts twist up when they walk on stages to speak and receive awards.

Even if they are naseous to earn their first 5K, 10K..100K 

Even if no on in their family understands what they're doing.

In spite of all the mountains they moved to get there. And will continue to move.

That fire in you is real. It will not go out. Ignoring your calling only hurts you and others. Stop dampening the flame! 

Surrender to the magic.

I have created a place for spiritual women entrepreneurs to say yes to all that is inside them. 

I know what it's like to be a MASSIVE soul and to not know how to birth it all into the 3D. The good news is, you don't have to 'figure out' the how. You just have to say YES to being her now. The plans, the ways, the maps, the daily practices...are actually FUN! Do you know that this all gets to feel good? Your creations, your sales, your marketing, your business success...all can be an extension of YOUR energy! It doesn't have to fit the 'rules'! It gets to be an extension of YOU.

2 current options:
Soul Success Membership - The place for spiritual women entrepreneurs to say yes to all that's inside them. I share all of my secrets. I literally made this for my past self of 3 years ago sitting at her desk with all these big dreams, super gifted soul, who just KNOWS she's meant to be wildly successful and happy! I made this space for you! Come join me. I also created a pricing structure for this membership that past me had the confidence to invest is very affordable with a 6 month or monthly option. You might think that prices are the barrier to you investing in the support you need to grow...but it's actually on a deeper level the decision to be all of you. It's the way THROUGH the fear of expanding :) pm me to join and ask questions. 

If you're ready for full on soul business success, a totally healed/safe/healthy/sustainable relationship with money, deeper union in all relationships, to have harmony restored on all levels of your being, master level multidimensional energy healing....and want 1:1 private mentorship with me...I have 2 levels available. Private mentorship levels with me include access to all of my other live programs, courses and memberships as your choosing. pm me to start a conversation. 

In great love, 

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

The truths revealed....

Some days it is easier than others to just drop into myself and write. Some days, like today, I just needed to sit on my couch under a blanket with my tea and breakfast..and do...nothing. Doing nothing can be very hard for me to do. Not really physically, because I know how to just check out, tune out, veg out, or just take a nap! But honestly, just doing nothing, sitting there, being...and not beating myself up for not doing 1000 things...can be painful! I think the self-harming thoughts of ..I should be doing this..I should be making money...I should be reading uplifting material.. I should be creating and posting content...can easily spiral negatively into judgements about me as a human! Into the agony of ..oh I'm just no good as a person!


I know now not to believe in those self-downward thoughts. And I now they can come out of nowhere! Notice when you feel like sh*t about yourself *who* you have been around lately. Because if someone you're close with has energies like this in their energy field..or ESPECIALLY if they project thoughts like that at will feel it and it will affect your can ruin years of a person's life!

The inner journey to sovereignty can be done. I have done it, and will continue to forever. This means, valuing yourself, first. That is not the same thing as putting yourself above others...there is actually plenty of space, care & love for everyone. It is a better world when everyone is making sure that they are following the hum of their own Soul first. When people are living from the inside out, rather than the inside in, everyone benefits. When parents value their own inner sovereignty, meaning they are living from the tune of their own Soul, it sets the example and the energetic environment for their kids to do this from their own Soul's too. It creates harmonized & happy relationships. A relationship where both are experiencing themselves as whole, means the purpose of the relationship the highest expression of both souls. Full expression. 

This is the highest purpose of a marriage too! 

When an individual decides they are going to live as the soul that they are, it is joyous for everyone who gets to be in relationship with them! 

My work is showing me this is true for money!

Once an individual knows *KNOWS* that they are sacred. Everything that comes into relationship with them reveals it's own sacredness too. It is natural law. When money comes into relationship with someone who knows they are sacred, money too is sacred. 

I actually believe that money is always sacred, but this re-frame of money is sacred because you are sacred, is a way to digest the information. Money has been so abused and corrupted on this planet, it usually takes a lot of unlearning and re-coding of true beliefs about be in relationship with her differently. 

One level of unlearning that has to be done, is doing a big review of all the crappy money experiences you've ever had. Particularly the ones that stand out! What was scary, what was harsh, what feels 'off', what didn't work, what failed, what was the energetic environment in relationship with money growing up? What were your main caregivers relationships with money like? And just write all this stuff out, stream of consciousness, without thinking...get it all out! 

This is the level of unlearning unhelpful beliefs, feelings, even traumas..associated with money. I have also found at this stage that past experiences...that perhaps don't have anything to do with money..will also arise! These can be situations or experiences whose emotional qualities are affecting your present day financial reality. 

It doesn't have to make sense. Just trust that God and your Soul are showing you what needs to be seen, so that it can be cleared. And so that your Soul's true relationship with money can be lived. 

Just like cleaning off a windshield reveals the clear glass underneath. It is this way with revealing the Soul's truth about money. When you get enough of the dirt off, the light cracks open from within. 

Feel free to message me here if you would like my support in your process. 


Tuesday, April 5, 2022

The core truths of my soul...

A core part of my learnings in this life are about realizing I can be well nourished in every way. There doesn’t have to be lack. My soul has wiring for sacred Union on all levels. With God, with myself, with my husband, with organic whole food, with my business & with money.

My work is to share my Union maps with the world.

And to guide thousands of others to construct soul led businesses based on sharing their soul maps with the world.

Together we are all a tapestry of stars. Awakening each other. Reminding each other it is safe now, urgent now actually, to be fully seen in our magic. To understand that we are the magic. That the bells of humanity far, far outshine the dark abusers of us as a race for the millennia or more that they have. There’s truly nothing that can stop the full dawning of the light now.

As money comes into relationship with you it becomes sacred. Because you are sacred. Your heart purifies all that it is in relationship with.

Let’s move trillions of dollars through sacred hearts, sacred intentions, sacred banks, sacred investments, sacred accounts, sacred funds.

Money changes things. Changes paradigms. Money moved in the right ways helps restore sacredness. Moved by your head & heart.

Wield money as an abundant resource to restore loving power on this planet. It is time.

I absolutely LOVE helping people break through 👊🏻 unhelpful money beliefs/icky feelings/mistrust/fear/patterns .... whatever it may be.. so that you can land your mission in the 3D & soar successfully in soul led business.

Saturday, April 2, 2022

People most want to feel safe to be themself.

More than any outer achievement that people enjoy… what people really want is for it to finally be safe & ok to be themself.

Their real self. The goofy one, the happy one, the unconditionally loved/cherished/accepted/belonging one!

The one where they know without any doubt that they are fully safe to be them!

Once these gates are accessed & bravely re-opened…

Well, the sky is the limit!!

(Inner you is the gold)

One again, as you did when you were a child, it’s safe to be born. Safe to be you. Safe to express fully. To create fully! Reciprocally, life reflects this abundant expression back to you tenfold.

With life! Light! Joy! Experiences, opportunities, relationships, wealth, soulmate community ….

Just as you are abundant within, and when you step through these gates, life can finally say yes to you.

Your whole external life, everything & everyone you choose to have in your life, and even more so what you get to be astounded by that God has in store for you.... is a reflection of you continuously choosing to be more of yourself.

Particularly through the scared hurt bits. Where you’ve e experienced not-so-great (to put it lightly) pushback. The parts of you who were taught not to be you. Or worse, that there’s something just not ok about you!

What if these are your most magical bits?

Your most shiny, soulful genius?

These parts of you who perhaps haven’t seen light in a while... are gold.

Here, now, you can stop with charades, acts, covers, fronts, masks, fear...

Emotional survival mode. Taking any positivity you can get. Maybe even ignoring red flags just so you have some connection.

What if...

You drew a line in the sand today & decided that you choose safety on all levels now

What if you command in the light of God that you are supported by love now

What if you choose stability, safety, peace & real foundation now

What would change?

To me, it looks like your heart unfurls. It looks like your magic is seen. It looks like you are a leader. It looks like you show thousands more behind you how to open, too.

Let the love in, sweetie.

You are abundantly seen, loved & supported. It’s actually always been true. Time to start living it as this human version of you that you are now in this life. Show the future generations what’s possible.

I do have current openings for 1:1 private mentorship or Quantum Gold Mastermind (9 month quantum business coaching container for spiritual entrepreneurs)


The dishes can wait.

  Sister, The dishes can wait. You embodying, feeling, being, creating, acting upon, creating… singing… dancing…creating… It matters more! Y...