To my old soul sisters here with big missions...I'm so grateful for you!
You've been at this a long, long time.
Holding the light codes of humanity.
Watching the same dark forces manipulate humanity with different tactics in different ages.
And you...
You with your voice
You with your Soul
You with your eternally, optimistic, in-love-with-humanity heart.
Bless you, and thank you for being here! Again!
We need you in ALL of your glory 🙏
There are ways that your heart & throat are tied up...still slightly in knots of traumas prior.
From all the times you shouted out your truths and were turned away.
It hurts to keep truths in.
Let's untie them :)
It wasn't your fault that things didn't go how you thought they should...on this planet there IS a lot of injustice...
Though just because there is a lot to do...a lot of inversion programming to turn upright...a lot of patterns to untie....
It doesn't mean you should be disheartened.
For you... with a bright, open ARE the medicine.
It's in your BEING
Your plans are there, coded within you.
I have a new offering that's been coming through me for a few days...
Inner Soul Mastery
To lift advanced soul healers higher
To assist them into deeper union with God and with their Beloved
To awaken their gifts further
To help them become more comfortable with the financial wealth that goes hand in hand with their Soul mission
This is a 3 day quantum healing bootcamp with me
1-2 hour sessions each day (however long the transmission takes!)
2 weeks of follow up healing via text/voice memo with me
can't wait to connect with you further and support your next level healing, embodiment and mission! blessed to be on this planet with you!
pm me for the payment link and booking details.
love you!
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