Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Come out of hiding love bug

 Come out of hiding...

Sometimes little crawl spaces were the only place where we felt physically and/or emotionally safe as little girls...

Sometimes NOT EVEN THEN did we feel safe, but it was the closest we could get

Sometimes, as adults we haven't healed deeply enough from our scary experiences as kids...and without even realizing it we continue to keep ourselves in spaces that are just-barely-big-enough for us...just enough to get by....just enough so we're not seen...just enough so we can continue re-creating that small-and-never-really-safe feeling from our childhood....because it's the best we've ever known

And the best we've ever known...honestly..hasn't been that good

It impacts us on every level...only allowing in just enough love...just enough light...just enough nourishment from the food we eat...just enough pleasure...not too much...just enough money....

e v e r y t h i n g that makes life grand!

And do you know...it's actually (and I know this may sound crazy)..it's actually SAFE for your life to become GRAND!!!

I can relate from my own journey... I came out... the waters just fine ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ˜‰ it’s WAY more fun out here!

I’ll show you the way

What if you decided you were done with little crawl spaces?

What if you began to possibly, maybe even just a little bit embody, that being a big light is actually way safer than being small?

What if you began to sing the song to yourself that being a big light would wake up other women around you to their own big light? For the next generation?

Our second quarter for Women Remember has begun, are you coming?

(Also, it's not too late to begin your SOUL SUNRISE....a 6 month deep dive quantum healing experience 1:1 with me... enrollment will close this week so message me directly ASAP...

You can join here, I'm SO excited! www.katieawake.com/womenremember

love you!

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