Monday, June 14, 2021

God didn't screw up.

The inner work to be who I am today has not been easy.

There is a pull towards depression that I reject every day, there has been loads of heart break, there is doubt that I choose not to believe in frequently.


I choose to devote my life and my business to God. To letting God work through me. I let myself be swept away into the divine wind of creation, every day.

I'm getting better and better at it!

Time's not really real, you know? every moment, this very moment, EVERYTHING is happening and everything is possible.. ANY feeling, thought and action is possible right fricken' now! It's your choice!!!

And isn't that kind of terrifyingly liberating?

I think THIS fact that anything is possible, is ACTUALLY what scares people (subconsciously, mostly) away from realizing it.

I know it took me years to even begin to realize this....that I can do anything I want...and I keep opening more to this daily.

It is an incredible blessing to be alive at this time with the resources and free country that I have, to be able to do this!

Not to be taken for granted.....

Rather to be held up and celebrated in gratitude and in glory to God, every day.

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