Monday, June 14, 2021

God didn't screw up.

The inner work to be who I am today has not been easy.

There is a pull towards depression that I reject every day, there has been loads of heart break, there is doubt that I choose not to believe in frequently.


I choose to devote my life and my business to God. To letting God work through me. I let myself be swept away into the divine wind of creation, every day.

I'm getting better and better at it!

Time's not really real, you know? every moment, this very moment, EVERYTHING is happening and everything is possible.. ANY feeling, thought and action is possible right fricken' now! It's your choice!!!

And isn't that kind of terrifyingly liberating?

I think THIS fact that anything is possible, is ACTUALLY what scares people (subconsciously, mostly) away from realizing it.

I know it took me years to even begin to realize this....that I can do anything I want...and I keep opening more to this daily.

It is an incredible blessing to be alive at this time with the resources and free country that I have, to be able to do this!

Not to be taken for granted.....

Rather to be held up and celebrated in gratitude and in glory to God, every day.

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Birth your mission baby!!!

I am the medicine.

I am the gifts.

My Soul sparkles like a sacred birthing chamber for Women to remember who they really are.

In God's eyes.


You're here for a reason.

The glowing white letters of your PURPOSE and MISSION are WRITTEN IN YOUR SPINE.

In eternal ink.

It cannot be lost or overtaken.

It cannot be erased.

Are you ready to remember?

Are you tired of ignoring the call?

To go bigger... to be more of feel more IN LOVE WITH LIFE

To IMPACT with your soul and voice

To create MORE wealth by being of GREATER service

In a way that honors you on every level.

Honors your time, honors your energy...and where you share your God-given gifts in a way that lights up your whole being. 

Aching for this?

I gotchu.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

You're not being enough 'too much'

You were placed here in this very spot, as exactly the you that you are, for a reason.

And the reasons are multidimensional in nature, beyond our minds comprehension.

Soften and let go of everything that feels heavy.

You get to be light now.


Often times, the challenges we go through seem unfair, seem like too much....but you're not a 'too much' soul.

Your 'too muchness', your LIGHT, your power, your wisdom.....

It's in overflow baby and that's how it should be!

We need lots and lots of you.

ALL of your glory.


In fact, I don't think you are being 'too much' enough, please be more 'too much'

Overflow your light

Overflow your love

Overflow your emotions

Overflow your thoughts, views and opinions

Overflow your desires

Set it all free

Be SO big, so expressed, so ALIVE.... that the glass ceiling of the death-inducing, horribly oppressive, BORING 'too muchness' prison is shattered, forever.

You might surprise yourself that you are a WHOLE NEW YOU! The you that you always knew you were inside.


Inner Soul Mastery

Advanced Soul Healers: COME FORTH

This is my new offer!! I'm SO excited about's actually such a powerful offer...

It's a 3 day Quantum Healing tune-up for advanced soul healers
for any remaining multi-d trauma healing that you need, deepening into God union, adjustments/upliftements to your field, money wound healing... to be even more ON POINT doing God's work through you :)

So we can all really crack off this RISING in the new Golden Age of we go!

rev your engines.

pm me for the details and for the payment link.

with love,


To my old soul sisters here with big missions...I'm so grateful for you!

You've been at this a long, long time.

Holding the light codes of humanity.

Watching the same dark forces manipulate humanity with different tactics in different ages.

And you...

You with your voice

You with your Soul

You with your eternally, optimistic, in-love-with-humanity heart.

Bless you, and thank you for being here! Again!

We need you in ALL of your glory ๐Ÿ™

There are ways that your heart & throat are tied up...still slightly in knots of traumas prior.

From all the times you shouted out your truths and were turned away.

It hurts to keep truths in.

Let's untie them :)

It wasn't your fault that things didn't go how you thought they should...on this planet there IS a lot of injustice...

Though just because there is a lot to do...a lot of inversion programming to turn upright...a lot of patterns to untie....

It doesn't mean you should be disheartened.

For you... with a bright, open ARE the medicine.

It's in your BEING

Your plans are there, coded within you.

I have a new offering that's been coming through me for a few days...

Inner Soul Mastery

To lift advanced soul healers higher

To assist them into deeper union with God and with their Beloved
To awaken their gifts further

To help them become more comfortable with the financial wealth that goes hand in hand with their Soul mission

This is a 3 day quantum healing bootcamp with me
1-2 hour sessions each day (however long the transmission takes!)
2 weeks of follow up healing via text/voice memo with me

can't wait to connect with you further and support your next level healing, embodiment and mission! blessed to be on this planet with you!

pm me for the payment link and booking details.

love you!

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Today's energy reading: blue & gold light bursting through the heart

 Looking at my communities energy today and asking what they need... I see a vision of a person with their chest up and open to the sky...tons of powerful light breaking a triumphant ROAR of volcanic blue/gold/white light bursting through the heart! And they're YELLING in FREEDOM and AWAKENING and SEEING of TRUTH and WHO THEY REALLY ARE!!! It's a huge celebration!!!! It's normal that this also feels scary and confusing and strange and painful...sometimes...

I wrote this little diddy in response to what I'm seeing:

It was always going to go this way.

You were always going to rememember the truth. About God, about love, about healing & about what happiness really is.

This was the plan before you were born, dear.

Yes, you're waking up.

Yes, your heart is bursting open.

Yes, it's painful sometimes and absolutely glorious sometimes.

Actually, all at once...sometimes!

So...just let go!

The blue/gold light breaking through your heart center is your real self. It only feels weird to your mind. Your mind is afraid of losing control, but this is the best kind of control to lose!

It's good to lose the controls over yourself that put you in the dark and in pain and in fear. It's good to lose the controls over yourself that keep you broke. It's good to lose the controls over yourself that keep you in hiding.

What is there to fear..? really..?.....death, pain, being alone...all of those are temporary.

YOU are everlasting light.

If you feel a pull to deeper support with me, you're welcome to join Women Remember or pm me for 1:1 work. I'll put links in the comments.

carry on!

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Come out of hiding love bug

 Come out of hiding...

Sometimes little crawl spaces were the only place where we felt physically and/or emotionally safe as little girls...

Sometimes NOT EVEN THEN did we feel safe, but it was the closest we could get

Sometimes, as adults we haven't healed deeply enough from our scary experiences as kids...and without even realizing it we continue to keep ourselves in spaces that are just-barely-big-enough for us...just enough to get by....just enough so we're not seen...just enough so we can continue re-creating that small-and-never-really-safe feeling from our childhood....because it's the best we've ever known

And the best we've ever known...honestly..hasn't been that good

It impacts us on every level...only allowing in just enough love...just enough light...just enough nourishment from the food we eat...just enough pleasure...not too much...just enough money....

e v e r y t h i n g that makes life grand!

And do you's actually (and I know this may sound crazy)'s actually SAFE for your life to become GRAND!!!

I can relate from my own journey... I came out... the waters just fine ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ˜‰ it’s WAY more fun out here!

I’ll show you the way

What if you decided you were done with little crawl spaces?

What if you began to possibly, maybe even just a little bit embody, that being a big light is actually way safer than being small?

What if you began to sing the song to yourself that being a big light would wake up other women around you to their own big light? For the next generation?

Our second quarter for Women Remember has begun, are you coming?

(Also, it's not too late to begin your SOUL SUNRISE....a 6 month deep dive quantum healing experience 1:1 with me... enrollment will close this week so message me directly ASAP...

You can join here, I'm SO excited!

love you!

Here is my recipe for inner peace

I've just come off of 4 days of a master cleanse so that my lungs could heal. Unfortunately I got sick twice on our incredible trip in ...