Thursday, April 29, 2021

Here is your permission slip...

Life can literally be just fun now.

When you've done your inner work. 

When you've slugged through the mud that is DEEP soul trauma healing work..

Your heart gets free!

I hate to break it to ya'...but this unavoidably what happens.

As the emotional body heals..she transmutes into PURE creative energy.

Like a little silly, endlessly energetic, child of God!

Which you are, and I am.


It's true. 

BEING you is by far, hands down, without a question, the GREATEST gift you can give yourself and everyone around you...and all of humanity...and this planet.

It's actually you're here, and why I'm here, and I know that if any organic human being on this Earth actually looked deep within themselves, did their inner work, and unleashed their TRUENESS that they are as a SOUL .... they would unavoidably be very, very happy and be radiating God's light from within, too. 

This is the medicine that we all need. 

Do you feel that natural draw to children and to animals too? It's their pureness, they just are pure God essence, and we all (I believe) long for this reunin with our own inner child, with our Soul, with God..inside. And it is, and can only be, an inside job. :)

Ross and I go out walking frequently, and today we went down the road where there is a childcare center. It's a very sweet building, clean, nice...painted yellow with a sun. And it's called 'Rayitos' which in Spanish means 'Little Rays of the SUN' and my heart and Soul just melt into a little God-union-bliss-happy puddle every time I see the name of this center. Because I feel little Katie inside.. I feel super happy's a returning to Truth. aw..I just love it. 

So how is your little inner child inside? Can you feel them? Do they come out to play? Have you asked them how they are lately?

Your inner child IS in fact your direct connection to God inside. It's really who you are (IMHO).

You've probably experienced this in your healing journey, but as the fog clears, as the emotions clears, as the self-worth elevates, as the union with the divine is restored just CAN'T HELP BUT BE A LITTLE RAY OF THE SUN!!! yeah baby!!!!

The SUN that you are inside, that we all are, IS our medicine. I feel, it's what everyone is craving and looking for and feeling sad about if they can't feel it!!!!

THANK FULLY and praise Jesus and thank our lucky stars...she never goes away, he never goes away. Just perhaps temporarily hiding...

But always, always save-able...always always find-able....always always re-trievable.

The reunion between you the adult and you the little-ray-of-the-sun inner child is GLORIOUS occurence. And I find in my own journey, just spirals into deeper and deeper intimacy. Deeper and deeper reunion. I suppose this is why I'm up at 2:45 AM and I can't stop writing...because my Soul/inner child is just so damn excited to be free and expressing, to you!

If you would like to get more free to be you, come out from hiding, step into life as a dance, birth your Soul mission...and really really enjoy yourself...I have a few offers for you.

My enrollment is currently open for 5 new 1:1 private clients. This is a 6 month healing container with constant direct access to me and weekly sessions; plus memberhsip in Women Remember. These will go fast! You can read more and apply here love. 

Remember to join for our monthly live FREE group quantum healing, it is the last Wednesday of every month at 2pm CST. Although I goofed up...and this months is Friday 4/30  :) Join here

To your total healing and soul birth,



Monday, April 5, 2021

We’re all born one with God, abundance, in truth, majestic, joyful - in our true nature 

We’re born with the belief, knowing & expectation of all our needs being met. Of all of our Soul desires being fulfilled. And they can be! They are meant to be! 

We go through disappointment, despair, heart break and develop emotional wounds inside - when these Truths that we know are the way it’s ‘meant to be’ are denied, unfulfilled, shamed or punished by the world. 

So many of us live in a state of deep sadness that what we want hasn’t happened, can’t happen or we believe it’s being withheld by God. This is not true. 

We need to come home to God in our hearts, and remember these truths, return to knowing & believing that abundance, soulmate love, prosperity and happiness are ours - through remembering we are a perfect image of God. That is WHO we are. We are his divine children. Worthy upon arrival. 

Holy Love focuses specifically on divine union. On activating this blueprint of oneness with God within our hearts - a returning home - thus allowing a physical Union with a beloved in the 3D. But the internal spiritual work must first be done, to some extent, in the subtle planes. 

In our Free class, we will do this work. It will be an introduction. 

Join the FREE quantum healing class on 4/9/21 here. I’ll be live in my Facebook group πŸ™ŒπŸΌ

I’m honored to guide! 

All my love, 


Friday, April 2, 2021

Belly down on the concrete floor + union past/future me

There was a time I laid belly down on my heated concrete floors of my artist loft, wishing to no longer exist, because I had run into conflict with my boyfriend at the time..and he kicked me out of his house. I totally gave up. I surrendered. 

I felt so so hopeless.... because everything in me wanted that relationship to be *the one* I fully believed he was, actually. So, the low state I was in....was I suppose... me surrendering on some level to the fact that reality WAS NOT matching what I believed should be happening. I was devastated, all the way into my core.

Also, deeper than who the guy was, I was born with a destiny to have a Sacred Union. A marriage with God inside my heart, and a marriage with a man who also came from this union with God inside him...and then us spiraling together in further each of our individual Soul missions, and to do the magical energy dance of union as a couple. (Which I'm in now... and it is everything I ever prayed for and more) but back then, in this time node I'm referring to, when I'm belly down on the concrete....I was just....gone. 

Some deep part of me was devastated that maybe the map I had inside for sacred marriage wasn't real...or wouldn't happen... it crushed me.

I surrendered...and I feel when we have the urge to not exist anymore, it's actually prime time for a spiritual death and rebirth. 

So as I'm laying there on the floor....feeling devastated to my core... I had this moment with my future self. I saw her, which I suppose is me now.... 7 years later. I saw her as a bright gold light being, sitting at my kitchen table. I didn't see her with my physical eyes, but with my third eye I guess. I saw her spiritually. 

And this was enough for me in the moment to have something to live for...and a reason to continue on my healing journey. I somehow KNEW in the core of me, that I would become her. I had a knowing that I would become confident, bold, successful, HAPPY...really truly actually HAPPY, and that I would have a beautiful marriage. She is me and I am her. 

So, I let go more. I probably cried a lot, I don't remember exactly now. But I'll always remember that moment with future me...telling me I would be ok.... I would be great, actually. 

Do you ever have moments like this? Where time's not real...and you feel connection with a past you or a future you?

Now that I look at it... I feel that past/future reckoning moment was perhaps one of the holiest moments of my life. 

I am happy now...really, really a way that gold god light and me dance in my heart. 

The way future me showed me I would be. 

Not in a fake happy or pollyanna....let's ignore the hard parts of life...way...but I'm happy because I love and accept ALL parts of me. ESPECIALLY the part of me I wrote about above. I LOVE her. I SEE her. I UNDERSTAND her. She's been FULLY welcomed into union with me and my heart. And no one or nothing can change this. I'm ok with all of my emotions, I love myself. 

I'm fully devoted to God and I have devoted Katie Awake Online (my online healing business) FULLY to God as well. To be a ministry of God's love. 

I midwife my clients through soul birth of their infinite potential; through and beyond childhood and past life trauma.  The result for them is more happiness now, more pleasure in their bodies, soul mate relationships, more money & the birth of their sacred work further into the world

My current offerings - if you want to know:

Women Remember 🌹 a monthly membership that is an all access pass to my best trauma healing and soul birth work. Plus a continuously growing library of audio healings & trainings that I add to every month.

  • This is a sacred virtual space for women to deeply heal, embody their wisdom, remember themselves as being their own healer and be deeply supported to embody their divine feminine

  • In this ongoing sacred circle, we practice loving our bodies, emotions, sexuality and innate wealth 

  • Each of us is inately gifted, and here we are guided to remember those gifts 

$55/ month. No contract; stay as long as you feel called to. Doors are open currently for April! Join before 4/7. 

HOLY LOVE - a 3 day live training with me

The yearning you feel deep in your chest, that you've ALWAYS felt, for a sacred partner; is 100% REAL. The very fact that you HAVE this yearning, means IT IS FOR YOU AND IT IS COMING. Your task is to prepare yourself for divine union. This means getting really real with yourself. Are you happy inside? Are you happy with the relationship you have with yourself? What healing does your heart, inner child and Soul need? Do you know? What past patterns have you had in relationship that you don't want to repeat?

In Holy Love, we will do DEEP heart healing work, inner child healing and major clearing of limiting ancestral pattering. All in love and with honor for our lineages. Though, you get to become a new healthy branch of your family tree. In Holy Love, we will do the inner healing work you need, to be a living breathing embodiment of the love you want to receive from your partner, or future partner. 

Read more & enroll in HOLY LOVE here:

early bird price $444 through 4/10, then it goes up to $611

The class is 4/15-4/17

If you want to do both HOLY LOVE and Women Remember, you receive 50% off HOLY LOVE. 

I go live the last Wednesday of every month! FREE group quantum healing in my Facebook group + more intimate live videos with me: 

To your total freedom, 


Thursday, April 1, 2021

Heal your Soul.


Um...what are you waiting for?
What painful relationship patterns have you noticed before?

Between your parents when you were growing up...

Of people at Target..

On TV...

What painful patterns do you notice in how you relate with yourself?

Are you kind to yourself?

Do you open your heart to yourself? To  your partner? To your kids?

Is this something you observe?

I feel FIERY tonight! Enjoy! 

It upsets me that SO many people aren't really living as their genuine deep, loving, amazing, worthy-of-everything-they-want self.... and the world is set up to keep us from it! 

A lot of people were out of body during their childhoods...because the emotional environments were SCARY or PAINFUL. It was somewhere along the lines of "you can't exist fully...your full expression is dangerous or annoying somehow...or made the adults around uncomfortable" That's very common, and a lot of my clients don't realize how their parents and childhood hurt them, until I help them peel back their layers of denial and of shrouding themselves from the truth.

Why does this inner child healing work matter?


Because you are IMPORTANT, because you have IMPORTANT work to do, because you ARE BRILLIANT, because it would be sad to waste your life due to being stuck inside in your childhood coping strategies. That are brilliant by the way...dissasociation is a very SMART way to not feel pain that was too overwhelming at the time, but now...darling, you are deserving and worthy and CAN absolutely heal and thrive and go places! 

Childhood coping strategies that are boxes you are keeping yourself inside of...and you can come out now 

It's safe.

You can REALIZE safety within yourself now. You can choose to give your time and energy to safe people.
People who are ALSO on genuine healing paths and doing life right. 

Let's go baby cakes. 

This world is NOT set up for people to really access their Soul, Heal and if you want absolutely have to CHOOSE TO. Get into partnership with God inside and let him show you the way. Follow the promptings from your Soul into your freedom. Be brave. 

When you step into your true healing path, when you heal from your childhood, you FREE yourself to be in relationship with yourself, your partner, and everyone in your the Soul that you are, rather than the hurt inner child. It's incredibly liberating! In Holy Love, we do all of that. 

I currently have 2 programs that I'm enrolling for.

HOLY LOVE is on pre-sale for $444 until 4/10. Then it goes up to $611

This is a download I got a couple weeks ago to bring through as a live course. I’ll be sharing my maps with you, that I followed to sacred marriage. Which means escorting you on a heart opening process... into deeper Union with the divine. It will be 3 days with me to surrender to the blueprint in your heart for divine Union. With God in your heart, then with your beloved in life! We’ll do ancestral healing, inner child healing and A LOT of heart healing πŸ’“πŸ™ŒπŸΌ PM me to join in at the pre-sale price 4/15-4/17

This is a 3 day group course that is for you IF:
πŸ’™You feel a yearning in your heart for sacred marriage, for a holy partner
πŸ’™You want deeper Union with God
πŸ’™You don’t really resonate with ‘dating’ but are ready for ‘the one’
πŸ’™You’re a full on old soul, spiritual weirdo who wants a partner who is too
πŸ’™You resonate with having a divine feminine/masculine partnership
πŸ’™You’re ready for core level inner child, ancestral & soul level healing
πŸ’™You understand the value of investing in yourself

Results that can happen:
  • Meeting 'the one'
  • Upgrading yourself and your current partnership to deeper, more fulfilling intimacy
  • Being lighter and freer from dropping TONS of weighted old patterns from your soul
  • Greater access to inner and outer abundance
  • More genuine happiness
  • Intuitive guidance from God and your own Soul about every area of your life; life, love, business etc. 
  • Greater access to your creativity
  • JOY from liberating your inner child/Soul

You're welcome to read more & join here:

ALSO Women Remember ♥️🌹

A monthly membership that is an all access pass to my best trauma healing and soul birth work. Plus a continuously growing library of audio healings & trainings that I add to every month. $55/ month. No contract; stay as long as you feel called to.

Join now so you can hop into the existing recordings, trainings and audio healings .. and be ready to receive your first Soul Birth session with me 4/8 ♥️🌹

What is Soul Birth?

I see in the core of each of us, an unlimited nebulus of potential. Unlimited potential for...union with God, JOY, abundance, love etc. I midwife you through birthing yourself AS this. As the real you, the you that you were born to be. The YOU that you've wanted to be, fully expressed, for lifetimes. In Women Remember, we are focused specifically in birthing ourselves as Women. We do this through deep inner child healing and getting comfortable with the infinite depth of our feminine hearts. It's a returning to you. We do Quantum Healing, Womb Healing, Inner Child healing, Past Life healing...everything that I do! It's fun and liberating work. You can always try for a month and if you hate it...leave! No biggie :) But...  think you'll love it and stay for a while. xoxo

✨If you are in Women Remember you can receive 50% off Holy Love. So.. that’s a stellar deal✨

That means BOTH Holy Love and Women Remember for $277! Rather than $499. 

If you want to join both to get that awesome deal, join Women Remember here, and then message me directly to get a discount link for Holy Love. 

Or ... just do one! or none! Follow your Soul. 


I'm here for any questions. 

To your total freedom,

The dishes can wait.

  Sister, The dishes can wait. You embodying, feeling, being, creating, acting upon, creating… singing… dancing…creating… It matters more! Y...