I want to break through my Joy glass ceiling. I'm reading Dr. Christiane Northrup's book 'Dodging Energy Vampires' (which is stellar, by the way) and she's just mentioned this. How we as adults can re-define our joy comfort zone. For a lot of us as kids we squelched our joy so that the people around us wouldn't be upset by it. I get that, but I also think it's wacko. I mean, who really in their right mind doesn't want as much joy as possible?
So, as I was saying, I am breaking through my past joy glass ceiling. Shattering it to bits. And quite frankly, I think you could too.
It's been a long and necessary road of healing. Of embracing pain. Of going into wounds consciously to turn the lights back on. And I'm all for that. I'm perfectly find doing more healing work as I need to. But it is no longer my focus. I am also ok with all of those last few sentences not being complete sentences.
You can even look back at the previous years of this blog if you want to, and see how much of that healing stuff I have done. It. Is. Immense. If I was ever interviewing for a job in wound healing and they wanted a resume, it would be so very long. lol. ok, that's enough.
Getting to the joy part. It is NEW for me to do this. To put my attention on joy and for that to be ok.
I am using September to do a 30 day reset. For my mental and emotional balance, for my fitness, hydration and nutrition. ALSO - to increase my JOY capacity!
What does a 30 day reset to increase joy capacity look like? I'm going to brainstorm this and I'll get back to you. What ideas do you have?
Saturday, August 31, 2019
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Love and Money
Hey ya'll! What are more fun subjects than love and money? The key to being fulfilled by love and being abundant with money, is to differentiate the two! We have to evolve from a transactional based way of experiencing love in order to see that money is a separate entity.
Ways we have the two confused:
Transactional relating: if I give you something, than you owe me something in return. And vice-versa. If I receive something from someone, than I automatically owe them something in return. This includes physical gifts, like presents, but also care. On the extreme, we might only give in order to get what we secretly want from the person in return. No shame on recognizing and deciding to heal these patterns within ourselves. It's super common!
Transactional based relating is essentially a lack based mindset. And this will be showing up in our money state too. That there's not enough, never enough and I need to be possessive of what I have because it will all be gone and I'll be nothing if I lose it. Sound familiar?
Transition to an abundant wealth mindset by practicing receiving love. Now this is also the first step in separating our love (abundant, overflowing spiritual love inside) from our outer relationship with money. Practice receiving love. Literally practice keeping your heart open, even when you are afraid - and receive the energy of love from the people, places and environment that love you! Feel how this is abundant and overflowing, and endless!!! This is God's love for you.
As your inner self realizes that you are loved unconditionally, this will heal the parts of you that can start believing better things about money. Money itself is energy, it is paper. It responds to what you believe about it.
Increase your capacity to receive love, feel that fulfillment from within, then it gets easier (I promise!) to upgrade your money beliefs too!
Say it with me:
It is safe for me to feel how loved I am
God's love is infinite for me
It is safe for me to have money
I am wealthy spiritually and materially
xo Katie
Ways we have the two confused:
Transactional relating: if I give you something, than you owe me something in return. And vice-versa. If I receive something from someone, than I automatically owe them something in return. This includes physical gifts, like presents, but also care. On the extreme, we might only give in order to get what we secretly want from the person in return. No shame on recognizing and deciding to heal these patterns within ourselves. It's super common!
Transactional based relating is essentially a lack based mindset. And this will be showing up in our money state too. That there's not enough, never enough and I need to be possessive of what I have because it will all be gone and I'll be nothing if I lose it. Sound familiar?
Transition to an abundant wealth mindset by practicing receiving love. Now this is also the first step in separating our love (abundant, overflowing spiritual love inside) from our outer relationship with money. Practice receiving love. Literally practice keeping your heart open, even when you are afraid - and receive the energy of love from the people, places and environment that love you! Feel how this is abundant and overflowing, and endless!!! This is God's love for you.
As your inner self realizes that you are loved unconditionally, this will heal the parts of you that can start believing better things about money. Money itself is energy, it is paper. It responds to what you believe about it.
Increase your capacity to receive love, feel that fulfillment from within, then it gets easier (I promise!) to upgrade your money beliefs too!
Say it with me:
It is safe for me to feel how loved I am
God's love is infinite for me
It is safe for me to have money
I am wealthy spiritually and materially
xo Katie
Sunday, July 28, 2019
New e-course is live!
It is launch week for my first e-course! It's called EMBODY YOUR SACRED SEXUALITY. It is for sale on my membervault site. You can access it through my regular website www.TheUnburiedVoice.com This course will take you through healing and integration from being in-utero, through age 5, age 13 and into autonomous adulthood. We can tune into ourselves at any time-space to do clearing work and raise our vibration. The module on soul activation puberty is especially powerful. This course is great for self-healing and to understand our growing kids better. Enjoy!!
Morning Routine
How do I self-motivate into my morning routines?! Some days are easier than others. Most days I find myself waking up feeling peaceful, then quickly there is a heavy energy around me that does not want me to do anything. I know that this is from sexual trauma. I have been asking the question to God lately, how do I get around this? How do I get myself to do the morning routines that I know make me happy and excited about my work for the day. The answer I finally got today from a connection on Instagram. Let me preface this with reading I have been doing lately about healthy structure for kids. What I can see now is that I am knowing that the structure of morning routines is good for me, and basically gives structure to my creative energy. I have to give this to myself, I have to create it for myself. My traumatized self thwarts it because it doesn't feel safe. So for now, I will put more of my will power into getting into my fun, energizing morning routine. Bike, Swim, Yoga, meditate. Hearty breakfast. How do you start your day? Any tips on self-motivation?
Tuesday, July 2, 2019
Heal to Heal Yourself
Hey Ya'll! It has been a minute since I have posted! I hope you are super well. I am thinking lately about how healing it is to practice healing work. Especially the 'behind the scenes' learnings. Meaning...boundaries! More specifically, when to say no. When to say no to over giving, when to say no to an interested person whose motives are sketchy, when to say no to others energies that want me to process for them (which isn't possible). Many of my clients are empaths, sensitives, and healers. Some practicing healing outright, some more on the down low with it integrated through other types of work. Some who 'turned off' their intuitive abilities at a young age to cope with their lack luster childhoods. My encouragement here is to get certified in some kind of healing modality. Whether that is reading tarot, working with crystals, getting attuned in Reiki, studying Somatic therapies, taking a weekend workshop on astrology...just something to get your engine turning! Wake up your soul! Open up an avenue in your life to be practicing your healing gifts regularly, even if it's just on your dog! It is empowering and we learn so much about ourselves. Lots of my clients have remembrances of their child self being sensitive to energy while we're in session. This is our natural ability, and everybody has it, because everyone is energy. So let's try exercising our spiritual gifts as an act of self-love, and dare I say...for the fun of it!
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