Sunday, August 11, 2019

Love and Money

Hey ya'll! What are more fun subjects than love and money? The key to being fulfilled by love and being abundant with money, is to differentiate the two! We have to evolve from a transactional based way of experiencing love in order to see that money is a separate entity.

Ways we have the two confused:
Transactional relating: if I give you something, than you owe me something in return. And vice-versa. If I receive something from someone, than I automatically owe them something in return. This includes physical gifts, like presents, but also care. On the extreme, we might only give in order to get what we secretly want from the person in return. No shame on recognizing and deciding to heal these patterns within ourselves. It's super common!

Transactional based relating is essentially a lack based mindset. And this will be showing up in our money state too. That there's not enough, never enough and I need to be possessive of what I have because it will all be gone and I'll be nothing if I lose it. Sound familiar?

Transition to an abundant wealth mindset by practicing receiving love. Now this is also the first step in separating our love (abundant, overflowing spiritual love inside) from our outer relationship with money. Practice receiving love. Literally practice keeping your heart open, even when you are afraid - and receive the energy of love from the people, places and environment that love you! Feel how this is abundant and overflowing, and endless!!! This is God's love for you.

As your inner self realizes that you are loved unconditionally, this will heal the parts of you that can start believing better things about money. Money itself is energy, it is paper. It responds to what you believe about it.

Increase your capacity to receive love, feel that fulfillment from within, then it gets easier (I promise!) to upgrade your money beliefs too!

Say it with me:
It is safe for me to feel how loved I am
God's love is infinite for me
It is safe for me to have money
I am wealthy spiritually and materially
xo Katie

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