Sunday, July 28, 2019

Morning Routine

How do I self-motivate into my morning routines?! Some days are easier than others. Most days I find myself waking up feeling peaceful, then quickly there is a heavy energy around me that does not want me to do anything. I know that this is from sexual trauma. I have been asking the question to God lately, how do I get around this? How do I get myself to do the morning routines that I know make me happy and excited about my work for the day. The answer I finally got today from a connection on Instagram. Let me preface this with reading I have been doing lately about healthy structure for kids. What I can see now is that I am knowing that the structure of morning routines is good for me, and basically gives structure to my creative energy. I have to give this to myself, I have to create it for myself. My traumatized self thwarts it because it doesn't feel safe. So for now, I will put more of my will power into getting into my fun, energizing morning routine. Bike, Swim, Yoga, meditate. Hearty breakfast. How do you start your day? Any tips on self-motivation?

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The dishes can wait.

  Sister, The dishes can wait. You embodying, feeling, being, creating, acting upon, creating… singing… dancing…creating… It matters more! Y...