Monday, April 11, 2016

Sexual energy is our true power

Our life force energy grumbles beneath our feet. The suppressed sexual energy on this planet wreaks havoc on us all - and that is what I'm here to help change. We have been cut off from our true sexual - creative power - for WAY too long. The earth and heavens unite within us. As our true life force, our beloved Mother Earth, groans and wakes up, she ecstatically flows up into our bodies. Fear, doubt, hesitation, worry - are GONE. The feminine is once again reunited with her masculine as this merging occurs. Mother Earth with Father Sky. Equals. Clear the lower chakras by doing the work. Clear shame first and foremost. Shaming from people, institutions and cultures disconnected from our glorious planet. As our human self clears all those lies our life force flows up higher to our heart - our minds- our crowns. We begin to experience life as innocent children again, here to play, learn and grow. It's worth the clearing work! GO go go!!!

Your soul is longing to merge with you. Her path is clouded by fear and doubt and shame. There is no stopping her from breaking through these barriers - the more consciously we clear our bodies of fear, the less we'll experience illness, pain, or physical injury. Do your emotional soul clearing work. If you haven't yet, go into your own shadow and have a look around, what still needs love, what rooms can you illuminate? Do your work, then enjoy the abundant rewards!

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