Friday, February 26, 2016

Unbelievable joy

Why is it difficult to allow joy? We've worked so, so hard the last 5 years purging, clearing, and then clearing some more. Life says, it's time now to enjoy the fruits of your work!!! Yet I find a part of myself trying to sabotage it. WEEEEEEIIIRD. So, I'm not gonna :) I've experienced sabotaging joy enough times. Here we go!!!! Living the truth of our souls is fun. It is easy. It's amazing how a part of me thinks (key word there: thinks) that life is supposed to be difficult, that I have to 'work' really hard to earn something good. well I say bullshit to that. LOVE is EASY. It is who we are, just allow it! That's the hard part. We believe life is supposed to be difficult, and sure feeling through pain is uncomfortable, but only to the degree that we resist it. Try this: let life flow through you. Trust that an open heart is our natural state, that we are made of love. Doing our souls work, being really busy with it, is pure joy. Heaven on Earth, and that is where we're headed. Even through the darkest of experiences, that doesn't change. we are love in form, and that love will break us open and shine brighter then any fear, it will just start to happen spontaneously, fear can only hold love back for so long..... get ready for love to break through!!! weeeeeeee!!!

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