Sunday, October 29, 2023

Women are multi-focus, creative wizards !

I don’t like seeing women make fun of themselves for being multi-focus, creative wizards.

Women, this is our natural feminine energy flow.

We actually thrive when we have 7 projects in process simultaneously.

Men complete one task at a time all the way through to completion, and that is perfect for men.

Women will have multiple folders open that they are working on spirally. 

Making 10% progress on one creative endeavor, 20% progress on another ... and so on.. day after day, each one an endless expression of creative inspiration!

Your creative energy flow knows the bigger grand vision that is being made through you.

Trust that each step you are guided to take on each one of the 7 projects you are working on is perfectly bringing into form your Soul’s grander vision... all of the time.

You are an endless flow of energy ✨️πŸ’œπŸ§‘❤️πŸ©·πŸ’šπŸ’™✨️ with no beginning or end

Enrollment is open for Christ Money Portal 🌊🌊🌊

Christ= your Christed self
Money= your inner Spiritual wealth
Portal= your heart chakra

In this portal with me, men & women reclaim their own bodies as holy, their energy as their own source of wealth & their natural gifts as the creative content of their businesses.

Read more and join here lovely Soul! I am PUMPED to help you be in an abundant river flow with your work and money. As of today, I have 7 spots open. You can be on your first live call with us as soon as Wednesday!

In love & abundance,

#love #money #flow #endlessstream

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Your energy flow mirrors your money flow

Remember that your own energy is your bank

You are the wealth of the universe personified 
(John Randolph Price)

Your energy literally reflects in how much money you allow to flow in your life 

So how freely can your energy flow? 

I call this the Flow of Creation through you 

That's the name of my Spirtual energy healing modality that I have crafted over the last 10 years 

If you notice yourself hiding somewhere deep in yourself, because you & lineages before you have been TERRIFIED of anger outbursts in your family 

I can show you the way out 

I found it 

It's through choosing to no longer fear anger 

It's a willingness to experience your own anger as one of many beautiful colors in the flow of Creation through your body 


Feel this? 

When you feel scared of other people's anger, pause .. 

Take your consciousness deeper into your own bones 

Allow healing blue water here

Let the flow of love through your bones flow once again 

You are not bad 

You are divine 

Your emotions are divine 

All of them 

Breathe again 

You are a flow of Creation in human form 


Love. Prosper. Enjoy! 

πŸ’šKatie Awake 
Spirtual Healer through the Peace of God 
Sacred Marriage guide 
Christ Money Mentor 

Ps.. enrollment is open for Christ Money Portal 

Where women reclaim their own bodies as holy, their energy as their own source of wealth & their natural gifts as the creative content of their businesses. 

Curious to learn more? Read more & join here. I have 2 spots open to fill today. You can be on your first live call with us as soon as Wednesday. 

Christ Money is a full year investment & commitment; so you can FULLY transform the lens through which you experience money. The outcome is you in peace in yourself, thriving in your Soul led pursuits & knowing money as a form of joyful creative energy. A mirror of you! 

My High level 1:1 clients also can access Christ Money Portal at no extra cost, so also let me know if you're curious about high level mentorship with me. 

Film photography by my husband Ross William Perry πŸ’™πŸ™πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Money is Love ❤️πŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ™


Money was always going to be part of the healing on planet Earth

Money is joyful, creative energy ❤️πŸ§‘πŸ’›

When joyful creative energy penetrates the base chakras of humanity it naturally disturbs & dissolves hatred, abuse, fear, war

And allows the base chakras to sound & sing the love of our creator again

This includes the Womb restored to her singing, happy, holy creative power again

It means opening your eyes to see money as a form of happy love


If you would like to feel sound in your womb, confident in your Soul Purpose in your heart & be able to receive support ...

Support in the form of healthy structure, loving men in your life, & a schedule flow that feels good to your Soul ..

If you would like to even more confidently, and successfully, bring your Soul's creative work through your business ..

In balance with your relationship with your kids & your harmonized partnership πŸ’™πŸ’™

Ready to upgrade your financial reality to the song of Abundance through your Spirit?  Join Christ Money Portal here, I have two spaces open until Friday this week.

Spiritual Healer through the Peace of God


Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Money is a symbol of your inner Spiritual Wealth ✨️

Christ Money Portal. Women remembering their wombs & hearts as their Source of Wealth from within. 

Women, you are the Christ. 
Men, you are too.
The second coming is all of us realizing who we actually are. 

Money is your womb; your portal of creation. 

We are living, endless portals of prosperity! 

You were BORN with a blueprint of success from Godess. 

In Christ Money Portal with me for a year, you birth your own Wealthy Goddess self into the world. 

Shame, insecurity, inadequacy, lack, feeling voiceless, money scarcity, powerlessness, helplessness are incorrect. 


I have 2 spaces open to join by Friday this week. 

Allow the release of all that you are not; allow the unfolding of your heart's love, desires & riches into your physical life. The physical realm mirrors how much of your innate love, holy & rich consciousness you allow to be free. 

Detailed directions of what to do & how to do it come from your innate masculine God aspect. This is also within you & you need to practice trusting it! 

In Christ Money Portal I help you birth your feminine goddess self, re-establish trust between your inner feminine/masculine aspects, and allow yourself to be led by your masculine God energy inside. He's the one that puts your work out into the world & makes you gobs of money. By doing what you're GREAT at as a Woman. 

Allowing your Spirit to move within & abundantly in the world helps entrepreneurs, corporate leaders, stay at home moms & their partners income... God & abundance are infinite & magical. Abundance is meant to overflow. 

It hurts if you are unconsciously stopping the flow!! Know what I mean?? 

You don't have to hide or withhold your genius anymore. Time for engines on, all systems go, Christ Money River flowwwwwww πŸ’™πŸ™

Read more & join Christ Money Portal here before Friday 10/20 πŸ’™πŸŒŠπŸ™

Film photography by my dear husband Ross Perry ✨️

Spiritual Wealth Midwife πŸ’š

#love #prospers #now #iloveyou

Monday, October 9, 2023

God is JOY πŸŒ…πŸŒ…πŸŒ…

People often fear God.

Because important authority figures in their life when they were small, hurt them.

Sometimes even in the name of God.

How very, very awful.


What troubles me the most, is that God is actually a source of love.

So many genuinely desire better jobs, better pay, a wonderful partner, more money, authentic joy, to expand, to prosper & more wonderful things!

What matters to me the most is to teach that God is endless joy!!! 🧑🧑🧑

God is abundant, endless. JOYFUL creative energy!!!

This is what we are made of!!!!

Religion is not required

Let harm done to you through religion melt off of you now

Let any abuse done to you "for your own good" burn now

YOU are the holy child come with the good news

It's YOU !!!

You ARE the prophesized sunrise πŸŒ…πŸŒ…πŸŒ…

Would you like to let the light of life burn through you now? Would you like your voice back? Would you like my help to find, heal & discover just how powerful you REALLY are divine one?

You will shift into receiving. By coming into profound inner spiritual union with joy, with love, with prosperity!! It is a homecoming πŸŒ…πŸŒ…πŸŒ…

I'm so excited to chat with you!!!

Read more about my 1:1 coaching program Soul Sunrise here.  I have 5 spaces open for a full year or 3 months of healing & coaching. 

Talk to you soon!


Spiritual Healer through the Peace of God 

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Flow of Creation calls πŸŒ…πŸŒ…πŸŒ…

I see a lot of women who function mostly from their upper chakras & are mostly disassociated.

No judgment! I used to be this way myself!

The way to recognize this pattern in yourself is if you trrrrryyyyyyy to ALWAYS stay in light & love πŸ’š❤️πŸ©·πŸ’œπŸ§‘πŸ’™

Which is a beautiful pursuit, mind you 

BUT 🧐🧐 what is going on IN your hips?

Why are you not IN your lower body ?

What is in your lower body, rather than your OPEN beautiful, flowing, ray of God, energetics??? HMMMM???

it's fear. And it's just kinda frozen there.

It's OK too, I get it!

Would you like your hips unlocked??

Would you like to SWAY to the beat of love? 

It's VITAL for your joy as a woman!!!! For YOUR joyful success!!!! For pleasure to unlock!!!! 

This is GOOD !!

YOU are NOT bad, disgusting, shameful NO ❌️❌️❌️

Thou art the coming of the new dawn!! 

Through your PELVIS ! πŸŒ…πŸŒ…πŸŒ…

Fancy FREE !! 

I call my energy healing style Flow of Creation πŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ§‘πŸ©·❤️πŸ’šπŸŒ…πŸŒ…πŸŒ…

The physical realm, including food, sex & money related stuff, emanates reflecting the equilibrium .... or maybe not so balanced energy... of the base chakras. So if there are distortions in there, it's gonna show up blank, numbed out, inexistent in your physical reality. You may have wealth but lack the true energy of joy behind it! Or Money may not be linked up with God, in its true home. 

Would you like your wealth/pleasure/joy/voice/energy/self flow to reflect the Abundance of God (which is your true home) instead? 

Your next step is to book your first FREE 45 min zoom chat here to find out how I can help you become free as the woman you want to be. In joy, health, relationships & Soul purpose led prosperity ! You can book in for as soon as Tuesday! 😍

I'm currently enrolling new 1:1 clients & enrollment is OPEN for my Christ Money Portal Membership too 

This work is SO FUN ! πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š

See you soon!!

Katie Awake 
Flow of Creation Healer through the Peace of God πŸ’™ 

Film photo of me picking out a potato πŸ₯”πŸ˜„ by my hubby @ross_william_perry 

#love #wins #now #setyourselffree #healer #sacredmarriage #holyprosperity #peace #joyreturns 

The dishes can wait.

  Sister, The dishes can wait. You embodying, feeling, being, creating, acting upon, creating… singing… dancing…creating… It matters more! Y...