Monday, October 24, 2022

You are a gift to this Earth

After a lifetime of over delivering myself to try and be good. After always feeling like I had to 'make' myself into something to receive love. After always feeling like I'm nothing deep down inside...and hoping no one would see how bad I secretly am...I am happily burning this ALL up!

Into the light we go.

I have always been pure light.

In my true self, my most natural, I'm just here, self.

Not only am I good enough, worthy, divine, perfect...I am one with God.

And so are you.

Know the light that you are.

Especially in the hidden parts, where you might secretly worry if you are bad. If you are not so sure that you are worthy of everything you KNOW your Soul is here to have/be/receive/experience....right HERE...

You are the brightest!!

It was a trick. It was abuse. It was a cover up.

Shine like the diamond that you are. Without even trying. You are divine when you are feeling like sh*t, curled up crying...especially are a diamond.

It doesn't matter what's going on, how much money you have, how many people you have in your life, how anything is you perceive yourself to be measuring are divine.


All of the time.


I have 4 places open for Soul Sunrise. This is 3 months with me 1:1 to remember who you truly are. To clear anthing that needs to clear for you to rise like the Sun. For you to be your SELF.

You can function in life as the divine Soul that you are by allowing clear communication with the people you love, more money flowing in your business/career, blossiming soul aligned friendships and more fun in your romantic relationship. 

Click here to read more and apply! We can be on your first healing and coaching call as soon as Tuesday! 


Spiritual Healer through the Peace of God

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

I work with different healing colors of light

Over the years I have gotten to know the different bandwidths of healing light colors that happen during my sessions with people. They are so powerful, gentle, dependable, consistent, strong, smart and loving! They show up to me as specific rays of colored light; they also come as certain spiritual healing beings that work with me and with my clients. I’ll empasize here that it is not me ‘healing’ people; these are higher celestial star beings. They show up specifically for my clients in ways that are meaningful to the client. 

Each healing frequency supports the client to have the exact ancestry, inner child, past life soul retrieval, trauma healing and more… that they need. People also experience profound pain relief, inner epiphanies about self development, relationships, soul mission, purpose, business and wealth creation. 

Here are the most common ones that we work with:

Blue to light blue: Sometimes as a marble-y bluish/white. Christ union energy. This one I see most often coming in crown and heart chakras. Proving balancing of yin and yang energies. Masculine and feminine energies. It also comes in to help people heal religious trauma and restore them to God union inside; their most natural truths. It is a sacred union frequency that can guide healing in marriages too; or help call in sacred marriage energies. Not just romantic relationships but any relationship can restore to union - parent/child etc. 

Pink and red: I see pink and red hues when a client's physical body is responding well and integrating healing. They also feel like divine feminine beings coming in to assist the healings. Definite strong feminine love vibes! 

Yellow and gold: Higher frequency divine energy. When a client is opening to more God union inside. Most often I see this in the crown chakra as the client is receiving more of their own divine spiritual energy into their physical body. But it’s not restricted to the crown area; I often see rays of gold coming into any area of the body. It’s entirely between God and the client what happens based on what they need. 

Lime Green! This is one of my favorites. It is a spiritual version of aloe vera gel. A soothing balm to wounds. I work with this A LOT! 

I do not plan sessions in advance. This knowledge I have laid out are a snippet of my observations over 10 years of spiritual healing work. The sessions are orchestrated between God and my clients Souls. I have the happy joy of being an assistant and spiritual midwife. 

Let me know if you would like to try working with me! I currently have 4 spaces open for my 3 month program Soul Sunrise. Click the link here to read more and to apply. 

Lots of love,


How the unexpressed NO shows up as fiery physical symptoms

 A general observation from my 10 years of healing work with people:

Their unexpressed NO has to show up somewhere. If people have experienced shame/silencing of their voice - here’s a list of ways I’ve seen this expressing through people’s bodies - and ps- it can all totally be alleviated by finding/uncovering/expressing & creating needed boundaries.

🔥lost voice
🔥throat ailments
🔥strep throats/sore throats
🔥Digestive ailments
🔥Spine curvatures
🔥Neck pain
🔥voice seems disconnected

(Not saying this as absolute truth, just patterns I notice... I’m here as a pattern watcher & I utilize my energy reading abilities to help people become more liberated 💚)

We’re all SO unique & brilliant with how coping strategies get made in our energy field & body. No 2 people are the same. Sometimes it’s just some unwinding & expression that’s really needed! 💜

I have 4 places open right now for new private clients in my 3 month 1:1 healing program. Just click the link here to read more & apply. I’ll get back to you ASAP. 🔥🔥


Sunday, October 16, 2022

Childhood sexual trauma healing

My whole life I lived with a mysterious, in-the-background feeling, that I was sexually abused as a child. I was so used to it being there, that I had somehow learned to tuck it away neatly into a drawer. I'm also grateful to my subconscious and Soul for blocking out the memories; this is an amazing survival skill we can do. 

As I've become safe in my life by restoring my inner energetic sovereignty with God and by marrying my amazing husband; the memories started coming up intensely - right after we were married actually! I feel it was this internal shift into being safely supported and loved by masculine energy that my body started spontaneously processing, clearing and purging the s3xual trauma memories. 

It has been extremely scary and difficult at times. But I just do what I always do; trust my Soul's healing process and surrender to God. I'm really not afraid of anything because I know I'm eternal. 

I also know that I am not just purging my trauma, but that of my ancestors and some of the collective on ths planet, too. As I'm sure some of you can relate, this is the nitty gritty work we are doing to help humanity. 

Though, I do not abide in a martyr role. No. I process and clear what I feel is my Soul's 'work load' to do; as I am most interested in living a wildy fun and abundant life :) 

I feel compelled to type this tonight because I can feel my feminine energy coalescing into greater clarity by sharing this part of my story. Like rough waters becoming calm :) I feel safe because I can feel how my inner masculine energy has my back. Also, if I can be a light for someone else, that is good. 

If you're curious about 1:1 energy reading and healing work with me, just message me. I have 4 spots currently open for my 3 month program Soul Sunrise. Link to apply in my bio Sunshine! 

all the love,


Friday, October 7, 2022

Now enrolling: Soul Sunrise !

 Where there are deep wounds of not being heard. Where you've been shut down the worst for BEING yourself. Where you have spoken wisdom. Where you have preached the word. Where you have been MOST expressed from within the holiest of holy place within you. Where it hurts so bad...because the people who SHOULD have heard you...didn't...


Rather than staying mad about the pain. Rather than acting out the wounds with anyone who can listen. Rather than projecting that pain around flimsy flamsy...let's center it.

Let's retrieve the gold from inside. Let's break it open. Let's SPEAK.

Again. Now.

For a while healing deep wounds of being hurts while it heals. Because it feels good to speak your Soul's truths, to let God speak through you....but the insides of the cave of your throat will still burn with the memories of being silenced. Even the memories of being executed in past lifetimes for being you. Whatever holy roles you held.

So, the only choice now, the one that hurts and the one that sets you to speak again. To lead again. To prosper now unlike any other time before.

You will meet backlash. But you can take it. And you can become so resilient inside that voices of hate towards you become like whispers. Because the work God does through you is SO MUCH BRIGHTER!! It is supposed to happen that some are burned up in their own inner alchemy process as you rise.

The inner walls, inside your body, that remember so many times of trauma, let them burn as you speak and decidedly CHOOSE to be seen more and more and more!

We're all gonna die anyway, so why not light up the sky while you're here 😉 😍😅

I'm friends with death, it doesn't bother me.

What does bother me is being hated for being me. But that just seems to be par for the course sometimes here on this fine planet ..

I have 4 places open for Soul Sunrise to begin this month. This is 3 months of 1:1 energy reading and healing with me. Book in a free soul chat here so we can discuss.

Together.. we'll bring you, your voice, your mission & your wealth alive. It's scary and alive and FUN and so so freeing 🙂

All the love,
Katie Awake

Here is my recipe for inner peace

I've just come off of 4 days of a master cleanse so that my lungs could heal. Unfortunately I got sick twice on our incredible trip in ...