Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Real Healing means BEING ALL OF YOU !

 Healing is never about getting rid of parts of yourself. It is always about deciding that ALL parts of you are ok!

Decide with all the fire of creation that your entire being is completely, 100% ok. Exactly as you are!!

Decide this and declare it OUTLOUD - fire dragon style 🙂 with swords!!

Experience the relief!!

You'll encounter frequencies in your field (emotions, trauma memories, entities) that are not you and that are not yours.

Clear these into the field of God or the field of oneness.

More and more you'll feel your self purify !

You are becoming more and more of YOU!

And THAT is the whole point!

That is what healing is!

Healing is not some giant pilgramage over mountain tops, or having to earn a crossing from an ogre over a bridge, or having to repent enough to maybe one day be good enough!


You are good enough now. You are whole now. All parts of you are ok; all parts of you are HOLY!

You are the church!

I help my clients heal inner child/soul/past life time trauma/all systems of the body/chakras/energy field/clearings/ascension/intuitive business coaching and more. 

Monday, August 22, 2022

A story about me realizing I'm a healer

Years ago, I was teaching a yoga class...and mid class I had this urge to turn off the music, stop class, and have everyone sit in a circle and....talk.

I wasn't exactly sure what this meant... I just knew I wanted to be working with the people on more levels than the physical yoga postures. It's nothing against yoga teaching..I'm a life long student of yoga myself...and taught for 10 years with beautiful people...it's just that I always knew I wanted to be facilitating some kind of healing on the spiritual planes. 

I'm interested in the subtle energetics that are movine through the physical. It's here that there are the answers to our physical quandaries in life. 

If there is pain happening it the physical body, that means there is an energetic disruption that needs to be seen/felt/processed/understood/let go of/cleared....etc. 

This is what I do for my clients.

I am able to see the energetic qualities of their pains, confusions, repetitive loops...

A LOT of what I help people heal is their ancestral inherited patterns.

99.9% of my clients don't know consciously that they are carrying TOOOOONS of inherited ancestral patterns, traumas, emotions, pains....sh*t that they do not need to carry!

Do you know that we carry up to 7 generations back of patterns?

Imagine how FREE you will feel as a soul in body with all of that gone?

How many origins of diseases gone?

How many levels of trauma/pain/fear gone?

How much stored emotion gone?

And even more importantly, how does your relationship with yourself improve? DRAMATICALLY!

What if you were living as the Soul that YOU are?? All the LIGHT that you truly are with all of that cleared??


It is astounding!

I have been healing msyelf (by grace of God) for 12 years now and I've been reborn many times over now. I'm a new version of myself every couple weeks lol 

Life does not, nor should it, be lived by the societal programs of this world, live via God and Soul. That is freedom.

I'm here doing my own spiritual ascension work and helping others along the way. 

I'll put links below of my current packages. You can be on a call with me as soon as this week! 

3 month unlimited healing & coaching $4444: katieawake.com/soulsunrise

10 pack of sessions to be used over the course of 1 year 🌅 $1000:

1 hour session! 💗 $111:

Can't wait to talk with you! 


Sunday, August 14, 2022

Soul business with CPTSD

Running a spiritual healing business with complex PTSD is...a journey. My bodymind is regularly circulating beliefs that I'm not good enough, 'who do I think I am', boat loads of terror, trauma flashbacks....this is a glimpse into my inner world.

The thing is... I know that I am in fact always worthy, a part of God and always enough.

If you can relate to this....what I want to say to you is this...choose what you believe in.

It's ok if work for the day is done in bed....and THROUGH terror and doubt....because underneath it all you know that you are a magnificent spirit made of divine wisdom that you get to share with your Soulmate audience.

It's ok if you're scared in your bones of gettting negative reactions because it brings up your persecution trauma...it's ok to take an hour or take a day off just to feel all the fear.

But, don't give up. 

Your Soul business does not have to look like some outer idea of corporate, polished perfection...stop comparing yourself to all of that! 

What we care about is that your Soul gets to SHINE!! On the physical level it can be..messy..that is ok!

Imperfect you is perfect. 

Your Soul business gets to look like you being in business. You being you. You lit up! You sharing your Soul's messages with the world.

It gets to be you being you. 

If you're relating to what I'm saying...if you want to feel that you are ok and succeed at your next level just the way you are... your next step is to book in an hour call with me. I'd love to hear about your healing journey and your goals for your Soul business. We can be chatting this week! These calls are currently on sale from $444 down to $111 for a limited time. Book in here.

Sending so much love, peace and healing!

xo Katie


Wednesday, August 10, 2022

A lot of dark corruption on this planet comes masked as religion

It's become a recurring pattern in my energy healing work that I do dark entity clearing from ancestry lines that have been penetrating and corrupting multiple members of the line for generations. I'm specifically talking about dark forces that corrupt one family member (lets say 3-4 generations back) through religious programming - most often Cath olic - and then continue corrupting younger generations. I am not talking about the person being 'bad' I am talking about the negative entity who is acting THROUGH them. 

I am quite certain that if I could see thousands of sufferers of mental illness I would find a lot of dark entity f*ckery going on from religious origin. 

Writing about these subjects is not enjoyable for me. I am not against religion! I am actually a devout disciple of God. I am against anything that takes people away from God and some religious teachings do that! 

I have a greater mission though. The more people I can help disentangle spiritually from their religion trauma, and worse, d3m0nic possesion or from having their life ruined mentally/sexually/financially by this stuff...the better! 

Nothing delights my Soul more than getting more Soul's free (into TRUE God Union on the inside) from nasty non-human dark entity sh*t! 

Non-organic or dark entities have to have an entrance point to penetrate and f*k with humans. If people put their trust - and believe it is their entry way to God - when it in fact has alterior motives to possess their Soul - BOOM that's a great entry way for a d*mon to get into a family line. This is the energy gateway *they use to get into s*ually abusing children. And to some kind of hypnosis to get humans to give them their Souls. 

Always always always know that you are God's light embodied. You do not need an outside source to do this. Though, if you find a person who helps you feel your inner Union with God more, that is great! That would be the TRUE purpose of relationship! With your spouse, with a spiritual leader, with nature. 

I quite literally hate the dark and LOVE the light/God with all my Soul. 

If you sense that you need energy clearing and are curious about working with me, send me a message today! Either a private facebook message (Katie Awake) or email me Katie@katieawake.com.We can chat this week.



Sunday, August 7, 2022

Women adjusting to inner/outer wealth

I have noticed in the last couple of years ... truly since I decided that I wanted to be making real money through my business...meaning making real money as a woman...have my own sovereign wealth ... separate from my husbands.... a few things :)

I notice that when I expand into my own energy field more, like when I go to lead a talk or a class or a facebook live...or when I am in 'selling mode'...or when I am FULL FORCE mode as the Soul that I am...my presence gets bigger. I become all of me.

Usually I stay in this mode for hours a day....creating.

There is then a 'coming back down' period.

At first I blamed my husband for this (sorry hun)

What has become clear though...is that I was essentially bouncing back into what remained of 'not enough' paradigm, what remained of 'wife is supposed to be smaller than her husband' paradigm, 'wife isn't supposed to make her own money' paradigm....basically some energies in my first/second chakras DID NOT FEEL SAFE on my journey into financial freedom in my own business creations. These parts of me (understandably) feel/felt safe having someone else to depend on..emotionally and financially...and for just my general sense of wellbeing I think.

It is a mother f'ing TRIP shifting into sovereignty inside myself!!! On more levels than money! The money patterns point to deeper inside energy patterns, every single time.

It is a big f'ing deal for women to become financially and emotionally sovereign.

We are changing generations worth of patterning.

And we are not doing it by putting men down! No.

Men are amazing and deserve (of course) to be fully embodied, in love, happy, doing their thing how they want to as well.

This is about a restoration! A restoration to harmony. This was always the plan. Union between inner and outer femining/masculine harmony restored!

This is what we are doing on the planet now.

What I want to say is this: Women, it is ok that it feels VERY f'ing weird, scary and unfamiliar to shift into sovereign wealth inside. And this does not mean you have to lose anyone or anything. There does not have to be loss for there to be gain. You get to be FULLY you! Fully seen, loved, paid and supported. As the feminine comes into power, so does the masculine. As the masculine comes into power, so does the feminine. We do this together! Not all at once, but layer by layer, as a team.

You get to simply open to being ALL of you....then see how your life/love/reality changes :) Let it all adapt to you! I promise you the outcomes will be EXACTLY what your Soul truly desires :)

There are about 24 hours left to join FULL OF YOURSELF here. This is my free 7 day audio course to support Women to embody their Fullness as Souls. Dispelling myths that being fully is a bad thing..or a selfish thing...no!! I'm also offering a giveaway for a full day in voxer with me for healing/coaching. Read more and join for free here (value $777).

Ready for high level 1:1 support as you heal and adjust to being ALL of yourself? Message me about private mentorship at Katie@KatieAwake.com. I have 7 places open.

Friday, August 5, 2022

Live from YOU, not past ancestor patterning.

Many, many generations worth of patterns live on in our cells. It's like having many relationships, your own ancestors relationship dynamics, still being enacted through you. It takes an extraordinary level of awareness and support, to lovingly go beyond this patterning.

Again, I reiterate how important it is to KNOW the energy of your own Soul! Live in union with God. So that you are not living a life according to your programming or your ancestors relationship dynamics or traumas..and instead...living in accordance with your own Soul's highest destiny.

One way to get in tune with the frequency of your own Soul, is to meditate and ask God to show you your own Soul's frequency. And just be in it. Know your own Soul's song. 

HERE, abiding in God and your own Soul, you are infinite. You are creative. Endlessly creative. You are happy! You are jubilant! You are YOU! 

Creative one. 

Let your soul sing! 

In containers with me, I'm shown what ancestral patterns or trauma my clients need to become more aware of so that they can be free to be the Soul that they are in this life! Free to express, free to speak, free to love, free to be happy in marriage how they want to, free to parent how they want to, free to make money how they want to. Free! 

In honor of those who came before and in great benefit to those who come after. 

You've been looking for high level 1:1 support on your path, you're ready to dive in! I have space open for my highest level of 1:1 healing & coaching for a full year commitment. Message me personally here on facebook for more details. Or email me here Katie@KatieAwake.com.

I also have a 7 day free audio course 'Full of Yourself' coming up 8/7! This is for women to get over fake ideas that being happy and full of your own brilliance is somehow a bad thing ?!? No, we're not doing that anymore. You get to be filled up from the inside spiritually, pleasurably, financially and have rich rich relationships! xoxoxoxoxo Read more and join Full of Yourself for free here (value $777) www.katieawake.com/fullofyourself

Healing is always possible!


The dishes can wait.

  Sister, The dishes can wait. You embodying, feeling, being, creating, acting upon, creating… singing… dancing…creating… It matters more! Y...