Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Gaslighting is dark magic + FREE quantum healing


Hello there unlimited Soul, 

Lately, I'm healing levels in me about how I see myself, that are SO exciting, SO groundbreaking, that I just HAVE to tell you about it.

I also think it's funny that the more real I get in these emails... there have been 1-2 people unsubscribing each time... that's how this works!

A real, authentic voice is polarizing!

Anyway, back to my point today...which is about self-concept and worthiness.

As of late, the cells of my body are RELEASING lies from the devil! (Thanks, Amanda Frances for that line, and it's true) Releasing lies from the devil...about me being at fault for other people's pain. Especially in instances where people have maliciously manipulated me into believing that I am the cause of their internal issue. Nope! It's them.

Has this ever happened to you? It's unfortunately quite common in childhood too. This is called gaslighting. I've gone live talking about this lately on facebook.

Gaslighting is a form of dark magic. It is when a person twists around their victims mind so that the victim will believe they are actually the manipulative one. The gas lighter manipulates their victim THROUGH THEIR EXISTING WOUNDS to believe they have the negative state that the gaslighter actually has. You see? That's dark magic.

For example, a person with deep trust issues, can convince a maleable, gullible, pure hearted person that THEY are actually the one with the trust issues. When it's not true. And unfortunately, the victim may then spend months or years trying to heal their trust issues, when it was really all about the gaslighter projecting THEIR issues onto them. 

(If you've experienced this type of abuse, you will have been left feeling extremely depleted energetically, your self-worth will have plumeted and in your mind you will feel very confused. You may also become addicted to being gaslit, like a drug. And go back to the source of it for more, not understanding that it's abuse and not healthy intimacy. Unfortunately, A LOT of people were conditioned by their first relationships in childhood to believe that relationships are about one person depleting the other. That's not required. You are worthy of mutually expansive relationships.)

In my own body, and in my client work. the way we recover from gaslighting abuse is deep, deep gut healing. The gut is the store house for our self-worth. It is where we uncover the healthy sense of self again, a back bone, where we find our confidence again, the beginning of the healing of our voice,and so much more!

The gut is an ancient center of wisdom! Of what is RIGHT for us and what is WRONG for us. 

Gaslighting, narcissistic abuse and emotional manipulation will all be affecting digestion too.

When you heal multidimensionally, recover your healthy sense of self, your digestion smooths out too.

It's all connected.

Real healing addresses every layer of you. Physical, etheric, emotional, mental, soulful, spiritual and creative. All interwoven into one. If you change one layer, they all change. 

If you want some deep real healing to recover once and for all from gaslighting abuse, keep reading! 

Join today if you want to participate in our monthly FREE live group healing that is tomorrow, Wednesday at 2pm CST.

I facilitate these based on the energy of the group who shows up 💓

What I see so far, is this lifting up of everyone's awareness. So you will be shown more of who you are...specifically in relation to your own worthiness, intelligence, creativity and how to enact your vision for your work. I see that we will receive soul wisdom for the projects we are working on. 


Our main intention is ALWAYS your freedom to live a life of happiness, ease, deeply fulfilling relationship & prosperity. 

At the very least you’ll feel SUPER relaxed.. and it’s likely you’ll have a profound healing experience, but that’s up to you showing up, trusting God and the depth that you drop into!

If you’re curious about quantum healing, this is the perfect way to dip a toe in the water.

Join my facebook group here to enjoy the FREE group quantum healing

Doors are also open for Women Remember ♥️🌹 my monthly membership for DEEP trauma healing + Soul Rebirth for women to unfurl into a life of ease & enjoyment in being themself. I guide 2 live Soul Birth sessions every month, add a new training for you monthly, online sisterhood support, and you get an all access pass to my best courses & healing meditations. $55/ monthly. No contract.. stay as long as you like.

Read more about Women Remember here, and if you feel called to, join us for Apil xoxo

Why not do both? 

Happy Healing,

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Self-Worth is not a fixed entity.

Hi beauties,

Do you know that the current self-worth level that you feel is not permanent? It is purely an idea. An ingrained belief. It's not real.

If you haven't before...you CAN indeed tune into and get to know the frequency of your self-worth. This will be a conglomoration of all the feelings you have about yourself, about your body, about your mind, about your ability to do the things you want to do. All of this will get you in touch with a general idea of where your current self-worth level is. And, sidenote, where your current self-worth level is will be essentially a perfect mirror of how much financial net-worth you're comfortable having. 

The funny thing is, you can increase your net-worth, without increasing your self-worth. Think of people who have jobs they hate, but they bring home bank, you know?

Next, let's look at someone who does tons of inner healing work, increases their confidence, increases their belief in themself, and becomes mega-wealthy through monetizing the shit out of their natural Soul gifts that God gave them. PLUS, they make a HUGE positive, healing, awakening impact on their community and the greater humanity. 

Feels super different right? Which one do you prefer?

So, as I was saying, you can actually CHOOSE what you want your self-worth to be. You can decide, right fucking now, that you are a High Value Man or Woman. Say it outloud "I am a High Value ......"


Note: It's ok if it feels scary or nauseating. It might!!! BECAUSE having a high self-worth may, very well, feel UNSAFE, to your nervous system. Because of your childhood. It would be very normal, and oh-so-common, if in your childhood it was shamed, frowned upon or even punished, if you were your normal bright, enthusiastic, in-love-with-life, happy-to-be-alive, self. 

Just breathe that in.

What was your family's, possibly unspoken, culture around how good you could feel?

You could take some time to meditate on this or do some journaling. 

Here you will find your answers as to why a low self-worth or medocre self-worth is your norm. If that is the case! I can't of course speak to EVERYONE, just those who are resonating with what I'm putting down here. 

Now, how do we go about INCREASING our self-worth? (If you feel you want/need to)

One of my favorites...now be nice...because this MAY sound silly, but just go with me here.

Is to visualize an upside down turned tulip bulb IN YOUR BELLY. Yes! For reals. and upside down turned tulip bulb in your belly. 

Next, KNOW deep inside, that THIS IS YOUR CURRENT SELF WORTH. 


It's ok, I have a plan.

Next, DECIDE that you are going to flip this puppy upright, and let her sprout upwards to the Sun.


Did I mention you MIGHT feel nauseous or scared? It's ok buttercup. 

Ask God to help you with this process. You might feel a sudden change inside, or this might be a process that takes weeks or months to do. Your process is perfecto. 

Visualize and feel the tulip bulb in your tummy, turn upwards, feel it moving in the soil. Visualize her growing up towards the surface, breaking up out of  the soil, and flowering upward in your heart towards the sun. 

Say this to yourself: I am safe, I am safe, I am safe.

It is safe for me to know that I am worthy of the light.

It is safe for me to know that I am worthy of the best.

It is safe for me to know that I am worthy of wealth. 

It is safe for me to embody and know the abundance that I AM.

Do this every day for 30 days and IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE BABY.

So let's recap. Self-worth is entirely maleable and you can CHOOSE it.

You are a HIGH value man or woman.

Speak it into your body until you KNOW it as your truth. Settle for nothing less.

Because who wants to live their life with low self-worth? How boring! 

Do your inner work to realize you have HIGH value, infinite value..you are an eternal Soul! Not seperate AT ALL from God....

That way you can have a partner who treats you with love, respect and totally adores you..can't get enough of you!

You can monetize the shit out of what your Soul excels at!

Your energy is uplifting and liberating for everyone who gets to come into contact with you!

The inner deep healing work is SO SO WORTH IT, a thousand times over, baby. 

If you want to work with me, I have choices for you. 

Doors are currently OPEN for April! Women Remember is my monthly membership where we kick ass. It’s an all access pass to my BEST trauma healing work and Soul Birth work, and we’re even more powerful working as a group of women! I go live twice per month, to guide a Soul Birth session for you all in zoom. Plus tons of audio healing meditations and courses that you have access to as soon as you join. I add a new healing training once per month as well. 

We cover deep inner child healing, past life healing and energy healing to birth you from that unlimited nucleus of potential that you are in your core. As women, we birth ourselves as our divine feminine essence. If that’s how you roll, then you will LOVE this. I would suggest joining now, so you can dive into March’s content and be all set up to receive the April sessions. Read more and join here, can’t wait to see you live! www.katieawake.com/plans-pricing 

Our monthly FREE live group quantum healing is coming up! That will be 3/31 at 2pm CST in my free ‘Safe and Sacred Healing Space’ facebook group. We are currently still rolling with Metamorphosis of the Heart. If you’ve been enjoying my content and want to try some energy healing with me, this is a perfect next step. https://mailchi.mp/8a4c6501bfef/thursdayzoom 

Desire to work with me 1:1 and are ready to invest in your healing journey? Awesome. I have a full year or 90 day unlimited coaching programs, I currently have 4 spots open, you can fill out an application here: www.katieawake.com 

If you're like I was and are reaching a point of being SICK TO DEATH of your own BS, and ready to blow this popstand. I can't wait to see you in one of my offerings!! Let's go baby! 

See you on the inside,

Friday, March 26, 2021

God, make my business a ministry of your love. Amen.


I have an arduous relationship with coffee. 

It is not easy. Me and coffee getting along. I'm half joking, but seriously. I LOVE it. It tastes so good, especially with the right coconut/almond creamer...but it dries the fuck out of my body! And if I don't eat just the right breakfast, at just the right time, then I'm shaky for hours. FUCK. 

Le sigh...

So as I sit here and am enjoying my coffee, whilst also feeling it pulsing through my veins. I'm also re-devoting myself to God. And doing my morning things of setting my intentions for the day. And what I am experiencing today is quite profound. I'm on day 29 of an intention setting challenge. My intention every morning has been for Soul aligned, pay in full, clients. I have booked a couple new clients this month, they are extraordinary! And I'm very grateful! Though this next level shift happening inside me is perhaps even more interesting and deep. I'm discovering a level of releasing my attachment to outcomes at a WHOLE NEW LEVEL. The last piece of this 30 day challenge that I have been doing...is to release my attachment to outcomes and leave the details up to the universe. So every morning, I set my intentions, I feel them as though they are real, I adjust my energy accordingly, then I release my intentions, I release my attachment to outcomes, and I leave the details up to the universe. As of yesterday, or maybe the day before, I was shown that I was REALLY REALLY actually still holding onto outcomes. I thought I had let that go and left it up to the universe, but truly, I had not. I was actually still holding onto maybe a 1000 ton weight of attachment to outcome. I thought this was just normal!!! Because, as this belief was in me, I HAVE to be attached to an outcome that I want (like tons of soul aligned clients, wealth, money for rent etc) or else  IT WON'T HAPPEN! Right?? Apparently not. 

So, I invite you on this journey with me. As I am REALLY FOR REAL ACTUALLY releasing ANY AND ALL attachment to outcome. As a replacement for where that 1000 ton weight of attachment was in my energy field (and I feel it was in my root chakra) I am fully 1000% devoting myself to my Mission. My mission to remind thousands and thousands of people how fucking brilliant they are. To midwife thousands and thousands of people through THEIR Soul's rebirth. My prayer to God is to make Katie Awake Online a ministry of HIS love. Use me God. Make me a conduit of your love every day, in every way.

This is the same way that I met my husband. I literally was on my knees crying, in the shower, as vulneralbe as can be, so so tired of living with the longing for my beloved, but being physically without him....and just fully surrendered to Jesus. I actually don't remember more details then that right now...maybe I'm not supposed to share...but around that time I also was doing a lot of dancing and invoking my beloveds energy right beside me. It was within a couple months that we met physically and pretty much were married as soon as we met. 

Here we go. Fully devoted, open and ready.

Our next live FREE group quantum healing is COMING UP SOON.

Wednesday 3/31 at 2pm CST.

I channel the healing in a way that is cleansing, healing and uplifting for EVERYONE present. Even if you are on the replay. Our main goal is your Soul level liberation. For more money, more love, more freedom, more autonomy, more union with God inside, more naturally radiant happiness. We will be in my facebook group. You can join here: https://mailchi.mp/8a4c6501bfef/thursdayzoom

WOMEN REMEMBER xoxo is my monthly membership. I lead 2 Soul Birth sessions on Zoom for you every month. This is an all access pass to a secret website within my website, where you get all my best trauma healing work + Soul Birth work. Right now through April 1st, you can join for $55, and that will be your monthly rate forever. There's no contract, you're welcome to stay in sisterhood with us as long as you like. 

What is Soul Birth? You are a nucleus of unlimited potential at your core, with a few shrouds of coverings that we remove to reveal and free the real you. 

Read more and join Women Remember here: www.katieawake.com/plans-pricing

Have a beautiful day.

In massive and indestructible love,

Thursday, March 25, 2021

You are a nucleus of unlimited potential

Hey there gorgeous soul,

For my clients, I see them in their core. I see their fullest potential already existing within them, in the nucleus of their being. Unexpressed, pulsing, contracting, expanding and desiring to be born. I midwife this birth. We do this through core level inner child healing. Past life trauma healing. Very often there were traumatic deaths in past incarnations that need resolution. So, we do that. It’s not hard. We increase your self-worth. We heal your money wounds. We birth your voice. Your purpose and mission NATURALLY reveal from within you, as all the mirrors clear. Being the REAL you is actually EASY and NATURAL. It will become this way. It’s just a matter of dusting off traumas, false beliefs, shit that’s not yours...to birth yourself from the INSIDE. From the inner nucleus of your Soul. Where you are pure potential. Where you and God are One. Feel into living from this Space. From this place within you that is ABUNDANCE, that is Oneness with God. You are this. I teach you how to be with yourself, until you don’t need me anymore. Until you REMEMBER that your emotions are energy that is moving through you, that your emotions lead you to God. That your Soul wants to get born and STRETCH. That you in fact DO have angel wings. That you have a map that you were born with in your heart to follow into living your most fun, glorious life. Everything you desire IS your roadmap to success. Success in being happy, success in dancing, success in singing, success in being a parent, success with money, success in leaving a legacy that creates healing ripples through humanity. Forward and backward in time through your bloodlines. 

 Each of us has this potential inside. Can you feel it? Is it your time to get born? Let’s do this sweetheart. 

 What magic is inside you? I KNOW that you are indeed magic. I’m just curious what flavor of magic you are. 

I know you’ve kept yourself out in your energy field, not feeling safe to come in..you’ve lost trust in humanity or this unpredictable world. I get it. I had to. 

But, really, look at how temporary your life is. Do you want to stay unexpressed for your whole life? Another year or 10 years? Why not just do the damn thing? Yes, it’s scary, Yes, it takes balls. Man or lady balls. 

 Yes, there will be layers of fear and trauma to discover and heal, it’s ok. The healing process really isn’t that bad. Except for maybe layers of horror, terror….terrible terrible feelings of being alone (those are my least favorite) but OH WELL WOULDN’T YOU RATHER GO THROUGH LAYERS OF UNCOMFORTABLE HEALING THAN TO WASTE YOUR PRECIOUS LIFE???! This is your only chance to be YOU. You will never be THIS exact you ever again. I encourage you, quite boldly here, to rip the bandaids off your heart and be BOLDLY you. ALL THE WAY. It’s fun! AND we all want you. We all want to experience you. We want to know what you have to say and what you want to share with us. Not everyone no, of course not, but many many many of us DO. 

 I believe, at least right now in this now moment, that is is both easy and hard to live doing your Soul’s work. It’s easy because I HAVE TO DO IT. I have to let the art out of me and onto pages, posts and canvases. I have to. That’s how art works. It’s hard because… I have to do it through this human body and through this human mind. My own mind and this whole kaleidoscope of thoughts, frequencies, people and entities that would rather I DIM it down….are kind of downers sometimes! At this point in my journey, EVERY SINGLE MORNING, I have to CHOOSE what frequency I want to be in. I set the tone for my day every morning. 

 Currently, I do this through waking up, noticing what emotions and thoughts are present (they are usually a bit of anger, defensiveness, melancholy, resistance) and I just notice, I try really hard NOT to believe in them. I have my coffee or tea… and I give myself about an hour to just wake up. I open the blinds, I let the light in, sometimes I do movement, yoga or breathwork. Today I listened to two coaches I love (@thehealingcouple) talk about embodied leadership. THEN I do my intention setting meditation. This is where I feel into my intentions for my business, I set the intentions free, I choose to trust my true self, I release my attachment to outcomes, and I leave the details up to the universe. Then I start writing. Maybe you would enjoy this morning practice too? It is indeed THE most important moment of your day to set your energy. This is a practice from Deepok Chopra, I learned it through Myra Kotze. 

1. Get comfortable. Drop into the gap (in a meditation) where your true self and intentions are. Feel, say aloud or journal, what your intentions are. I would suggest journaling about and feeling into what your expansive intentions are, whether that be in your business or personal life. Choose one to start with; something that your nervous system can process but that also stretches you into more joy, success, pleasure etc. 
 2. Invite the feeling of your intentions as though they are already happening, already a part of your reality. Abide in this feeling for 30 sec - 5 min 
 3. Say this internally or out loud: “I release my intentions because I believe in the power of my true self, and I remain in a state of restful awareness”Sit in restful awareness for 5-10min (This way, you are creating from a state of contentment, rather than grasping or from lack) 
 4. Say internally or out loud “I release my attachment to outcomes and I leave the details up to the universe. Try this as a 30 day challenge! I'm on day 28. It's really helped me believe in my true self at a new level. 

 Doors are currently OPEN for April! Women Remember is my monthly membership where we kick ass. Lol. but really. It’s an all access pass to my BEST trauma healing work and Soul Birth work, and we’re even more powerful working as a group of women! I go live twice per month, to guide a Soul Birth session for you all in zoom. Plus tons of audio healing meditations and courses that you have access to as soon as you join. I add a new healing training once per month as well. 

 We cover deep inner child healing, past life healing and energy healing to birth you from that unlimited nucleus of potential that you are in your core. As women, we birth ourselves as our divine feminine essence. If that’s how you roll, then you will LOVE this. I would suggest joining now, so you can dive into March’s content and be all set up to receive the April sessions. Read more and join here, can’t wait to see you live! www.katieawake.com/plans-pricing 

Our monthly FREE live group quantum healing is also coming up. That will be 3/31 at 2pm CST in my free ‘Safe and Sacred Healing Space’ facebook group. We are currently still rolling with Metamorphosis of the Heart. If you’ve been enjoying my content and want to try some energy healing with me, this is a perfect next step. https://mailchi.mp/8a4c6501bfef/thursdayzoom 

 Desire to work with me 1:1 and are ready to invest in your healing journey? Awesome. I have a full year or 90 day unlimited coaching programs, you can fill out an application here: www.katieawake.com 

 There’s no need to live inside cages in your heart, or to keep yourself in a prison of limitations. There usually are so many of these that people live inside, and they’re so used to them, they’re not even AWARE of it! How do you feel inside? Would you like to be freer? Are you like me? One who was born like a comet shooting across the sky, and here to tear away any and all limitations? Here to COMPLETELY free yourself? Into JOY, into LIFE, into PLEASURE, into WEALTH, into SACRED SEXY DIVINE LOVE? 

 No? Ok carry on. 

 Yes? Awesome. Let’s go. 

 In massive and indestructible love, Katie

The dishes can wait.

  Sister, The dishes can wait. You embodying, feeling, being, creating, acting upon, creating… singing… dancing…creating… It matters more! Y...