Friday, February 26, 2016

Unbelievable joy

Why is it difficult to allow joy? We've worked so, so hard the last 5 years purging, clearing, and then clearing some more. Life says, it's time now to enjoy the fruits of your work!!! Yet I find a part of myself trying to sabotage it. WEEEEEEIIIRD. So, I'm not gonna :) I've experienced sabotaging joy enough times. Here we go!!!! Living the truth of our souls is fun. It is easy. It's amazing how a part of me thinks (key word there: thinks) that life is supposed to be difficult, that I have to 'work' really hard to earn something good. well I say bullshit to that. LOVE is EASY. It is who we are, just allow it! That's the hard part. We believe life is supposed to be difficult, and sure feeling through pain is uncomfortable, but only to the degree that we resist it. Try this: let life flow through you. Trust that an open heart is our natural state, that we are made of love. Doing our souls work, being really busy with it, is pure joy. Heaven on Earth, and that is where we're headed. Even through the darkest of experiences, that doesn't change. we are love in form, and that love will break us open and shine brighter then any fear, it will just start to happen spontaneously, fear can only hold love back for so long..... get ready for love to break through!!! weeeeeeee!!!

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Responsible for the suffering of others

This theme is very apparent in my world. The need for me to drop feeling responsible for everyone's healing just had to happen, and it's a process to let go of. I find it so interesting how difficult a drop it is! This is a deeply ingrained animal, that we need to carry other peoples pain, that we are responsible for the hurt feelings of others. Going further, that we need to filter what we say or don't say to prevent other's from an imagined 'negative' reaction. I'm knowing that it is time for me now to drop those filters. That it is my true responsibility to be HONEST with how I feel, with what I need, and especially in sharing from the light of my soul. Often I don't share my deepest knowings because I'm afraid it will be too much for the people I'm with, for my client or for the group. But I see that is seeing them in a limited perception, and I'm sorry about that! Through out my life when people have been just honest with me, honest with how they see me, honest with what they don't like about me, honest with how they see me limiting smarts...but then it is the BEST gift. For those mirrors, I am grateful. So, pretty much what I am saying, is that I am translucent now, I am transparent. Which means I talk about when I'm triggered and out of body because I'm afraid I've offended you. I talk about my crazy mind that tells me lies about being stupid or that someone is 'mad' at me, whatever that means. And most beautifully, I'm honest from the truth of MY core. It is my duty to speak honestly and strongly about the power of love. I've learned that my voice matters and so does yours. All of us sharing in a circle is an act of creation. It adds to the beauty and evolution of this planet and humanity.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Trusting the un-foldment of life

For a few years now we've cleared and cleared and cleared - clutter and debris from our hearts, our minds, and our souls. This body of mine, and many others that I know, are much more open and clear. We are seeing the path opening up, the new creations are unfolding before us. The bridges from the old known ways of living to the new way of harmony, connection and community are built, secure and beautiful too :)

You might be in clearing mode, you might be in germination just wanting to be inside yourself as your soul births yourself anew, you might be feeling ready and full of dreams as we soon transition into Spring. My heart is DELIGHTED to step forth into living consciously connected with nature, community, and most of all my dear beloved. Wherever you are on your journey, I wish us all great courage to step out of known molds of how we THINK our lives SHOULD be and truly follow the path that feels JOYFUL to us. yay!!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Dating and Relationships

Oh this is a messy subject. Lots of people looking around and around for what they want, for what might bring them fulfillment... searching for what? Connection. We want to be truly seen, heard, and loved. I'll tell ya people, if you don't look inside and feel your connection to yourself, to the divine, you will never find what you're looking for out there! It is a restless, exhausting search, because love is already in you! There are aspects of you just waiting for you to pick them up, dust them off, accept and love them into your heart. What do you ignore in yourself? What parts of you are screaming for your attention? Looking for fulfillment outside will leave you tired every time if you are running away from yourself.

Take a break, take a moment, take a breath. Breathe into your body, what needs need meeting? What does your body need? What emotions are being felt? Can you let that energy just move through you?

The people we are connected to, the relationships we are in, or the tiring relationship patterns we keep finding ourselves in, all have messages for us. They show us what needs to be seen in us, in you!

I support my clients with unconditional love to shine the light of their consciousness in any dark rooms or ignored or hurting places within them. And here's the magic alchemy!! As soon as that dark room starts to fill up with light the pain starts to turn into love! There is release, healing and true beauty is remembered <3

Lots more writing to come on these subjects.... :)

The dishes can wait.

  Sister, The dishes can wait. You embodying, feeling, being, creating, acting upon, creating… singing… dancing…creating… It matters more! Y...