Friday, January 17, 2014

Flip right side out.

I want to write about this flip I've been feeling, a an energetic shift. It's quite subtle, but I have found the most profound changes start very small, I have to be very quiet and observant to notice. It's in my family lineage, my conditioning here, to put a lot of energy into analyzing how I'm being perceived by others. To the point that, in the past, I was completely lost to the idea of what my own needs and desires were, I couldn't even feel them. My reality was based on an imagined mirror of how others were perceiving me. The closer the person was to me the more concerned I was with how they saw me. This was unconscious for a long time, this was just what I thought reality was. It takes a lot of work and a lot of energy to constantly analyze and worry about how others see me. I am HAPPY that I have begun a shift away from this. I lay this habit to rest. And it feels good. The shift I feel feels like a fliparoo. Rather then living from the outside in, I'm letting myself live from the inside out. I feel worthy of having needs, desires and wants. I can ask for them. I don't have to explain myself away or apologize for existing. I live from my inner compass. Are you consumed with guessing how others are perceiving you? We don't have to live like this. Changing this habit starts by noticing it, acknowleding it, and then meditating on a deeper presence within ourselves. Begin to make choices from that deep inner core heart place. Ignore the voice that says 'oh, that person thinks I'm rude...etc' the voice is wrong, it's based in fear and insecurity. we are all beautiful loving beings, we all want to be happy and free.

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The dishes can wait.

  Sister, The dishes can wait. You embodying, feeling, being, creating, acting upon, creating… singing… dancing…creating… It matters more! Y...