Thursday, November 7, 2024

Here's why you start sabotaging your marriage when your business is succeeding, you silly goose

The reason you start having negative or sabotaging thoughts towards your spouse when your business starts to succeed, is because subconsciously you don't believe that you get to have a very successful soul led business AND a wonderful marriage

The truth is of course... that you get to have both and ALL 

You are light itself 
Light (God) is UNlimited

You are NOT limited to just ONE successful thing in your life 

And predominantly this 'I only get to have ONE successful endeavor in life' comes from a narcissistic style of the way you were parented- where the parent projected upon you that THEY are your ONE AND ONLY love & source 

Which is of course abusive & preposterous

Same goes for the notion that women can ONLY be a GREAT wife OR a GREAT business woman; but not both 

How silly 

Women can of course CHOOSE what they want to do with their lives 

So my loves, what do you want?  

If you are a God-led woman, who's MADE FOR successful soul-led business AND wonderful sacred union marriage, join us inside Christ Money Portal 1 year membership.... this will be a GREAT 2025 for you! 😍

Read more & select your membership level here 

Katie ❤️ 

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