Friday, May 10, 2024

What is Healing?

I'm not interested in teaching people anything new. I'm interested in supporting people to awaken the gifts of their Soul.

In many of the clients I see (in person & virtual) the medicine, voice, gifts, strengths, spiritual wealth.... lay dormant like a hidden protected secret in their bodies.

It usually takes some nudging to get these dormant spiritual faculties awakened once again.

As their inherent magic unwinds... and it does so through the Soul, fascia, muscles, bones, organs; so too does physical aches, pains, even perceived chronic pain unwind! No secrets left to protect, see?

It is a profound love & joy for me to witness

Yes, healing is ALWAYS possible

True healing REQUIRES full trust in God/Source/Divinity

(I know there can be hesitation for good reason to use the word God, and that's OK, use any language you feel safe with. Just be SURE you are surrendering to the right energy source, that's the main reason I encourage my clients to be open to healing their relationship to the word God; so that they can be CERTAIN they are putting their life in the right, safe, home Source .. and not something else.. feel me?)

Consider viewing pain or disorder of any kind, as an unwinding back Home into God.

All frequencies, emotions, pain, lead back Home INSIDE to God

All rivers lead to the Ocean

And it is an Ocean of Divine Peace 💙🙏

Abundance IS the energy of God too

You can be sure as you hand your life, your body, your money, your marriage ALL over to God... you are CHOOSING divine abundance, peace, harmony & love ALL AT ONCE 🙂

This is the way home 🌄

I do have space for new Mentorship clients, and 2 group memberships available at varied price points; message me if you're curious about working together.

Or visit 

Have a lovely day!

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Day 7/10 cleanse today! 💙

Day 7/10 master cleanse today! 🔔🍋😍 I love love love the spiritual sight clarity I get when I'm cleansing. It's truly why I do it!...