Saturday, May 16, 2015


I'm tired of un-truth's being held as truths. I'm tired of the pervading un-truth that anyone is above or below anyone else. I'm tired of masks. I'm tired of limiting life draining gender roles. I'm tired of imbalanced relationships. I'm tired holding myself to anything just because someone else told me to or because it's 'normal'. I'm tired of silencing myself to let someone else stay comfortable. I'm tired of containing what could be judged. I'm tired of fakeness, falseness and half-living. I'm enough, you're enough, everyone is not just enough, we are all magnificent beautiful beings of light and it's time we KNOW IT. Let's shed the skin of pretending to be anything less than amazing. There is NO WAY that you're not amazing because we're all born of the same LIGHT. I am, you are! Come out, speak from your heart, be who you are, you are needed. What once was anger is fire for change. Stop holding yourself back out of fear and just GO. I am fire. I have a mission to help heal humanity from un-truths, join me. Talking to myself, talking to my heart, higher self is talking to me, talking to you.

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The dishes can wait.

  Sister, The dishes can wait. You embodying, feeling, being, creating, acting upon, creating… singing… dancing…creating… It matters more! Y...