Hi there!
Some thoughts of mine...
People, this fear is greatly flawed and causes much suffering. Through my own fear and suffering I've realized it is futile (and painful) to hold back the gates on the power of love. Love will always win. Love is a vibration infinitely greater than fear. Can you feel the suffering you create for yourself by shutting yourself down to love? The suffering you cause yourself by resisting your true nature? Blocking love causes dis-ease, causes heart attacks, causes death. While the pain of grief and loss is tremendous, I know, it's actually a portal to a deeper understanding of love. If you allow your grief, really drop into it, cry, shake, get mad, whatever you need to do, you'll find a tunnel to light that will fill you, for you are love in form. Allow the waves of pain and fear as they come, embody them, and you'll find a deeper knowing of your true nature, love, on the other side. In love we are safe, for our essence vibrates with love, we are love. It is dangerous to our health to shut down love or block it, in doing so we are denying our true human nature.
Today, 11:11 is a powerful day, look it up!
Let your heart speak to hearts of others. Read that on a tea bag :)