Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Expression is the best form of protection

Hey beautiful,

Might as well let our hearts open wide and let the truth out..right?

Be free and prosper!

Through heart ache and trauma many of us have built up walls around our hearts. These walls keep up from being able to receive and give love. These walls keep people out. There is pain when you are loved but unable to return the love. There is pain when you have thoughts about loving someone but are unable to express your feelings because you've built up so many walls around your heart. With intention and a lot of courage you can begin to peel away layers. We're here to learn about love, I just read in "Wisdom of the body moving" that 'Expression of the feelings of the heart is the essence of humanity' how about that??? woah. I just had to race over to my computer and type this. ok, so, 'Expression is the best form of protection' (another quote from the same book).. I feel that expressing our truest truths keeps us safe. Keeping our actual truths, our ability to love and be loved, locked up actually hurts us! I mean in the emotional sad way in in a real physical way like heart attacks. Letting the layers fall away, receiving love all the way in, expressing our hearts outwardly, we are safe in that purity. Anything impure or dark will move out of the way. Do you feel the protection in expressing your most heartfelt truths? I think the scariest way to live is to stay locked up and closed up. 

Begin the grand peeling away of fear from around your heart!


Katie Awake Online 

I midwife my clients through soul birth of their infinite potential; through and beyond childhood and past life trauma.  The result for them is more happiness now, more pleasure in their bodies, soul mate relationships, more money & the birth of their sacred work further into the world

Ways to work with me: 

Full year or 90 days of unlimited quantum healing & soul coaching.

Individual sessions of 3 hours or 1 hour. 

Women Remember ♥️🌹 a monthly membership that is an all access pass to my best trauma healing and soul birth work. Plus a continuously growing library of audio healings & trainings that I add to every month. $55/ month. No contract; stay as long as you feel called to. 

Free group quantum healing in my Facebook group + more intimate live videos with me: 

Facebook @Katie Awake

Instagram @katie_awake 

In massive & indestructible love, 


Monday, November 18, 2013

take a step back and breathe

I've been pondering lately why we 'freak out' (for lack of a better term) when we're encountered by an opinion that is different from our own. Speaking for myself, when I'm met with a voice saying things that conflict with my own views my heart rate elevates, I might start sweating...on and on. I breath, I calm down, I observe these reactions and then choose how to react or not to react. I think as we grow up we create an identity based on how our parents thought, based on our friends, our schools, our teachers, any authority figures, the media...any voices we hear or are exposed to. If I was born somewhere else I would have a totally different identitiy then the one I have now. I really love who I am, but I realize a lot of my identity is based on all the beautiful influcenes I've had through out life. We identify with our beliefs about reality and when they are questioned we feel our sense of self is being questioned. All of us humans are like mirrors for each other reflecting back ourselves at ourselves. We are all a lot more than our beliefs too, beliefs and percpetions come and go. If something someone says makes you angry/sad/joyful its because it's reflecting a part of you that wants to be heard and seen. I propose letting go of the idea that we all need to match somehow, that if your beliefs are different from mine I need to get upset and make you think the way I do. Lets all be different colors of the same rainbow.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Our emotions are our GPS system

Most of us are cut off from our emotions. We were taught not to feel them, to avoid 'negative' emotions. The reasons and explanations for this don't matter as much as deciding now to tune back into our internal guidance systems. If you feel lost or stuck a quick way to get un-stuck is to stop numbing yourself long enough to let your emotions flow. The other day I was feeling uncomfortable, nauseous actually, I laid down and let myself be nauseous, I let it come over me, and then I started to cry. What I had stuffed down began to move and I felt immediate relief! Relief is a good sign of healing and growth!! An emotion is a reaction to a thought. Here's how it works: you have a thought, then your body reacts with an emotion, if the emotion 'feels good' that means the thought is in alignment with your true desire and it would serve your highest good to follow the thought and put it into appropriate action. If you have an emotional reaction that 'feels bad' (tight, constricted, sick) this thought is not in alignment with your desire or highest good. It's likely rooted in fear. If we live in fear we'll never fulfill our soul's purpose!! Probably best then to explore the thought, the belief, dance, draw, cry, or just release into stillness and follow the emotion. Follow your thoughts and emotions that make you feel good!!! This is your true path. I love exploring thoughts, emotions and beliefs. If you're craving some guidance on this twisty, turny life experience feel free to reach out to me.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Free Will

I'm going to write a book. I want to write a book on all the topics, maybe a series... all the topics I think are important to clarify and understand. All the topics I think are worth research. I think there are a lot of things people do without thought, without listening to themselves, they do what they've been told is right and good. It's time to love ourselves enough to care what we put in our bodies and why, it's time to question the sources from which we get information. So far I plan to write more on pregnancy/birthing options,health care and disease treatment options, Food options - what we eat and why and how. The thought of a 'one size fits all' anything is ridiculous. All humans on the planet are made up of the same ingredients - earth, air, fire and water - although we all come from the same source we've each been through an infinite amount of life experience and we've all overcome different trauma, a lot of trauma is held in our bodies. Each of our bodies, our cells, our DNA, long for a unique blend of care and attention.

The dishes can wait.

  Sister, The dishes can wait. You embodying, feeling, being, creating, acting upon, creating… singing… dancing…creating… It matters more! Y...