Thursday, March 6, 2025

The dishes can wait.



The dishes can wait.

You embodying, feeling, being, creating, acting upon, creating… singing… dancing…creating…

It matters more!

You matter more than dishes.

Your creative flow is magic

Your creative flow is the warmth of your home

Your joy ignites candle flames in your children’s hearts

Create, create, create
Sing, sing, sing
Dance, dance, dance

You are invited to Brighter Beginnings!

Come value the creative flow that you are with us

7 of you have already joined!

Allow your joy, your creations, your Soul-led work and your relationships to flourish now

Learn more about Brighter Beginnings and join here

Energy Reader and Healer

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Here is my recipe for inner peace

I've just come off of 4 days of a master cleanse so that my lungs could heal. Unfortunately I got sick twice on our incredible trip in India. This was my 2nd visit there. 

I'm sitting here at my desk eating my first solid food meal this week, this beautiful chili that Ross made a couple days ago. It's very delicious. 

I want to tell you all about the incredible results my beautiful clients are having inside Brighter Beginnings. Brighter Beginnings is an online space where you get to be heard. You get your inner processes, creative process, desires, dreams...challenges too.... seen and heard. We focus A LOT on supporting your Soul's natural creative processes.

To thrive in your Soul's creative work, and for material success to be enjoyable, you need to know that every subtle aspect of your creative process...matters.

Including when you are in quiet, internal, incubation periods!

It is ESSENTIAL for joy and success, that you ALLOW yourself to go slow. To be inward. To let yourself BE that puddle of goo that the caterpillar dissolves into INSIDE the cocoon. 

You cannot be in control or trying to be in control AT ALL during this goo period.

Just be goo. Be nothing.

When you are IN an inner goo phase, an inner goo phase before you start to become the next iteration of you who blossoms as the butterfly.... you can STILL be taking basic action in your business. I suppose this takes a lot of self-awareness, because you have to allow your Soul to be inward, incubating, processing, digesting, gathering gemstones and wisdom; and if you need can still write and work and sell and sign new clients...whatever it is that you need to do.

You know what I mean?

Allow your inner self lots of space and grace to be IN the inner processes that you're in AND function in the world as you need to. Without denying either one. 

Now, as we approach the dawning of Spring; your outer self and inner self will marry and be in more harmony. 

What I've just done here, is given and explanation of how to live in harmony with your natural creative processes and thrive in your outer life as needed, and this is just a little taste of what you receive as a member in Brighter Beginnings.

Would you LOVE to experience greater inner peace and ease in your natural creative processes?

Would you LOVE to organically experience more money flow in your life and finally feel peace in relationship to your finances? 

Join us for 2025 in Brighter Beginnings!

Peace can be your Foundation now

You can save $200 by signing up for a year up front, or you can choose an affordable payment plan

Plus, if you join in January, you receive a complimentary 60 min healing and coaching call with me! (normal price is $300)

On your coaching call, we work through God to deliver you very detailed healing and coaching. We support you to be in alignment in life, relationships and business. 

Read more and join here.

Katie Awake

Energy Reader and Healer

Piece of God, healing and coaching services 

The dishes can wait.

  Sister, The dishes can wait. You embodying, feeling, being, creating, acting upon, creating… singing… dancing…creating… It matters more! Y...