Wednesday, December 20, 2023

2024 Mentorship now enrolling at lighting speed

 I see that a lot of the tension, pain & tightness that a lot of people feel in their physical bodies is from power, purpose, voice & love being held back inside.

Lifetimes & generations worth of love not spoken.

Of truths going unseen.

Of Soul purpose moves going unexpressed.

I see it all the time in my clients ... and am experiencing my own body tension resolving through getting my Soul voice/purpose/moves expressed!

Wisdom, the Gold, the secret gems of lineages ... caught up in throats ... causing locked jaws... frozen shoulders ... confusion of why they feel sad ...

And together we find the gems of their Soul Mission, Purpose, voice, magic, spiritual gifts !!

We uncover the shrouded shame from generations of hidden abuse stories

RIGHT ALONG SIDE hidden spiritual magic & keys

Keys to the kingdom
Keys to life
Keys to the mystery

It's all in your Soul already

Your body is a temple of the divine

As you allow yourself to trust, know & believe in your goodness... the pains .... that are part of the hidden doorways to freedom ... ALSO unwind

But the healing journey does not have to be the focus anymore

Get on with thriving now sister

Would you love a free 45 min healing & coaching session with me on zoom?

We let Spirit work through us!!

For your healing, your FREEDOM, your unearthing, your success 🙂

I LLLOOOVVVEEE helping women get free in their MAGIC 💚

It's my specialty 🌹

Book in your free chat with me here. I'd love to hear about your healing journey, goals and visions. Then we can make a map together of how to bring MORE of who you are and what you desire to create into creation in 2024. I'm happy to share about my current mentorship or group program available if you are interested too.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Now enrolling: 2024 Mentorship

When parts of yourself had to become defensive, locked away for safety, repeatedly hurt / abused, victimized, banished..

It feels AMAZING to begin to let these self protective walls fade & dissolve

You can only do this when you are genuinely safe

When you create outer boundaries from overt or covert abusers in your life

And choose people in your life who are safe, sane & healthy too

THEN you'll notice your INNER boundaries begin to fortify properly.

Your natural boundaries are the membranes of your own energy bodies

They naturally protect you, and they naturally allow in God, love & abundance

Because that is what you are

So... back to my original point

As the parts of you who have had to hold yourself in a waiting zone, a purgatory of limited self expression, to survive ..

As these parts are safe, the inner old safety walls, or we can call this survival mode.. dissolve

These parts will feel very very TIRED

Because they have been holding back the bay of Abundance, Joy, Love, Connection

Perhaps to the point of not even recognizing Real Safety anymore ... perhaps it's been lifetimes

Or never done in your lineages before

But YOU ✨️💙💙💙

You incarnated to do this exact inner work

The un-daming of the river flow of real love, connection, prosperity, purpose

Through you 🌊🌊🌊

It is the returning of Truth Embodied 🌅

The result is you feeling home inside yourself , safe, happy & free

And your Soul desires manifest 💚💚💚

I currently have 5 spaces open for Soul Ignite. This is 1 full year of healing, coaching and mentorship with me. To undam the river flow of Abundance, joy, pleasure, safety and purpose through your natural energy flow. A returning to who you really are! Who you were when you were a child...but in adult form and even more successful :)

This will mean the real you in alignment in your friendships, sacred harmony restored in your romantic relationship, & your own children benefiting from your sacred inner work!

You are also fully supported by God on the inside and by me, to bring to life your next level of flow in business/career/finance. Your heart unlocked to manifest MORE of what you want.

I will be SO excited to chat with you about your healing journey and your goals for 2024. We will create a map together....through Spirit.... of how you can experience the desires of your heart... for how you want to feel, what you manifest through your work and the template of sacred union in your relationships.

I will also share all the details you about Soul Ignite and what our year together will look like, plus structure and pricing options. 

Looking forward to speaking with you!

Spiritual Healer
Sacred Marriage Guide
Abundance Guide

The dishes can wait.

  Sister, The dishes can wait. You embodying, feeling, being, creating, acting upon, creating… singing… dancing…creating… It matters more! Y...