Wednesday, August 30, 2023

You are a Power Center 🧑

You are a Power Center. 

Specifically, your hips are a Power Center. 

A multidimensional, magical, creative; Power Center. 

I'm interested in helping people unwind, unclog, free, move in, allow God to act through, allow heavenly flow .. through their wombs.

I call this the πŸ’™ Flow of Creation πŸ’™
Unlocked Kundalini
Unlocked Flow
Unlocked Wealth 
Unlocked Creativity 

All these forms of expression... pleasure, joy, dance, creativity, wealth, power, love... it's all God.

I see God as infinite rainbow colored energy frequencies. 

My Spirtual Team actually shows up as these different light colors & and performs healings with my clients. It's marvelous!! πŸ˜πŸ’šπŸ©·πŸ’™❤️πŸ§‘πŸ’œ

Pre-work for our new live healing audio course starts this week!! (The pre-work is an audio healing to listen to 2-3 times to prep your energy field to shift into your power).

Can you guess what it's called?? ⬇️⬇️



You are invited! πŸ•ŠπŸ•ŠπŸ•Š

Katie & her Spiritual Team 


#clearpower #blessed #letsrock

Monday, August 28, 2023

Get so clear in your energy that no one can f*ck with you - pre-work starts today!

What does it mean to become spiritually CLEAR in your POWER?

It means no one can f*ck with you.

Not on overt levels of abuse; but perhaps more importantly, on subtle energetic levels.

In my upcoming 4 week live audio healing course, your energy boundaries will become new, healed & wise.

Your voice will mend to your true tune of freedom.

Your solar plexus chakra will radiate God's loving presence.

I want you to feel good.
I want you to be yourself.
I want you to be in real joy.

We are talking about you being in your sovereign joy! In yourself & in all relationships in your life! Including your relationship with wealth & abundance!

Your POWER literally is LOVE ✨️

Learn more and join Clear Power here. We are starting pre-work today so hop on it!


#love #power #commitment

Friday, August 25, 2023

Keep your energy field clean πŸŒ…

I have healed some pretty dark, subtle levels in my energy where previously I was vulnerable to being siphoned, used, drained & abused.

 It has been profound inner work. 

These are the levels I'm aware on & how deeply I help my clients.

 Traps & tricks are EVERYWHERE in this world.

 This is not a loving world!

KNOW that YOU are good, loving, holy & deserve to be treated as such... 

DO NOT TRUST frequencies/people/places that do not feel like God's light to your Soul. 

Do not hesitate to draw boundaries even if it's friends or family. 

TRUST your instinct. 

Run it all by God inside πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

Being in your Clear Power means being AWARE & DISCERNING of who/what/where helps you closer to God & who/what/where draws you away from God.God, meaning literally our infinite, good, loving creative force.. I do not mean the idea of God through a religious lens.

 Religion is actually super abusive on this planet. Not all, but A LOT of it. In truth, God's light is WHO you are πŸ’šRadiate from the INSIDE ! 

Join my upcoming live 4 week audio course CLEAR POWER today! 

You can still receive the early bird price of $99 before it goes up to $199 on Saturday.      

πŸ’™ link here to join πŸ’™                                    


  #clearsight #clearenergy #clearpower #create #thrive

Thursday, August 24, 2023

24 hours left to save $100 πŸŒ»πŸ¦’πŸ’°

Clear Power, my upcoming audio healing program, will search, find, rescue & restore your Clear Power through God.

Me & my Spirtual Healing Team, are able to see where your power got cut up, lost or destroyed; and help you back into body now.

I am a Spiritual Midwife πŸ’š

This means I can see where you are energetically & assist you into your power, worth & joy now.

It is powerful, life-changing work.

For $99 you will receive 4 energy healing audios from me - LIVE!

The healings are sculpted for the Soul's who join, πŸ™‚ down to the details of what your brain, heart, womb, Nervous System, chakras & energy bodies need for Clear Power restoration.

We heal through the JOY & LIGHT of God πŸ’™πŸ’›❤️πŸ©·πŸ’šπŸ§‘πŸ’œπŸŒ…πŸŒ…πŸŒ…πŸ™

This price is available for the next 24 hours, then going up to $199.

The recordings are yours as medicine, for life! πŸ™‚

Join here today to grab the $99 price.

Once your purchase is complete, I will email you so we can celebrate you & get you into our Clear Power group! πŸŽ‚✨️πŸ•ŠπŸŽΆπŸ™Œ We start Monday! 


Friday, August 18, 2023

In your Clear Power, you belong to yourself.

In your Clear Power, you belong to yourself.

You are the gold.
You are the money.
You are the worth.

People come to you.

You express as you desire to.
You create how you want to.

Your power & worth is yours again.

Come with me for 4 weeks of live energy healings & spiritual guidance to lead you back into the gold of You ✨️

Let's bring to life your power, your worth, your ideas & your visions ✨️

Life can be yours now ❤️

Read more & join here. Price is $99 & going up to $199 next week.


Thursday, August 17, 2023

New LIVE $99 Audio Course coming up!

Clear Power is about re-assembling your power, worth & voice from the inside through God.

A returning to wholeness within. A remembering of who you really are. And the emergence of YOU !

I want heart based people like you leading now.

This audio course supports you (and many other good hearted, driven leaders on this planet) to lead powerfully in love.

Power has been misused on this planet a lot. Clear Power is medicine for incarnated angels, good hearted Soul's, people with love based missions, to now claim their infinite power through God as GOOD! And to finally now take their rightful place as the good leaders of the Earth.

These 4 live audio sessions with Katie will guide you in profound inner child, Soul, Nervous System, chakra & energy field healing. To strengthen you, ressurect your powerful leadership & fortify your energy boundaries. We want you speaking, guiding, healing & ushering many other Soul's into their Clear Power also.

My team & I are HONORED to support your mission.

Read more & join here


Friday, August 11, 2023

Clear Power

What I have built so far through my healing & coaching business is 10 years in the making 

Including MANY crumblings & rebirthings 

It has been MOSTLY a spiritual building up of me from the ground by God 

When your mind (body/emotions/trauma memories/beliefs etc) needs to crumble .... LET IT πŸ”₯πŸŒ…πŸ”₯πŸŒ…πŸ”₯πŸŒ… 

Do you know what's left then to stand, rise, speak & enjoy? 


The divine Union with God YOU ! 

Hi gorgeous Soul, yes I see you as an INFINITE Soul.... , come join me for a BRAND SPANKIN' NEW live audio course 

❤️Clear Power❤️ 

It costs $99 & will be 4 weeks with me as your Healer & coach 

You will have all content for life! 

The result is you in your ❤️ Clear Power ❤️ 

Your inherent powerful energy, voice, song, love, creativity, wealth & joy! 

Our pre-work begins the last week of August 😍 

Love you!

Film photography by my husband @ross_william_perry πŸ’™

#love #trust #surrender #clearpower #clearworth

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Choose your infinite nature πŸŒ„

You have 2 choices:

Align with the infinite energy of inifnite possibilities 


Align with the incorrect, limiting thoughts of the mind & past trauma stored in the body

What does aligning with the infinite FEEL like?

It's a TOTALLY different frequency than limitation 

Get to know what limitation feels like uniquely to you 

So you can recognize it & not fall into its traps 

Limitation is NOT very smart, it will set the same traps for you day after day after day 

UNLIMITED you, the God in you, FEELS like JOY!

Uninhibited BLISS ✨️

Infinite opportunities 
Awe of Life 
Fun πŸŒ…

It is a homecoming into yourself... into God's Heart πŸ’›

This means you living in alignment with high self worth, Soul aligned prosperity, successful Soul Business, Soul aligned marriage. And more. All through the joy, peace & abundance of God... your natural state. 

You really really can let go of EVERYTHING that is not this!

In Christ Money Portal, my 12 month membership, you go through a 7 step spiritual attunement process to land in the Wealth of God inside your heart. It is our natural, abundant state as human beings. It is bliss! 

Read more & join Christ Money Portal here:

Spiritual Healer
Abundance Guide

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Life is for you

Be willing to feel trauma when it arises, so that you can let joy flow too

Be willing to acknowledge shame, so you can unlock pleasure too

Be willing to feel doubtful, so you can keep letting hope lead

Be willing to fear the depth of you is bad, but know that it's actually the wealth of your Soul

Allow flow 🌊🌊🌊

Flow of pleasure
Flow of Holy energy
Flow of life
Flow of wealth
Flow of pain
Flow of joy
Flow of dark
Flow of light

ALL is made by love, ultimately

OPEN 🌊🌊🌊

Fear nothing

Allow everything

Life is for you
God is for you
Pleasure is for you
Wealth is for you
Creation is for you!

Join me inside Christ Money Portal πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™ read more & join here.

Christ Money Mentor
Sacred Marriage Guide
Spiritual Midwife 

Thursday, August 3, 2023

God is kind, loving and abundant! So are you xx

God's will for you is actually what will make you the happiest too!

I think we have trouble trusting this.... or even knowing at all that this level of surrender & fulfillment is possible ... because of past hurts by authority figures... including religious authority figures.
Let God clean out your heart now ✨️
Let Him scrub out the pain πŸ’š
Scrub a dub dub !
Open to the unimaginable BLISS of letting God work you, work through you & sculpt your life/relationships/business/finance
Let God rip your heart open with boundless love! Mountains & Rivers & Universes of LOVE
God sings through your heart!
A healing Sound πŸ’œ

The dishes can wait.

  Sister, The dishes can wait. You embodying, feeling, being, creating, acting upon, creating… singing… dancing…creating… It matters more! Y...