Sunday, July 24, 2022

You are embodied celebration! Quantum Gold Mastermind

It's safe to be embodied celebration again. It's safe to be you. Go in there (inside yourself) and find her/him. The little queen/king. The jovial, happy, cant-ever-get-enough of life one. The sweet, innocent heart one. The playful, innocent, only knows joy and unlimited expansion, one. Set her free. Bring her out. Help her feel safe. Tell her she's beautiful.

It's safe now to celebrate.

You are embodied celebration. You are Queen. You are King. All of us are! The true nature of humanity is the innocent child of God heart! 

What's in your heart? What wants to come out and play?

It is not what you DO that gives you value. It is inherent in you BEING, that is your value. And your value is infinite! Literally immortal. Endless...You are drop of the ocean of God, are you not?

So, even though we know very well that your reasons for not being all of you, or for not knowing that you are amazing, or for hiding, or for playing small, or for not connecting with others, or fot not just GOING FOR what makes you really really happy, or for not acting upon the visions of your heart.....ARE REAL!!!

These sweet hiding patterns ARE 100% VALID!!!

Are they not also a bit boring?

Would you not truly like to be up on the edge of a clif singing your heart out? Singing your Soul song? Letting it all out?

That's what I thought :)

Let's get you up there! 

What creations want to be born of you? Do you know that you are a creation in motion? That you are creation creating? You are literally an emobdiment of the God force! 

We are all the energy of God! As one of my beautiful coaches says, we are of the energy that makes worlds! 

This week in Quantum Gold Mastermind I'm having all the laides bring a phot of themself when they were a little tike. :)

We're going to be re-igniting our natural energy of being embodied celebration!!!

Little jubilee beings of light sound happy dances and creation!!!!

THIS is the soul of business....or at least it is in my world! 

You again, as you were, as you'll always be....happy dancing creating Soul :)

You're reading to hop back in the saddle as the endless joy being that you are! To let the energies of creation that you ARE.... CREATE!!! In the way that you are meant to! 

My favorite thing about this Mastermind space is the celebrating that we all do of each other!!!! Of our beingness, of our Souls and of our business achievements! Freedom :)

I would love to chat with you about joining! Bring a photo of you as a little one, too :) DM me for more details about the Quantum Gold Mastermind and you can be on your first healing and coaching call with me this week!

(or email me at

All the love,


Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Spiritual Healing

Soul level healing means light opening up spiritually from the inside. In a way that it naturally uplifts, heals, clears and transmutes bound patterns in the subconscious...right outa' the body!

When I open a session for healing, I am looking at the person's whole energy field. I see what energy patterns need to open up and clear. The goal is always for their FULL soul expression.

So the levels that clear include; inner child, soul and spirit. THROUGH the body.

It is multidimensional work. So the patterns we work through go accross time and dimensions. It's fairly common that we do soul retrieval work from past lifetimes.

I also am just mezmerized by how the soul mission, business blue print and sacred money relationship also get born from the inside!

I honestly find this work to be SO beautiful!!! I am just honored every day to lead healing in the way that I do.

I currently have spaces open for my highest level of 1:1 healing and mentorship. Just email me to chat about this. 


MORE is actually natural !

It's ok to want more. It's ok to want to be more of yourself. It's ok to want more money. It's ok to want to give more. It's ok to want to receive more. MORE is natural. It's the natural state of the second chakra. It's a receiving chakra. It's what it does! I don't know what happens to this chakra in people, but I see all sorts of f*cked uppedness!

How much learning goes down telling people NOT to express, NOT to want, NOT to be more, NOT to be their WHOLE self??!! hmm? A LOT OF THAT SH*T! 

Generations worth...many.

So let's unlock, shall we?

What needs to come undone? What needs to open up? What do you need to feel safe to be MORE to have more to do more to create more to earn more to expand more to have more fun? one long run on sentence YES. 

Feel the overwhelm of saying YES to yourself yet?


Don't turn away. Don't go numb out. Cry if you must. Let it all out baby. 

This is the dial turning up on YOU

This is your time to shine

This is your time to be set free!!!

There does not have to be waiting period

There does not have to be another shoe to drop

You don't have to lose anyone or anything

There doesn't have to be a crisis before your sunrise

You get to just choose to be you

Unlocked. Ready. Excited! 

This is your inner soul sunrise into majesty. Into pleasure through being you. Into more joy, more money, more expression, more power.....MORE ! 


10 weeks with me in Inner Soul Mastery...lets gooooooo

Join here now:

xo Katie

The dishes can wait.

  Sister, The dishes can wait. You embodying, feeling, being, creating, acting upon, creating… singing… dancing…creating… It matters more! Y...