Friday, November 26, 2021


For SO MANY YEARS I made things harder than they needed to be.

Love, business, success.

Very often the notion that 'everything is actually ok' still sounds like hogwash to me!

The reasons for this are justified. My brain was wired for people pleasing, for taking the long way round to avoid conflict, being attached to scarcity because that was what I knew....all these patterns have been neural pathways in my brain...long winding inneficient pathways...and ones that absolutely DO NOT lead to love, business or success. They lead to coping, surviving, getting by and being alone.

It's not's just inneficient and doesn't produce the results most of us ACTUALLY want. happiness, love, success etc.

To create different outer results, we have to forge new, efficient, love based neural pathways in our brains.

This is why I do my best to care for my brain, body, heart, energy field, relationship and money...with conscious choices.

I can't do just one, it has to be THEM ALL.

This is also why for thanksgiving I'm creating a πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—FRIDAY GRATITUDE SPECIALπŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—

If you are like me and would like to quantum upgrade your relationship to yourself, to your brain, to your body, to your relationship and to your wealth creation.....essentially INSIDE the DECISIONS you make to care for all of these...YOU'LL LOVE THIS!!!

This inner healing journey reveals the EPIC LIMITLESS you that you ACTUALLY ALREADY ARE inside :)

I'm offering all of this because it feels tingly and happy in my heart to do so. Because I love and appreciate you all SOOOOO freakin' much. And because I believe in the TRUE humanity, that is kind, that is heart open, that is innately abundant...and who all deserve to be LIVING THAT LIFE NOW. Because it is WHO WE ACTUALLY ARE.

This special is available now through Sunday at noon CST.

What you get:

Take your cake 2 part Masterclass series to ACTIVATE YOUR NATURAL GOD GIVEN ABILITY TO DECIDE how life gets to be for you in every area. SUPER powerful heart healing, activation to be the decision maker of your reality, and puts you on the wealthy throne of your life. This is the shift out of the linear past/present/future life into the limitless quantum life experience (regular price $511)

Journey to Sacred Union *7 module online course*. This one takes you on a profound multidimensional energy healing experience to heal your inner sexual energy, relationship to your body and join in union with the divine inside yourself. It is 10 guided healing meditations & journal prompts to integrate the work. (regular price $99)

WOMEN REMEMBER home study program! 6 months worth of my most powerful guided womb healing, heart healing and money healing. 12 soul birth sessions that clear your inner pathways multidimensionally for love, pleasure and wealth. Your dashboard for this home study course also includes 'The heart of a girl' that heals your inner teenager to believe in herself. (regular price $333)

A 1 month trial in my current LIVE GROUP MEMBERSHIP Soul Freedom 😍😍😍 The weekly group sessions I'm leading currently in Soul Freedom are literally blowing my mind. Afterwards I sit in awe at the work I get to do. The women inside this container are experiencing profound trauma healing, heart opening, embodying their REAL INFINITE WORTH, healing their ability to hold lots of cash in their life through their Soul led businesses and doing it all within the context of heart open healed sisterhood. GET IN THIS. (regular price $499)

We've all been through A LOT OF SHIT the last few years and it's do or die time now. We can either go down very known inneficient pathways that create more of what we've created before. OR we can ACTIVATE OUR POWER TO DECIDE that we know our real worth now, that we make life decisions (mind/body/love/wealth) that ACTUALLY HONOR OUR SOULS, we can WAKE THIS PARTY UP, we can actively participate in the turning of the tides of consiousness on this planet.


This bundle I've create supports a soul to CHOOSE AND CREATE what they ACTUALLY WANT TO CREATE in their lives, rather than letting old trauma or subconsious "safe" conditioning lead.

I BELIEVE IN YOU and your real dreams 1000%. Let's do this.

The regular monetary value of the Take your Cake masterclasses, The Journey to Sacred Union course, The Women Remember home study program and a full month trial in my current live memberhsip Soul Freedom is $1442. For GRATITUDE FRIDAY I'll give it all to you for $422

***VIP option that includes 2 60 min quantum healing and success calls with me & 3 FULL MONTHS IN THE SOUL FREEDOM MASTERMIND for $777***

Message me directly NOW to snag this deal for yourSELF! TO BE THE REAL YOU NOW. ACTUALIZED.

With all of these tools to pull from, all of this love and all of this support you can absolutely have your most centered, empowered and financially successful year so far ALL IN ALIGNMENT WITH YOUR SOUL.

Cheers to your quantum growth!

See you on the inside.

πŸ™Katie Awake

The dishes can wait.

  Sister, The dishes can wait. You embodying, feeling, being, creating, acting upon, creating… singing… dancing…creating… It matters more! Y...