On the process of becoming resilient & unf*ckwithable inside.
It is actually a choice. Though it won't feel like one at first, or for a while. Depending on our early life self-value programming.. how we were or weren't listened to...how we were or weren't valued...how we were or weren't TRULY SEEN... what patterns of self-value we mimicked from the adults around us ALSO... we bring in patterns of self-value from past lifetimes that will also need clearing. So, when we can look at our patterns of HOW WE SEE OURSELF, without judgement, without condemnation, without wishing it was different, without blame... just allowing our self concept to BE AS IT IS. Well, then, we have something to work with! What I suggest is GETTING TO KNOW the energetic experience within yourself. Pay attention WITHIN to feel, see & know HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT YOURSELF. Without judgment. Just let the energies BE AS THEY ARE. The more neutral self-observation the better. This process of observing your inner terrain of how you interpret YOURSELF..is EVERYTHING! This will show you the inner valleys, mountains, rivers and dark nooks of how your inner self functions. Before you can upgrade, you have to be with how things are. Notice what little life experiences, conversations, comments from others, triggers... effect your sense of self inside. Remember all energy is just energy: neutral. The reactions you may feel inside increasing or decreasing your sense of self worth are ALL OK AND NEUTRAL. The interpretations you give inner reactions are also neutral. There is no good or bad inner state. Even that pesky reaction many of us have of dipping into feeling we're no good. So...have I made my point? All energy states inside, all reactions, all interpretations of SELF are ok and neutral. Now comes the fun part. As you bring the light of your own consciousness to these energetics within THEY NEUTRALIZE, ALCHEMIZE aka HEAL. Sunflowers naturally turn towards the sun and so do you. Remove the shackles of your own judment of YOURSELF, quit copying how any bullies or meanies or abusers treated you and RISE. They were wrong about you. Let your Soul naturally turn towards the SUN, the way you naturally do. Allow the effortless sunrise of your Soul. Into freedom, into free expression, into dance, into song, into rest, into steps of caring for yourself, into being you in your relationships, into creation of soul led business...into IT ALL. It gets easier and easier to CHOOSE to not let self-worth dip into the dark inside, choose to keep it high. CHOOSE to not let outer influences, especially negative ones who actually do want to pull you down, affect you anymore. After a while those old tethers just aren't there anymore. If you resonate with my energy, I do currently have 3 spaces open for SOUL SUNRISE :) This is a 6 month 1:1 quantum healing & coaching container with me. For your true healing & your rise. The way you are destined to :) pm me to chat about this! All the love in the universe, Katie Awake Somatic Shamanic Healer & Soul Coach
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