Friday, September 10, 2021

On sharing your Soul Genius.

Sometimes our hearts feel afraid to share.. because we’ve been hurt, rejected or worse .. when we were seen in our authenticity.

Those wounds are real AND there also comes a time to heal them & develop a more keen style of boundaries - a style that doesn’t sacrifice our soul genius being shared with the world & understands that in our full embodied light - WE ARE SAFE ✨

Eternal you can’t ever be hurt or destroyed & soul fragments from trauma can now be re-assimilated into your Soul.

I call this Soul Birth. πŸŒˆπŸ™πŸΌπŸŒˆ

If you would LOVE a chance to win 6 months of FREE healing and coaching with me, pm me directly and I will add you to my event coming up 10/12/21.

All the love in the universe,

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

I'm here for the real ones...

I’m here for the real ones ✨

The ones who are alive inside

The ones breaking out of the matrix, the ones here on purpose, to wake shit up, to stir shit up, to unleash the truths that roar in their souls keeping them up at night ✨

Who can’t be quieted, who must be set free, who have to be let loose!

With so much inside you how can you pretend to be small any longer?

With SO many you’re meant to help.. how can you not do it?


Walk away from who or what stifles you


You are God inside, that’s who you are, God is not separate from you

Anything/anyone preaching that God is far away, is lying

Anything said that you have to EARN worth or love, is lying


She is your energy, your force, your love, your voice

She is the glitter shimmering while you’re reading

She is you

Return to yourself

Call yourselves in

Emanate light from within

As all the pieces of you unite as one inside YOU ARE FREE

You are the YOU that you always have KNOWN you are ✨


Soul Freedom Live begins 9/18, we have 19 women in so far

This will be a free 2 week webinar series that I will lead in my healing modality Inner Soul Mastery - and I’ll give away 6 months free of healing & coaching to one person 😍

If you want to:
πŸ’™Recover & integrate inner child aspects from trauma
πŸ’™Heal & upgrade your self identity
πŸ’™Surrender to BEING the amazing Soul that you ALREADY ARE in love & in business

Reply to me directly from this email to be added to the free group :)

(((ps.. if you are ready for a deeper 1:1 dive with me, I also have just 3 spots open for Soul Sunrise..this is an intensive ALL LEVELS HEALING program... email me directly to chat about this)))

All the love in the universe,

The dishes can wait.

  Sister, The dishes can wait. You embodying, feeling, being, creating, acting upon, creating… singing… dancing…creating… It matters more! Y...