Sunday, February 28, 2021

You have ALWAYS been light inside. Let's set her free.

Hello love! Remember how you felt inside when you were small? No thoughts, just normal, ongoing, excited bliss? Endless creativity? Non-stop ideas and games? This is your Soul! This is your natural state. This can be uncovered. Even if you DIDN'T have the opportunity to be her when you were small, she can still be found now. 

 Together, we'll remember how. 

 And this way, this LIGHT way, your natural soulful-self, can become HOW you are in relationship with yourself, with your partner, in all your relationships and in Soul-led business. I made this video for you tonight. Feel free to reply to me directly from this email with any questions, and you can read more and enroll for WOMEN REMEMBER here. Our first Soul Birth session is Thursday. In WOMEN REMEMBER I lead 2 Soul Birth sessions every month. These are a combination of Somatic Shamanic healing, quantum healing, and inner child healing. We will invoke together the codes of our Soul's blueprint for your destined life. Which begins with a re-birth of truth, passion and purpose inside you. As you heal, and joy becomes more easy and natural, this bubbles over into every area of your life. I can't wait to work with you! I will also be creating and adding new trainings to your dashboard every month, and likely more often because I'm overflowing with ideas for you about increasing self-worth, leading business from Soul, inner child healing, feminine energy embodiment, heart healing....and so much more. ALL of this, everything I add, is yours for a very nice price I believe of just $55/ month and you can stay on monthly as long as you like. Enjoy this video to hear more from me, reach out to me with questions and enroll here before Thursday. Big big love, Katie

Friday, February 26, 2021

What energy do you embody day to day?

It really chaps my hide, and always has, people being hurt by allllll of these oppressive industries on our planet. I'm even a tad nervous now that I'll be persecuted now on some subtle internet way, for writing about this. But I just explode inside staying quiet! So, here I am writing. It's all of them you know. Medical, food, drug, governmental...all with their chemical laden mind programming ways of keeping people submissive, drugged up, compliant and numb to the actual source of their abuse, which is darker than I care to tap into and write about, but if you know you know. Most of my clients do, not all, but most. I feel awakening and real healing as a human being on this planet comes down sovereign do you want to be? How lonely are you willing to feel along your awakening journey? How free do you want to be? How much are you willing to let your social circle shrink? lol but really. Are you willing to see that its best not to be dependent on any outside force, especially one that is corrupt and run by companies who poison people? Who also are involved with the both political party leaders in the US? You must only trust your own intuition with God inside to guide you through your life, and nature, trust nature....sigh...but this is just my view. Have whatever view and choices, that you wish. Maybe since you've gotten this far in reading my rant here, you feel somewhat the same. Or maybe you're reading to judge me and leave some gnarley comment. le sigh. I am on a path of total truth and freedom, and birthing my Soul's work louder and louder, impacting more and more souls as I go. Particularly women. I REALLY love getting Women free from shame and guilt based systems. And guiding them to reclaim their inner authority. Then it must be noted, that they, we, I, us, we all need to surrender to our innate feminine nature. Of being water. of being the ocean. of being love, of living with wide open hearts, of practicing being sensual and beautiful again, of enjoying being sexual, of enjoying being brilliant, of enjoying having a brilliant unique Soul just overflowing with creative ideas that we channel into successful businesses... of having wildly fun, romantic and soulfully fulfilling relationships. You get to have it all and be it all. You do! Trust me. It feels crazy and unsafe at first. Then you start to peek out. Then you start to consider it CAN indeed be for you, was in fact, all along. You may have just forgotten. Bliss and sexiness and success isn't just for all the other girls, it's for you darling, and I can show you how. We start with trauma healing, this is my bread and butter, we unwind you from your limited self-perceptions from childhood....from there God unwinds you from the inside. I have the honor of midwifing your re-birth. That's how we do it!!! Who's in?? Our contracts to work together were set before birth, and I can almost garauntee this will not be our first time working together. In massive & indestructible love, Katie Here's a little video I made for you today, enjoy! PM me for more info on 1:1 work or about Women Remember, the memberhsip.

The dishes can wait.

  Sister, The dishes can wait. You embodying, feeling, being, creating, acting upon, creating… singing… dancing…creating… It matters more! Y...