Monday, February 20, 2017

There is no separation

The physical world only appears separate from spirit. Physical matter IS energy moving slowly enough to appear physical. Spirit, soul, emotions, thoughts, and etheric body are all layered into and through and as the physical body!!!!! So much suffering because we only acknowledge the physical world :( So much JOY is possible when we FEEL ourselves AS spirit!!!! Everything changes.

Doubt means reconnect!!!

Doubt is a phenomena that exists and is felt because we're disconnected from our inner self. She's there, as always, ready and waiting to be appreciated, respected, and moves into action! Doubt can be our signal that our focus has wandered away from our true source. You are your own source. We are, each of us, source God, in form.

Really nothing in the physical world can bring fulfillment. Only experiencing ourself and life through the ENERGY that we ARE is ultimate fulfillment. As we acknowledge ourself as an energetic being more and more this ripples out into our physical life. The more balanced we become energetically the more balanced our physical life becomes too. The energy that we are longs to be manifest in the PHYSICAL. To move from Doubt into Joy just feel the energy that you ARE, and let that energy guide the next move :)

Doubt is a signal to re-orient with your inner guidance - energetic feelings, intuition, knowings, hunches, messages from guides, signs, spiritual visions - these are more trustworthy than thoughts. Thought forms have been floating around on this planet forever passed from one generation to the next. So much fear passed around in thought form. Better to trust spiritual feelings :)

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Katie's got a new work space

Funny.. I started this blog when I changed my name from Katie to Kate, I embraced Kaitlin for a while and now Katie is feeling like home again :)

Three in one, one in three.

I've got a new work space in St. Paul for energy readings, Global Somatics TM, and Reiki. It's a quaint, simple space. I like it. I get to work sharing a building with acupuncture, massage, and chiropractic practitioners. Currently I see clients Mondays and Thursdays. I act as a mirror for clients to better understand themselves.

The work I guide begins and ends with inner child joy. We all seem to be looking for this. The inner child IS joy. The inner child IS God's love. The inner child IS life. Our sacred sexuality IS the same pure innocence. See, that's a map I just drew. It's a circle. There is only now, there is only love.

Everyone's on their own unique journey; truth is simple. Love is all that we are. And truth is complicated because we've all been through a lot and we've all got a lot of knots to untie. I see that all the work circles us back into a pure love feeling that we naturally are. If you would like to explore working with me as a client you can call me for a free 15 min phone consult 612-916-0325.

with love,

The dishes can wait.

  Sister, The dishes can wait. You embodying, feeling, being, creating, acting upon, creating… singing… dancing…creating… It matters more! Y...