Monday, February 3, 2014

Power Poem by Rebekah Shaman

We think we're victims but we just don't see

We are whoever we choose to be

For every decision we make in the present

The seed of the future is inherent

Our parents have taught us another idea

Passed down through generations but based on fear

And now we've forgotten why we are here

We cling to the past, worry what's coming next

We seem to live our lives in constant regret

But we are beginning to awake and starting to remember

As the Creator stokes the evolutionary embers

And every member of the human race

Will soon have to find their place on the evolutionary scale

Though wherever you are you cannot fail

Its just Mother Earth is moving in opposite directions

Based on our subconscious reflections

So if you choose to fear and hate

That is what will be your fate

You're state of mind will draw to you

Fear and Hate in all you say and do

But if instead you choose love and tranquillity

You will start to live in your true divinity

As the Gods and Goddesses that we really are

Illuminating the light from our great Star

For this physical body is not really here

It's a hologram of light that was originally clear

But over time it’s been tainted by fear and greed

That was not part of the DNA program of our original seed

And if you heed what I am saying it’s because we can no longer hide

It's time to let go and stop the fight and to accept that we are being led

By following our Hearts and not our heads

For we have already made the decision and only in the stillness can we listen

In order to envision what we want to manifest

We no longer need to guess or walk through life with closed eyes

It's time to open them, spread wings and fly

To the next dimension that is ready and waiting

Pure and untouched with love its pulsating

Radiating peace and harmony for us to start again

As pure light beings in this new game

Because whatever we do now we cannot stop

Mother Earth's need to purge the rot

So stop falling victim to this 3D reality

That has kept us locked in Karmic causality

Radiate love and light from your inner soul

And it will be returned to you 1000 fold

For all of us are aspects of the Creator that is the ALL

And in the silence you can hear the call

Of the Great Goddess who has come to help us out

All we need to do is trust without doubt

And start living Life as a wonderful and magical gift

And remember to smile as the earth shifts.........

The dishes can wait.

  Sister, The dishes can wait. You embodying, feeling, being, creating, acting upon, creating… singing… dancing…creating… It matters more! Y...