Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Awakening

This is shared from another blog, author unknown.... enjoy!

Monday, August 26, 2013

drop the label, what's really going on?

Helloooooo there,

I'm not a fan of labels. Today I'm thinking of disease or illness labels. I think they're too vague and once a person identifies with their label they believe it to be them and it becomes their reality. We have all been through a lot, many of us have been incarnating on Earth for a LONG time. The whole universe, everything that's ever happened on the planet, is stored in each of our DNA strands. And more strands are being activated now! yipee! This means there is a lot of emotional clearing to do. The more you resist emotion or experience the louder it gets, the body breaks out in rashes, there is constipation, coughing, cancer cell growth. The body is screaming out to be listened to! Get quiet, drink water, un plug and tune in to your self. The soul knows what it needs. Aplogize, forgive your self, forgive those who have hurt you, take a laughter yoga class, find some joy!! What is the lesson, what is the message? Follow it, begin to trust that inner knowing. I am so happy that we're moving into a new age, where healing modalities from all over the world are become more accepted and talked about.

Katie Awake Online 

I midwife my clients through soul birth of their infinite potential; through and beyond childhood and past life trauma.  The result for them is more happiness now, more pleasure in their bodies, soul mate relationships, more money & the birth of their sacred work further into the world

Ways to work with me: 

Full year or 90 days of unlimited quantum healing & soul coaching.

Individual sessions of 3 hours or 1 hour. 

Women Remember ♥️🌹 a monthly membership that is an all access pass to my best trauma healing and soul birth work. Plus a continuously growing library of audio healings & trainings that I add to every month. $55/ month. No contract; stay as long as you feel called to. 

Free group quantum healing in my Facebook group + more intimate live videos with me: 

Facebook @Katie Awake

Instagram @katie_awake 

In massive & indestructible love, 


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

What does your heart say?

The flame in my heart ignites when I hear, read or see Truth. With a capital T. Universal law, real human history, stories of miraculous healings, sunrises... we've all had these experiences when we exit time-space, our eyes open wide and tears well up from within. We've been conditioned for a while now to believe that God is outside of us, away somewhere, seperate, on a cloud. This is not true. The veil is coming down. The veil between our retinas and our brains. The subconscious is becoming conscious. The conditioning comes from the TV mostly (it's called PROGRAMMING, we've been programmed) funny thing is we all agreed to this game, so ok, but it's ending now.... mainstream media, commercials, pharmaceutical companies and their ads, hollywood, the newspaper.. one notices after having the TV programming on for extended periods of time one enters a trance-like state, willing to watch lower and lower quality. The programming tells us what to wear, how to think, what to strive towards...always reaching for something more, something outside of us to make us happy. The news keeps us believing that we are all seperate from God and in fear of one another. That is the perfect equation for unhapiness and dissapointment. un plug. demand better. Hapiness, Joy, Love these vibrations exist within you! You are divine! Remember! There was a time when we were all connected to Mother Earth, craddled, held, in gratitude we loved her and she loved us. She is waking up now, we are remembering now, we're on the upswing!! Seperateness doesn't fly anymore. Walk with your barefeet on the grass and remember your connection to Mother Earth. She graciously embraces our fears, anxieties, dreads... and fills us with her loving energy. Walk barefoot on the earth and remember who you are. You are the Divine. Ignite the flame within your heart. What is more beautiful than a human who's light is ON and walks with the humble knowing that THE UNIVERSE exists within them??? Deep within we all long for this.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

this is my dream

I want to work with pre-teens.  I want to guide them to feel their power.  To understand, feel, sense, honor and love their natural cycles.  With pictures, readings, explorations, yoga, breath, meditation, conversation, active listening, exploring ancestry, motivational interviewing, Global Somatics, Reiki.. I want to help them love who they are.  Love their bodies, their minds and their souls.  I want them to feel worthy of loving, supportive, interdependent relationships.  I want to help youth feel their potential and light the fires in their hearts and make their lives into what they want!

What is this feeling of dread?

That is a question I had started to ask myself hmmm.. about a year ago..  I had become aware that I was always slightly dreading everything I did.  I could feel this heaviness come up energetically before social events, grocery shopping, in relationships and yes, even teaching a yoga class... ah, darn, I'm not perfect.

This is something I've been trying to figure out for a while.  Today while I was teaching my second morning class at CPY Woodbury, IT HIT ME!  Hallelujah.  I realized that the old-belief/thought pattern went something like this:  "What's the point of giving fully if I know it's going to end someday?"  There have been a few milestones in getting me to this realization.  I recognized the strong clinging I had/have to 'positive' experiences, I cling tighter to 'good' then I do to 'bad'.   

This morning I was cueing my class to breath 'all the way in' and 'all the way out', the words hadn't ever come that that way before, and they were doing it, for an hour!  and it was AMAZING.  What a power group of yogis.  I feeling them give love all the way out and breath it all the way in.

I want to be engaged fully with my students, with the people I love in my life, with my schooling, the the butterflies, with the cricket I found on the studio floor this morning, with people I encounter at coffee shops and stores... I want to CELEBRATE this life.  Each person or experience like a bright, rainbow firework shooting across the sky of my life.  I celebrate fully and am grateful BECAUSE I recognize they won't always be here, even if it's through death, eventually all experiences cease, and then something new is born of the ashes.  The source of all life is always expanding, condensing, transforming, transmuting... enjoy these forms while they are here!  To stay partway closed up, fearing the loss of the relationship/yoga class/ice cream cone/job/experience is a life partway enjoyed.

Thank you amazing yogis for guiding me to this truth.  Namaste.

The dishes can wait.

  Sister, The dishes can wait. You embodying, feeling, being, creating, acting upon, creating… singing… dancing…creating… It matters more! Y...